
A Plea to Trump: Embrace RFK Jr.’s Battle for Public Health: Cell Phone Radiation Safety

“Cell phone radiation CAN penetrate the blood-brain barrier and CAUSE GLIOBLASTOMA CANCERS” – RFK 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr says cell phone radiation killing people is not a conspiracy theory.

The American People Pleaded For More Research,  Then Biden Shut Down Decades Of Ongoing Research So Less Research Is Happening Now On RFR Than In The Last 2 Decades!!

Environmental Health Trust Scientists and international experts sent a letter to President Biden expressing the urgent need to evaluate the human health and environmental impact of 5G and the proliferation of wireless networks.  Instead of hearing the American people’s plead, Biden ended future research by giving the money needed for RFR research to Ukraine.

As a strong supporter of President Trump, I believe in his commitment to putting the American people first. However, it’s crucial to recognize the validity of some of the issues raised by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., particularly concerning the health risks associated with electromagnetic radiation from cell phones and outdated FCC safety regulations.

The Biden administration halted significant research conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), which is a disservice to public health. It’s imperative that President Trump takes up RFK Jr.’s battles to usher in a new era of health and safety for all Americans.

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The Health Risks of Electromagnetic Radiation

There is a substantial body of research indicating potential health risks associated with cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation. Major studies such as the Interphone study, the Hardell group studies, the CERENAT study, and the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) have all pointed towards increased health risks from such radiation. The findings from the Ramazzini Institute Study, the REFLEX Project, and the BioInitiative Report further support these concerns. Researchers like Dr. Henry Lai have also contributed significantly to this field.

Collectively, these studies suggest a need for caution and further investigation rather than dismissing potential risks. The evidence points towards an increased risk of cancer, particularly brain cancers like Glioblastoma, the exact cancer that claimed the life of Biden’s son, but sadly, Biden doesn’t have the brain capacity to make the clear connection.  Very sad to say, the NTP research that proved, with clear evidence, that the cancer Biden’s son died from was attributed to cell phone level RFR radiation, this NTP research ended under Biden’s leadership.

Beyond Thermal Effects: The Promise of Bioelectric Medicine

Advancements in RF radiation research show biological interactions beyond thermal effects. The FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment is a prime example. This treatment employs RF radiation at power levels up to 1000 times lower than those emitted by cell phones to effectively treat inoperable liver cancer through non-thermal interactions at the cellular or molecular level. These interactions include resonance effects, disruption of cellular signaling, and potential modulation of the immune system.

This challenges the traditional view that non-ionizing cell phone radiation is biologically inert except for its heating properties. The potential of bioelectric medicine to revolutionize healthcare is enormous, offering new avenues for treating various diseases by understanding and leveraging the complexities of bioelectricity and its role in governing biological processes.

A Call to Action for President Trump

President Trump, it’s time to take up RFK Jr.’s battles for the health of the American people. The halted NTP research by the Biden regime needs to be resumed, and the potential risks associated with electromagnetic radiation, “entropic waste,”  must be thoroughly investigated. Moreover, embracing the advancements in bioelectric medicine will lead to groundbreaking treatments and a new era in healthcare.

The health and safety of the American people should always be a priority. By acknowledging and addressing these issues, we can protect public health and pave the way for innovative medical treatments that harness the power of bioelectricity.

Let’s stand together for a healthier future, informed by science and guided by the commitment to safeguarding our citizens. President Trump, we urge you to champion this cause and continue putting the American people first.

Supporting Studies and Resources:

By addressing these issues head-on, we can ensure a healthier and safer future for all Americans. President Trump, the time to act is now! Show the RFK Jr. supporters that you are willing to fight for them, too!

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Cancellation of NTP Research Under Biden In a surprising move, the Biden administration decided to halt funding to the NTP’s ongoing research on RFR. This decision was met with shock and disappointment from various quarters, including scientists, health advocates, and concerned citizens. Critics argue that this move undermines public health by reducing the scientific understanding of RFR’s effects at a time when such knowledge is most needed.

Public Reaction and Advocacy for More Research Before the cancellation, there had been a growing public demand for more research into RFR. Awareness campaigns and advocacy groups highlighted the potential risks associated with wireless radiation, urging the government to prioritize scientific investigation. The sudden termination of the NTP research program has left many feeling betrayed and worried about the long-term health implications of unchecked RFR exposure.

Impact of Reduced Research on Public Health The cessation of NTP research means that less research is now being done about RFR than at any point in the last two decades. This reduction in research could have serious consequences for public health. Without ongoing studies, it is challenging to update safety standards and protect people from potential hazards. The gap in research also leaves unanswered questions about the cumulative effects of RFR, particularly on vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly.

The Environmental Health Trust’s Letter to Biden The Environmental Health Trust (EHT) wrote to President Biden on April 21, 2021, urging immediate action to reduce and restrict the rapid increase of harmful wireless microwave radiofrequency radiation (RFR). The letter highlighted the increased vulnerability of children to wireless radiation and called for a “future-proof” broadband infrastructure that is wired, not wireless. The EHT emphasized the biological and ecological impacts of wireless radiation, including increased cancer risks, genetic damage, and neurological effects.

Policy Recommendations from EHT The EHT’s letter included several policy recommendations, such as:

  1. Focusing on wired infrastructure for broadband.
  2. Halting the 5G rollout and 4G densification until environmental and health impacts are assessed.
  3. Assessing the energy consumption and climate impact of wireless networks.
  4. Reviewing the entire body of scientific research on non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation.
  5. Developing science-based safety limits for human and wildlife exposure to RFR.

The American people’s plea for more research into the effects of RFR has been met with a disappointing response from the Biden administration. The cancellation of decades of ongoing research leaves a critical gap in scientific knowledge at a time when it is most needed. As public concern grows, it is imperative that efforts are made to reinstate and expand research on RFR to ensure that technological advancements do not come at the expense of public health.




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