
The Urgent Need for a Federal Ban on Gender Affirmation Practices for Minors

How Could This Be Allowed?

It is unfathomable that such practices are allowed when children are potentially under the influence of RFR bioeffects. Allowing gender affirmation procedures under these conditions is comparable to making life-altering decisions while under the influence of drugs. The altered hormonal states induced by RFR and blue light exposure mean that the decisions being made are not based on the child’s true, unaltered identity.

The Current Landscape: State-Level Actions

Across the United States, several states have begun implementing bans on gender affirmation practices for minors. These actions reflect growing concerns about the long-term health implications and ethical considerations of allowing children to undergo such treatments. However, despite these state-level initiatives, there remains a pressing need for a comprehensive federal ban to protect all children nationwide.

Why This Matters

Imagine if you were given a drug that altered your state of mind and body without your consent. Your decisions and feelings might be influenced by this drug, and they wouldn’t truly reflect your real desires or identity. This analogy can be applied to how radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and blue light exposure might be affecting our children’s hormonal balance and development.

The Ethical Dilemma

If RFR lowers testosterone levels, it can cause a lack of male confidence and potentially influence a young male’s perception of his gender. This hormonal imbalance could make them feel differently about themselves than they would without these influences. Similarly, blue light exposure speeding up puberty can lead to changes happening sooner than they should, further complicating their development.

The Medical Malpractice

Exposing children to RFR and blue light, which might be altering their hormonal states, and then proceeding with gender affirmation treatments based on these altered states, is deeply unethical. It’s akin to drugging someone and then making irreversible decisions about their body based on the altered state induced by the drugs.

Doctors are currently disfiguring children and experimenting on them without addressing the root cause of their hormonal imbalances—environmental stressors like RFR and blue light. This must not be allowed to continue, as we have concrete evidence that RFR exposure alters hormone levels.

Scientific Evidence of RFR Impact on Hormones

Numerous studies have highlighted the nonthermal effects of cell phone radiation on hormone production, particularly testosterone. These findings suggest that prolonged exposure to RFR from wireless devices can significantly reduce testosterone levels, a hormone critical for male puberty and overall health.

Combined Effects of RFR and Blue Light

Additional research has shown that blue light exposure, particularly at night, can accelerate the onset of puberty by reducing melatonin levels and inducing hormonal changes. The combined effects of RFR and blue light exposure could exacerbate hormonal imbalances in children, leading to premature puberty and potential misdiagnoses in gender affirmation care.

Real-World Implications

The combined impact of RFR and blue light exposure presents a significant risk to the hormonal health of children. When these environmental factors influence hormone levels, they could contribute to misdiagnoses in gender affirmation care. This misdiagnosis is comparable to making life-altering decisions under the influence of external factors, similar to how drugs can impair judgment.

The Need for Immediate Federal Action

Given the substantial evidence of the impact of RFR and blue light on hormonal health, it is imperative to take precautionary measures. This includes implementing an immediate and permanent federal ban on gender affirmation practices until a thorough investigation into the health effects of RFR is completed.

Steps to Implement the Ban

  1. Legislative Action: Enact federal legislation to ban gender affirmation practices across all 50 states.
  2. Comprehensive Research: Fund and conduct extensive research into the health effects of RFR and blue light on hormonal balance and development.
  3. Public Health Awareness: Launch educational campaigns to raise awareness about the potential risks of prolonged exposure to wireless devices and screens.
  4. Policy and Regulation: Develop stricter regulations and safety guidelines to limit EMF exposure, particularly for children and adolescents.


The potential health risks associated with RFR and blue light exposure cannot be ignored. By banning gender affirmation practices at the federal level and conducting comprehensive research, we can better understand the full scope of these environmental factors on hormonal health and ensure that critical health decisions are made with the best possible information. This proactive approach is essential to protect our children’s and future generations’ well-being.

Call to Action

By taking these steps, we can ensure a safer and healthier future for all, free from the ignorance of the potential dangers of modern technology. It is unethical and dangerous to allow children to undergo irreversible medical procedures based on hormone imbalances induced by environmental factors like RFR and blue light. This must be stopped immediately to protect the health and future of our children.
