
The Importance of ALARA for Blue Light and Wireless Radiation

Protecting Our Children in the Digital Age

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In today’s digitally dominated world, screens and wireless devices are integral to our daily lives, offering unprecedented levels of convenience, connectivity, and access to information. However, this digital revolution comes with potential health implications, particularly for our children, whose developing bodies and brains are more vulnerable to environmental exposures. This blog post explores the importance of adopting the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle to minimize the risks associated with blue light and wireless radiation exposure.

 Understanding the Risks

Scientific studies have raised concerns about the impact of blue light exposure from digital screens on children’s sleep patterns and eye health. Exposure to blue light, especially before bedtime, can disrupt the natural sleep cycle, leading to sleep disturbances and associated health issues. Similarly, the potential health risks of wireless radiation have come into focus, especially following recent court rulings that criticize the FCC for not updating its safety guidelines. These developments underscore the need for a cautious approach to technology use, particularly for children.

The ALARA Principle

The ALARA principle, originating from radiation protection practices, stands for “As Low As Reasonably Achievable.” It is a safety principle designed to minimize exposure to hazards as much as possible, emphasizing precautionary measures. By applying ALARA to blue light and wireless radiation, we advocate for minimizing our children’s exposure through practical, everyday actions, reinforcing the importance of erring on the side of caution in the absence of conclusive proof of harm.

Practical Steps for Parents

Parents can adopt several strategies to reduce their children’s exposure to blue light and wireless radiation:

Advocacy and Future Directions

This blog post calls on readers to advocate for stricter regulations and safety standards for technology manufacturers, highlighting the need for ongoing research into the health impacts of digital technology use. A societal shift towards safer technology practices is crucial for protecting our most vulnerable populations—our children.


Adopting the ALARA principle offers a guiding approach to managing our children’s exposure to blue light and wireless radiation. By staying informed and proactive, parents and caregivers can play a critical role in safeguarding their children’s health in our increasingly digital world.

Call to Action – Get Informed

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The document icnirp_statement_on_short_wavelength_light. is an ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) statement on the effects of short wavelength light (SWL), defined as 380–550 nm, from artificial sources on human health. It discusses concerns about SWL exposure, particularly its potential to disrupt the human circadian rhythm and its association with adverse health outcomes. The statement reviews experimental studies and epidemiological research, addressing the lack of consensus among public health officials regarding the impact of SWL from artificial sources on circadian rhythms and health. It highlights the need for improved study methodologies to accurately assess SWL exposure and its effects, and recommends future research to fill existing data gaps. Additionally, it outlines recommendations for future studies, including specific measures for experimental and epidemiological research to better understand the effects of SWL exposure on human health.

Research on short wavelength light (SWL) and its effects on health, particularly in children, has expanded in recent years. Children’s eyes are more sensitive to blue light, the main component of SWL, due to their developing ocular lenses which filter blue light less effectively than adult lenses. This increased exposure can potentially disrupt their circadian rhythms more than adults, affecting sleep quality and overall health. Studies suggest that excessive exposure to blue light from screens and artificial lighting before bedtime can delay sleep onset in children, leading to sleep deprivation. Given these concerns, there’s growing interest in understanding the long-term impact of SWL exposure on children’s health and development, prompting calls for guidelines on screen time and the use of blue light filtering devices and apps.

Concerns are raised about regulatory bodies being slow to act on the potential risks associated with cell phone radiation and other electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have been echoed in recent legal actions and findings.

Notably, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) faced a significant lawsuit from the Environmental Health Trust (EHT) and the Children’s Health Defense (CHD), led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., which highlighted these concerns.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit ruled that the FCC failed to consider a wide range of non-cancerous health effects and environmental impacts of wireless technology when it decided to retain its 1996 radiofrequency emission guidelines. The court found the FCC’s review process and conclusions to be “arbitrary and capricious,” particularly criticizing the agency for its lack of response to evidence of harm from RF radiation at levels below its current limits, including impacts on children, wildlife, and the environment. This landmark decision mandates the FCC to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its guidelines protect public health and to address the health implications of long-term exposure to RF radiation, the ubiquity of wireless devices, and technological developments that have occurred since the last update of its guidelines.

This ruling has been hailed as a victory for public health advocacy, with the court specifically ordering the FCC to address the impacts of RF radiation on children and the environment, among other factors. It reflects growing legal and public health scrutiny over the adequacy of existing regulations to protect against the potential risks of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields, especially in the context of rapidly advancing wireless technologies, including 5G.

These developments signal a significant moment in the ongoing debate over the safety of wireless radiation and the responsibility of regulatory bodies to protect public health based on current scientific evidence. It underscores the need for updated, evidence-based guidelines that adequately consider the full spectrum of potential health risks associated with RF radiation exposure.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the original articles on Children’s Health Defense, Environmental Health Trust, and Fierce Wireless.