
Was Cell Phone Radiation Xavier Musk’s First Puberty Blocker?

If you are drugged and have sex, that doesn’t mean you want to have sex. Likewise, if cell phone radiation is affecting hormones to a certain level, causing a lack of male confidence, do they still want to give up being a male when the imbalance is corrected? Turn off Wi-Fi while the cell phone is in your pocket! Have you ever said that to your son? Fathers, be there for your boys with advice to help them grow into healthy men! Cell phone radiation isn’t a red herring – it’s a real issue if you look at the science!

Elon Musk recently shared a deeply personal and touching story about his son, Xavier, who he feels was misled into gender-affirming treatments.

The first thing I must say is that I 100% agree with Musk on his stance on this issue.    Musk’s criticism extends to the broader implications of societal and medical practices.

However, I want to highlight a potentially overlooked factor: the impact of cell phone radiation on testosterone levels.

Did entropic waste from wireless devices affect hormone levels and make him susceptible to being tricked?

ELON MUSK: “You have to admire that Trump after getting shot with blood streaming down his face — There could’ve been a second shooter… was fist pumping ‘fight, fight’ after being shot… he’s brave… This is instinctual courage”


— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 23, 2024

This blog post aims to explore the question, “Was Cell Phone Radiation Xavier Musk’s First Puberty Blocker?” by examining the scientific evidence on the nonthermal effects of cell phone radiation and its potential role in reducing testosterone levels.

“If I had a helmet of cell phones strapped around my head, and around my nuts, I wouldn’t be worried” — @elonmusk

In the video, Elon Musk said he was tricked into giving his son puberty blockers, but what if giving his kid a cell phone started a chain reaction of unintended consequences? Musk has been tricked about cell phone radiation. Fathers, please tell your boys to turn off Wi-Fi when the phone is in their pocket.

The Nightmare of Low Testosterone Levels in a Wireless World

In a world increasingly dominated by wireless technology, understanding the health implications of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from devices like cell phones and Wi-Fi is crucial. Numerous studies suggest that long-term exposure to EMFs can significantly reduce testosterone levels, a primary male hormone critical for puberty and overall male health.

Effect of Radiation Emitted by Wireless Devices on Male Reproductive Hormones_ A Systematic Review

Nonthermal Effects from Cell Phone Radiation Are Real

While many discussions about EMFs focus on thermal effects (heat generation), nonthermal effects—such as changes in hormone levels—are just as significant. Nonthermal mechanisms involve oxidative stress and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can damage cellular structures and impair functions like hormone production.

Musk, You Reached Puberty Before a Cell Phone Was Carried in Your Pocket

Andrew Huberman Sheds Light On The Impact of Cell Phones & EMFs On Reduce Sperm Health & Testosterone

Reflecting on past generations, many of us reached puberty without the ubiquitous presence of cell phones. The rapid adoption of wireless technology has exposed younger generations to EMFs from an early age, potentially affecting their hormonal development and overall health.

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Musk, Agree to Fund RFR Research

In light of the mounting evidence, it is imperative to advocate for more comprehensive research into the health effects of RF radiation. Funding for such research can lead to better understanding and potentially new guidelines to ensure safer use of wireless technology.

The Woke Mind Virus is Ignorance

Ignorance about the nonthermal effects of cell phone radiation is a form of the “woke mind virus” that Elon Musk speaks of. It is crucial to move beyond denial and acknowledge the scientific facts. By raising awareness and funding further research, we can better protect our health and the health of future generations.

Stop Being Ignorant About Cell Phone Radiation

In conclusion, it is essential to critically evaluate the safety of our modern conveniences. While gender-affirming care has its complexities and controversies, the potential role of environmental factors like EMF exposure should not be overlooked. Ensuring informed decisions about health and technology is crucial for preventing unintended consequences, such as the reduction of testosterone levels in young males.

