What Trump Needs To Tell Voters About The Danger Kamala Harris Is Putting Them In

Highlighting the Importance of NTP Wireless Radiation Research “Under Trump’s administration, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) made big moves—big research into how wireless radiation affects cancer. We’re talking about groundbreaking work here, one of the most important cancer studies ever done. The NTP found clear evidence that wireless radiation is a real threat—causing cancer, no question. And this wasn’t just a one-off study. It was repeated by the Ramazzini Institute in Italy, and guess what? Same results. This could’ve saved countless lives.”

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Criticism of Harris and Biden “But then what happens? Harris and Biden came in and shut down funding for this critical research. Why? Why would they cut off research that protects the health of millions of Americans? It’s disgraceful. They halted it, and by doing so, they put American families at risk. They don’t care about the dangers of wireless radiation—they’re ignoring it.”

Court Rulings and FCC Guidelines “In 2021, a court ruled that the FCC and FDA were wrong, that they didn’t have enough proof to keep ignoring the non-thermal dangers of cell phone radiation. The court ordered them to update safety guidelines to protect our children and our families. But Harris and Biden? Three years later, they haven’t done a thing. Not one thing. The FCC still hasn’t updated its guidelines, leaving you and your families exposed.”

RFK Jr. led the legal battle against the FCC, which resulted in a U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that the FCC had failed to adequately address non-thermal health risks from wireless radiation in its 1996 safety guidelines. The court found that the FCC ignored critical scientific evidence, including studies like the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and the Ramazzini Institute, both of which showed a clear link between RF radiation and cancer in animals.

A key part of the ruling stated: “The Commission failed to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its guidelines adequately protect against harmful effects of exposure to radiofrequency radiation.”

Despite this strong legal mandate, Harris and Biden have failed to take action, and the FCC continues to ignore the court’s directive to update safety guidelines to protect the American public. The NTP study showed clear evidence of cancer risk, and the Ramazzini Institute’s study replicated those findings. It’s been three years, and yet nothing has been done. This failure puts millions of Americans, especially children, at risk every single day.

Demanding Accountability: “We need to hold Harris and Biden accountable. This is about the health and safety of millions of Americans. They’ve ignored the courts, ignored the science, and allowed critical cancer research to be defunded. It’s time to demand answers. Why aren’t they protecting you? Why aren’t they listening to the courts?”

Drawing Parallels to Historical Health Risks “Imagine if the government knew smoking caused cancer and just stopped researching it. That’s what Harris and Biden are doing with wireless radiation. More people use cell phones today than ever smoked, and yet they’re doing nothing to protect us. They’re ignoring the facts—just like they ignored the dangers of smoking for years.”

Legislative and Policy Concerns “The 1996 Telecom Act—remember that? It took away your rights to fight cell towers in your neighborhoods. You can’t even stop them from putting these towers near your schools! Harris and Biden aren’t doing a thing to fix that. It’s all about big money and big industry, and they don’t care how many people get hurt.”

Urgent Call for Action: “We need to bring this issue back into focus. The courts have already told the FCC they’re wrong. The science is clear—this wireless radiation can cause cancer, and we need real safety standards to protect the American people. Harris and Biden? They’ve done nothing. But we won’t let them get away with it.”

Final Appeal: “Go to RF Safe, learn more about what’s going on, and make your voice heard. This is about your health, your family’s health. Demand answers, demand accountability, and let’s make sure we have leadership that protects Americans, not big corporations.”
