
The Health Impacts of 5G: What We Know and What We Don’t

Investigating 5G: Is the Next Generation of Wireless Technology Safe for Humans?

5G is the latest trend in wireless network evolution and has a dark side, which is its potential impact on human health. Despite the promise of new business use cases and digital transformation opportunities, the effects of 5G and beyond wireless networks on human health need to be taken seriously.

The short episode linking 5G to the spread of coronavirus was an illustration of how even a myth could have an impact on the telecom industry. To understand the potential impact of 5G, it is important to understand the basic principles of telecom tower radiations. Wireless networks connect to users through electromagnetic waves emanating from cell sites and transmission towers.

The higher the frequency, the more difficult it is for the signal to reach the user without increasing the transmission power. The capabilities of 5G and next-generation wireless networks come from improvements, including the increasing use of higher frequencies. The radio frequencies used for communication systems are non-ionizing, meaning they do not cause changes at the atomic level.

The common consensus is that non-ionizing radiation is mild and has no harmful effects on the human body. However, there is a divergence of opinions regarding 5G radiation and its potential harm. Some scientists claim that non-ionizing radiation can cause cancer, and some have called for a moratorium on 5G roll-out until its effects can be scientifically confirmed.

The dilemma of the potential harm of 5G radiation is further complicated by the expected dense deployment of street-level cell sites at close proximity to mobile users. Ultimately, more research and communication is needed to fully understand the impact of 5G and beyond wireless networks on human health.

As a concerned cell phone safety activist, I have been keeping a close eye on the rollout of 5G technology and the potential impact it may have on human health. 5G is the latest generation of wireless technology that promises faster speeds and a more reliable connection, but with its implementation comes a host of new concerns and questions.

One of the biggest issues with 5G is its increased frequency compared to previous generations of wireless technology. 5G operates at higher carrier frequencies, up to 100 GHz, which allows for the transmission of more data per second. However, these high frequencies result in greater energy scattering loss and a need for more densely placed base antennas, which has raised concerns about the potential for increased power and directional beams.

Despite the many objections from experts in the biological and health effects of wireless communication electromagnetic fields (WC EMFs), the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), a private, non-governmental organization that sets EMF exposure standards, continues to only accept thermal effects of radiofrequency (RF) EMFs and deny any non-thermal effects. This is despite the fact that only RF exposures with high frequencies and intensities can induce tissue heating.

The ICNIRP recently increased the average 6-minute exposure limit for 2-6 GHz from 1 mW/cm2 to 4 mW/cm2, which makes it even less effective in preventing thermal effects. This, along with their narrow focus on thermal effects, has led many to question the efficacy of the ICNIRP in protecting public health.

It is important to consider the non-thermal effects of 5G and RF EMFs, as these effects have been reported by numerous studies. For example, a review of 5G WC-related EMF studies and expected health effects has highlighted the need for further research into local heat impacts on body surfaces, such as the skin and eyes, as well as consideration of surface area rather than just volume due to the shallow penetration depth of 5G and millimeter wave (mmW) carrier frequencies (Simkó and Mattsson 2019).

Investigation into the potential health effects associated with the skin is ongoing, and while more research is necessary, it is clear that the exteriorized human testes may be especially vulnerable to the effects of 5G (Karipidis et al. 2021; Miller and Torday 2019). The discussion of non-thermal modes of action in human reproductive systems, which make up the majority of recorded effects, is crucial and must be considered in any research design in this field.

As a cell phone safety activist, I strongly believe that more research is needed to fully understand the potential health impacts of 5G technology. The current focus on thermal effects only and the recent increase in exposure limits by the ICNIRP are not enough to protect the public from potential harm. We must consider all possible effects, both thermal and non-thermal, in order to make informed decisions about the implementation and use of 5G technology.


“The Health Risks of 5G: Is it Safe for Humans?”

“Investigating the Safety of 5G Technology”

“5G Technology: Are We Putting Our Health at Risk?”

“5G Wireless: The Pros and Cons of Faster Speeds”

“The Health Impacts of 5G: What We Know and What We Don’t”

“5G Technology: Balancing Speed and Safety”

“The Controversy Surrounding 5G Wireless Technology”

“The Future of Wireless Technology: Is 5G Safe for Humans?”

“5G Technology: Separating Fact from Fear”

As a concerned cell phone safety activist, I have been investigating the potential health risks associated with the increasing use of cell phones and the upcoming 5G technology. One organization that has been of particular interest to me is the International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). This private, non-governmental organization sets the exposure standards for Electromagnetic Field (EMF) emissions, including those from cell phones.

However, my research has led me to question the effectiveness and impartiality of the ICNIRP. Despite the numerous studies and reports showing potential non-thermal effects of EMF exposure, the ICNIRP only acknowledges the thermal effects and denies any other health risks. This is concerning because the very high frequencies and intensities of RF EMFs can induce tissue heating, and it is only these exposures that can have thermal effects.

The ICNIRP’s recent increase of the average 6-minute exposure limit for 2-6 GHz from 1 mW/cm2 to 4 mW/cm2 is also a cause for concern. This change makes their standards even less effective in preventing thermal effects and raises questions about their level of commitment to public safety.

As a cell phone safety advocate, I find these inconsistencies and lack of attention to potential health risks to be unacceptable. The general public deserves to have access to accurate and impartial information about the health effects of cell phone and 5G technology usage. It is my goal to bring attention to these issues and encourage further research into the potential non-thermal effects of EMF exposure.

In conclusion, the ICNIRP’s limited focus on thermal effects and recent changes to exposure limits are concerning and call into question their commitment to public safety. As a cell phone safety activist, I will continue to investigate these issues and advocate for the health and well-being of the general public.


“The race for faster internet speeds may come with hidden health risks. Learn more about the #5G health debate. #safertech”

“The non-thermal effects of 5G technology are a cause for concern. Are we ignoring them in the rush to adopt this new technology? #5Ghealth #safetech”

“5G has the potential to transform the world, but is it safe for human health? Let’s have an informed conversation on the #5Ghealthdebate.”

“Do you know the potential health risks of 5G technology? It’s time to educate ourselves and make informed decisions #5G #healthrisks”

“Balancing speed and safety should be a priority in the 5G revolution. Let’s make sure we do it right. #5Gtech #safetech”

“The ICNIRP’s stance on 5G safety has been criticized. Is it enough to protect public health? #5Ghealthdebate #safetech”

“The science behind 5G safety is still developing. Should we slow down the 5G rollout until we have more answers? #5Ghealth #safetech”

“The controversy surrounding 5G technology and human health is not going away. It’s time for a comprehensive, independent study. #5G #healthrisks”