The Critical Battle Against Cell Phone Radiation

In today’s hyper-connected world, wireless technology is ubiquitous—from smartphones and laptops to Wi-Fi routers and 5G networks. While these advancements have revolutionized how we communicate and access information, they come with significant, often overlooked health risks. RF Safe ( is at the forefront of advocating for the protection of public health against the dangers of electromagnetic radiation (EMR). As we approach the 2024 election, it is imperative to recognize that addressing these issues is not just a scientific necessity but a critical policy imperative. Surprisingly, mainstream media outlets have largely ignored these pressing concerns, leaving the public uninformed and leaders unchallenged. It is time to bring these vital issues to the forefront and demand action from our elected officials.

Two Crucial Policy Actions We Must Take Now

There are two paramount actions that governments worldwide must undertake to safeguard public health from the risks associated with RF radiation:

  1. Restore National Toxicology Program (NTP) Funding
  2. Update Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Guidelines

These actions are not just important—they are essential for protecting our children and future generations from the hidden dangers of EMR exposure.

1. Restore National Toxicology Program (NTP) Funding

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) has been instrumental in uncovering the severe health risks posed by RF radiation. Their comprehensive research found “clear evidence” linking RF radiation to cancer, including malignant brain tumors (gliomas) and heart tumors (schwannomas) in animal studies. Despite these alarming findings, the Biden administration halted further research, leaving a critical gap in our understanding of RF radiation’s long-term health effects.

Why This Matters:

Our Demand:

The government must immediately restore funding and support for the NTP’s research. Without this critical work, we remain in the dark about the true health implications of RF-EMF exposure, hindering the development of effective public health policies and safer technologies.

2. Update FCC Guidelines

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been operating with outdated safety guidelines established in the 1990s. These guidelines focus solely on the thermal effects of RF radiation—the heating of tissues—while neglecting the non-thermal biological effects that modern science has conclusively linked to serious health risks.

Why This Matters:

Our Demand:

Governments must mandate the FCC to update its safety guidelines to incorporate both thermal and non-thermal effects of RF radiation. This update is crucial for ensuring comprehensive protection of public health and compelling manufacturers to adopt safer technologies.

Why These Issues Deserve Immediate Attention

These two policy actions are among the most critical challenges we face today. Yet, they remain largely unaddressed by mainstream media and political discourse. The failure to act not only endangers public health but also undermines trust in regulatory institutions.

The Media’s Silence:

Despite the overwhelming scientific evidence, no major media outlet has sufficiently covered the health risks associated with RF radiation. This silence allows misinformation to flourish and prevents the public from understanding the severity of the issue.

A Pivotal Moment for Policy Change:

Just as the shift from a geocentric to a heliocentric model transformed our understanding of the universe, updating RF radiation policies based on current science is essential to revolutionize our understanding of the human body and protect our health.

Take Action: Demand Leadership and Accountability

To address these urgent issues, we must hold our elected officials accountable and demand that they prioritize public health over corporate interests. Here’s how you can make a difference:

  1. Ask Candidates Their Stances:
    • Reach Out: Contact your local, state, and national candidates to ask where they stand on restoring NTP funding and updating FCC guidelines.
    • Demand Clarity: Insist that candidates provide clear, evidence-based plans to address RF radiation risks.
  2. Raise Awareness:
    • Share Information: Use social media and community platforms to spread credible information about the health risks of RF radiation.
    • Educate Others: Host or participate in informational sessions to educate your community about the importance of these issues.
  3. Support Legislative Efforts:
    • Advocate for Laws: Back legislation that mandates stricter radiation emission standards and promotes the development of safer wireless technologies.
    • Lobby for Change: Join advocacy groups like RF Safe to amplify your voice and support collective efforts for policy reform.
  4. Practice Safe Technology Use:
    • Reduce Exposure: Use wired connections, limit cell phone use, and keep devices away from your body, especially for children.
    • Encourage Safe Practices: Promote safe usage habits within your household and community to minimize unnecessary RF-EMF exposure.

A Plea for Protection: Fixing Policy Failures

The missteps of the Biden administration in halting NTP research and allowing outdated FCC guidelines to persist must be rectified. As John Coates, RF Safe’s founder, passionately states:

“Please promise the American people you will fix these Biden errors and protect America’s children!”

Conclusion: A Collective Responsibility

RF Safe is dedicated to cutting through the misinformation and advocating for policies that truly protect public health. By restoring NTP funding and updating FCC guidelines, we can ensure a safer environment for ourselves and future generations. These actions are not merely policy changes—they are essential steps to safeguard our health in an increasingly wireless world.

As we approach the 2024 election, let us make it clear that protecting public health from RF radiation is one of the most important issues we face. It is time to move beyond scientific debate and implement the necessary policies to protect our children and future generations. Visit RF Safe to learn more, get involved, and join the movement to protect our future.

For more information or to get involved, contact John Coates at 727-610-1188.