
The Urgent Need for Bioelectric Cancer Research and Reformed FCC Safety Guidelines

A Critical Conference on Cancer Bioelectricity

On September 12th, 2024, the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) will host a landmark conference on cancer bioelectricity, gathering top experts to delve into the electrical dimensions of cancer. The keynote speaker for this pivotal event will be Michael Levin, a distinguished professor of biology and biomedical engineering at Tufts University. The conference, open to all and conducted via Zoom, offers a unique opportunity to explore groundbreaking research that could revolutionize cancer treatment and prevention.

Why This Conference Matters

This conference is not merely another academic gathering; it represents a potential turning point in our understanding of cancer’s root causes. Bioelectricity, the electrical signals that regulate many of our body’s life functions, plays a crucial role in maintaining cellular harmony. Disruptions in these electrical properties can trigger carcinogenic processes, including tumor initiation, promotion, and progression. Levin’s work has shown compelling evidence that manipulating bioelectric signals can influence gene expression, offering new avenues for cancer treatment and prevention.

Levin’s keynote at the NCI conference is expected to deeply explore these ideas, potentially reshaping our approach to cancer detection, diagnosis, and therapy.

The Deep Connection Between Bioelectricity and Cancer

Understanding Bioelectricity: More Than Just Neurons

One of the key messages from Michael Levin’s research is that bioelectricity is not limited to neurons but is a fundamental aspect of all cells. All cells in the body, not just neurons, communicate through electrical networks that process information. This bioelectric communication is crucial for maintaining cellular functions and ensuring that cells work together toward large-scale anatomical goals. When these bioelectric signals are disrupted, it can lead to a breakdown in cellular communication, fostering an environment where cancerous cells can thrive.

Bioelectricity: A New Paradigm in Cancer Treatment

Levin’s work suggests that cancer can be detected, induced, and even normalized by manipulating bioelectric signaling. Just as the brain uses electrical networks to process information and make decisions, all tissues in the body form electrical networks that make decisions about anatomy. This understanding opens up the possibility of targeting these systems to alter the large-scale decision-making processes of cellular collectives, which could have significant implications for cancer treatment.

The Role of Entropic Waste and Bioelectric Dissonance

The Dangers of Entropic Waste from Wireless Technology

Entropic waste, particularly from wireless technology like Wi-Fi and cell towers, has largely been overlooked as a potential cause of bioelectric dissonance. This dissonance refers to a state where the natural electrical harmony within our bodies is disrupted, leading to a breakdown in cellular communication. This breakdown can result in cancer and other chronic diseases as cells lose their ability to communicate effectively and regulate growth and development properly.

The Failure of Captured Agencies: FCC and FDA

Despite mounting evidence linking electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to bioelectric disruption, agencies like the FCC and FDA have failed to update safety guidelines or address these concerns adequately. These agencies, influenced by industry interests, continue to rely on outdated safety standards that focus solely on the thermal effects of radiation, ignoring the non-thermal impacts on bioelectric systems. This negligence poses a direct threat to public health, particularly to children, who are more vulnerable to these environmental hazards.

The Urgent Need to Reevaluate FCC Safety Guidelines

Outdated FCC Guidelines: A Threat to Public Health

The current FCC safety guidelines, established in 1996, are based on the assumption that the only harmful effect of EMFs is tissue heating. However, recent research has shown that non-thermal effects, particularly on bioelectric systems, can also pose significant health risks. The guidelines are grossly inadequate in protecting the public, especially children, from the potential dangers of EMF exposure.

The Halting of NTP Research: A Dangerous Decision

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) halted critical research on the link between wireless radiation and cancer. This decision has left a significant gap in our understanding of how EMFs affect bioelectricity and human health. Restarting this research is crucial to developing new safety guidelines that reflect the latest scientific understanding and protect public health.

Why Anti-Radiation Phone Cases Should Be Standard

A Public Health Imperative: Cell Phones and Cancer Risk

There is a significant body of research indicating that cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation poses health risks, including an increased risk of cancer. Major studies like the Interphone study, the Hardell group studies, the CERENAT study, and the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) have all pointed towards an increased health risk from cell phone radiation. Given this evidence, it is absurd that cell phones are still being sold without any standard protective measures, such as anti-radiation cases.

