
Unraveling the Effects of 5G Mobile Technology on Human Exposure: A Comprehensive Analysis

5G is the newest technology used in mobile phones to help them communicate faster and better. This study looked at how this new technology might affect people when they use their phones. They found that the way 5G signals behave depends a lot on the shape of the phone’s antenna, which is like a tiny tower inside your phone.

The researchers also discovered that these signals can change a lot, and they’re trying to understand more about what this means for us.

This study aimed to analyze the high spatial and temporal variability of human exposure to 5G emissions compared to previous generations of mobile technology. By using two generic models of 5G antennas for dosimetric simulation, the researchers observed different spatial variability of the incident field and consequent effects on SAR.


5G is the fifth generation of mobile communication technology, which promises faster and more reliable connections for users. With the increasing use of 5G-enabled devices, concerns have been raised about the potential effects on human health due to exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). This article presents a detailed study analyzing the high spatial and temporal variability of human exposure to 5G emissions compared to previous generations of mobile technology. The researchers have also examined the underlying patterns of 5G signal behavior, which are influenced by antenna geometry and temporal factors.

Spatial Variability of Human Exposure to 5G Emissions

The study utilized two generic models of 5G antennas for dosimetric simulation to analyze the spatial variability of human exposure. The simulation revealed that different antenna configurations, such as linear and planar arrays, could result in varying gains and radiation patterns. The planar 2×4 array, for example, produced narrower, more directive beams with a smaller angular width compared to the linear 1×4 array.

By applying different beam steering directions, the researchers found that specific SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) values and distributions could be obtained. In general, higher mean-SAR values were observed when using the high-performance planar 2×4 array antenna compared to the linear 1×4 array. However, the average SAR levels still remained within the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines’ limits.

Significant local peak-SAR values were observed at specific points, including the skin, fat, and eye tissues, potentially leading to intense hot spots. The spatial variation of beams also resulted in high variations of power absorption in different tissues, concentrating absorbed radiation in specific areas like the eyes, forehead, or neck.

Temporal Variability of Exposure and Nonlinear Dynamics

The study delved into the time variability of exposure, revealing extensive information about the nonlinear dynamics and chaotic features of the exposure. By analyzing 5G mobile phone emissions based on channel power-time variation, the researchers obtained recurrence graphs highlighting hidden behaviors and complex patterns with non-random structures.

In the case of voice-call emissions, a higher deterministic behavior was observed, while the lowest extreme belonged to upload emissions. Higher recurrence rate (RR) values were obtained for streaming, video call, and voice call emissions, indicating a high density of recurrence points and the presence of determinism.

Implications and Future Research

This study confirms that the high spatial variability of exposure to 5G signals depends heavily on the antenna geometry. The 5G signals with the highest spatial and temporal variability have an impact on the human body, with consequences that are not yet fully understood. Recurrent and deterministic rules can be extracted from the time imprint of exposures, even for short periods of mobile application usage.

As the adoption of 5G technology continues to grow, further research is needed to better understand the potential health implications of exposure to 5G emissions. By analyzing the spatial and temporal variability of human exposure, researchers can develop a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of 5G technology and work towards establishing guidelines and best practices for its safe use.


The 5G-FR1 Signals: Beams of the Phased Antennas Array and Time-Recurrence of Emissions with Consequences on Human Exposure

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Electronics 202312(2), 297; https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12020297


  1. What is 5G technology? 5G is the fifth generation of mobile communication technology, offering faster and more reliable connections for users compared to previous generations.
  2. Are there any health concerns related to 5G technology? There are concerns about potential health effects due to exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by 5G devices. However, more research is needed to fully understand these effects.
  3. What is the SAR (Specific Absorption Rate)? SAR is a measure of the rate at which energy is absorbed by the human body when exposed to a radio frequency electromagnetic field.
  4. How does the antenna geometry affect 5G emissions? Antenna geometry, such as linear or planar arrays, can influence the spatial variability of human exposure to 5G emissions, resulting in varying radiation patterns and SAR values.
  5. What are the ICNIRP guidelines? The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines establish limits for human exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields to ensure safety.
  6. What are the spatial and temporal variability of human exposure to 5G emissions? Spatial variability refers to how exposure changes depending on the location, while temporal variability refers to how exposure changes over time.
  7. What are recurrence graphs? Recurrence graphs are visual representations of the recurrence of data points in a time series, revealing hidden behaviors and complex patterns with non-random structures.
  8. What is determinism in the context of 5G emissions? Determinism refers to the presence of recurrent and deterministic rules in the time imprint of 5G emissions.
  9. Are there specific points in the human body where exposure to 5G emissions is higher? Yes, local peak-SAR values have been observed at specific points, such as the skin, fat, and eye tissues, potentially leading to intense hot spots.
  10. What is the importance of studying the effects of 5G technology on human exposure? Understanding the effects of 5G technology on human exposure helps establish guidelines and best practices for the safe use of this technology.

Twitter Posts:

  1. 📱🌐 Discover how #5G technology affects human exposure to electromagnetic fields and why antenna geometry plays a crucial role in spatial variability. #MobileTech #Health
  2. 📡🤔 Are you concerned about #5G exposure? Our latest study delves into the spatial and temporal variability of human exposure to 5G emissions, providing valuable insights. #EMF #Research
  3. 🧠📲 Learn about the potential hot spots in the human body where exposure to #5G emissions is higher, and how this could impact our health. #SAR #MobileHealth
  4. 🔍📊 Unveiling the hidden patterns in 5G emissions: Our study analyzes recurrence graphs to better understand the nonlinear dynamics of human exposure. #5GResearch #TimeSeries
  5. 📶🔬 As #5G adoption continues to grow, more research is needed to understand its potential health implications. Stay informed about the latest findings in 5G exposure research. #MobileSafety #Technology


Additionally, the study examined the time variability of exposure, revealing extensive information about the nonlinear dynamics and chaotic features of the exposure. By analyzing 5G mobile phone emissions based on channel power-time variation, the researchers obtained recurrence graphs that highlighted hidden behaviors and complex patterns with non-random structures.

The results confirm that the high spatial variability of exposure depends massively on the antenna geometry. Moreover, 5G signals with the highest spatial and temporal variability impact the human body with yet unknown consequences. Recurrent and deterministic rules could be extracted in the time imprint of exposures, even for short periods of mobile application usage. Future research will continue to investigate these peculiarities.