A different innovator’s perspective

“If Musk understood the subtle effects of different types of radiation on the human body as well as he claims, he would likely have one more child on earth, as would I. There is more to radiation than its brute force effects.  Ignorance is our greatest enemy” – John Coates

John Coates, the founder of RF Safe, has been a vocal advocate for EMF radiation safety since the 1990s. His personal journey, marked by tragedy and driven by a commitment to prevent similar losses in others, stands in stark contrast to the recent public dismissal of RFR risks by figures like Elon Musk.

Call to Action:


  1. Bahaodini, A., Owjfard, M., Tamadon, A., & Jafari, S. M. (2015). Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Long-Term Exposure Effects on Testicular Histology, Sperm Quality and Testosterone Levels of Male Rats. Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction.
  2. Maluin, S. M., Osman, K., Jaffar, F. H. F., & Ibrahim, S. F. (2021). Effect of Radiation Emitted by Wireless Devices on Male Reproductive Hormones: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Physiology.
  3. Meo, S. A., Al-Drees, A. M., Husain, S., Khan, M. M., & Imran, M. B. (2010). Effects of mobile phone radiation on serum testosterone in Wistar albino rats. Saudi Medical Journal, 31(8), 869-873.

By following these insights and advocating for more research, we can ensure a safer future for all, free from the ignorance of the potential dangers of modern technology.

Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Long-Term Exposure Effects on Testicular Histology, Sperm Quality and Testosterone Levels of Male Rats

Authors: Aminollah Bahaodini, Maryam Owjfard, Amin Tamadon, Seyedeh Marzieh Jafari Journal: Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction, 2015

Abstract: This study evaluates the impact of long-term exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) on the testicular function and structure of male rats. Fourteen adult male rats were divided into sham and experimental groups, with the latter exposed to 1 mT, 50 Hz EMF continuously for 85 days. Key parameters, including sperm quality, testicular histology, and serum testosterone levels, were analyzed post-exposure.


Conclusion: Prolonged low-frequency EMF exposure adversely affects male fertility by altering testicular structure and reducing testosterone levels.

Effect of Radiation Emitted by Wireless Devices on Male Reproductive Hormones: A Systematic Review

Authors: Sofwatul Mokhtarah Maluin, Khairul Osman, Farah Hanan Fathihah Jaffar, Siti Fatimah Ibrahim Journal: Frontiers in Physiology, 2021

Abstract: This systematic review examines the effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR) from wireless devices on male reproductive hormones, specifically focusing on testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). It includes animal and human studies to evaluate how RF-EMR impacts these hormones.


Conclusion: Long-term exposure to RF-EMR from wireless devices can disrupt male reproductive hormones, particularly testosterone, but findings vary widely, necessitating further research.

Effects of Mobile Phone Radiation on Serum Testosterone in Wistar Albino Rats

Authors: Sultan A Meo, Abdul M Al-Drees, Sufia Husain, Muhammad M Khan, Muhammad B Imran Journal: Saudi Medical Journal, 2010

Abstract: This study investigates the impact of mobile phone radiation on serum testosterone levels in Wistar albino rats. Thirty-four male rats were divided into three groups: a control group, a group exposed to mobile phone radiation for 30 minutes daily, and a group exposed for 60 minutes daily over three months. Serum testosterone levels were measured using a radioimmunoassay method.


Conclusion: Long-term exposure to mobile phone radiation reduces serum testosterone levels, potentially impacting male reproductive and general health.

Decades-Long Conclusion

The body of research spanning over several decades consistently highlights concerns regarding the impact of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from mobile phones and other wireless devices on male reproductive health. Various studies, primarily on animal models, indicate that prolonged and high-intensity exposure to EMR can significantly reduce testosterone levels, impair sperm quality, and alter testicular histology. While human studies present more mixed results, the potential for EMR to affect male hormones, particularly testosterone, cannot be ignored.

Given the widespread use of mobile phones and wireless devices, these findings underscore the need for continued research to better understand the mechanisms involved and to develop guidelines for safe usage to mitigate potential health risks. The consensus across multiple studies suggests that limiting exposure duration and intensity could be beneficial in preserving male reproductive health.

John Coates

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