The Analogy to Seat Belts: A Necessary Safety Measure

Not providing anti-radiation phone cases with cell phones is equivalent to selling cars without seat belts. Just as seat belts are a basic safety measure to protect occupants in a car, anti-radiation cases should be a standard feature to protect users from the potential harmful effects of cell phone radiation. The FCC’s outdated guidelines are not enough to ensure public safety, and it is time for phone manufacturers to take responsibility for the health risks associated with their products.

The Growing Evidence of Non-Thermal Effects of EMF Exposure

Misclassification of RF Radiation Risks

One of the major problems with current safety standards is the misclassification of RF radiation risks. The traditional view that non-ionizing cell phone radiation is biologically inert except for its heating properties is increasingly being proven wrong. Recent studies have shown that RF radiation can have non-thermal effects, such as disrupting cellular signaling and potentially modulating the immune system. This misclassification has prevented the development of life-saving medical interventions that could use RF-EMF treatment to target cancer cells while minimizing damage to healthy tissue.

The FDA-Approved TheraBionic Treatment: A Case Study

The TheraBionic treatment, approved by the FDA, uses RF radiation at power levels up to 1000 times lower than those emitted by cell phones to treat inoperable liver cancer. This treatment works through non-thermal interactions at the cellular or molecular level, proving that the traditional view of RF radiation is outdated. The success of this treatment highlights the need for updated FCC guidelines that consider the non-thermal effects of RF radiation.

The Impact of Democratic Policies on Public Health

The Capture of Regulatory Agencies

Democratic policies over the past few decades have allowed corporate interests to capture regulatory agencies like the FCC and FDA. This capture has led to outdated and inadequate safety guidelines, particularly regarding RF radiation exposure. These agencies have failed to update their safety standards, even after court rulings have highlighted their insufficiency in protecting public health. This failure has put millions of people, especially children, at risk of chronic diseases caused by prolonged exposure to RF radiation.

The Halting of NTP Research: A Critical Misstep

The decision to halt critical cancer research by the NTP under the Biden-Harris administration is a glaring example of how public health has been deprioritized in favor of military spending and corporate profits. This research had found clear evidence linking RF radiation to cancer, including glioblastoma, the same type of brain cancer that claimed the life of Beau Biden, President Biden’s son. Yet, instead of acting on these crucial findings, the administration chose to divert funds away from this vital research, leaving families without the knowledge and protections they need to keep their children safe.

A Call to Action: Protecting Public Health from EMF Exposure

The Need for Updated FCC Guidelines

The upcoming NCI conference on cancer bioelectricity highlights the urgent need to update FCC safety guidelines to reflect the latest scientific understanding of bioelectricity and its role in cancer. The current guidelines are outdated and inadequate, and they fail to protect the public from the non-thermal effects of RF radiation. Updating these guidelines is crucial to safeguarding public health, particularly the health of children who are most vulnerable to these environmental hazards.

The Importance of Restarting NTP Research

Restarting the NTP’s research on wireless radiation and cancer is essential to developing new safety standards that protect public health. This research is critical to understanding how EMFs affect bioelectricity and contribute to the development of cancer and other chronic diseases. By restarting this research, we can ensure that future generations are protected from the dangers of RF radiation and that we have the knowledge necessary to develop effective cancer treatments.

Holding Phone Manufacturers Accountable

It is also essential to hold phone manufacturers accountable for the health risks associated with their products. Anti-radiation phone cases should be a standard feature provided with every cell phone, just as seat belts are standard in every car. This measure is a necessary step to protect the public from the potential harmful effects of cell phone radiation and to ensure that users are informed about the risks associated with their devices.

The Future of Cancer Prevention and Public Health

The connection between bioelectricity and cancer is becoming increasingly undeniable, and it is imperative that we act swiftly to mitigate the risks posed by EMFs. The upcoming NCI conference on cancer bioelectricity is a critical moment for the scientific community and policymakers alike. It is a call to action to reevaluate our current safety standards and prioritize the health of our citizens over industry profits.

By updating FCC guidelines, restarting NTP research, and holding phone manufacturers accountable, we can protect future generations from the dangers of RF radiation and ensure that we have the knowledge necessary to develop effective cancer treatments. The health of our children and the well-being of our society depend on our ability to address these issues now.

Stay informed, stay vigilant, and demand action. The future of cancer prevention and public health depends on it.
