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Why MAGA and MAHA Movements Are Failing Our Children

Section 704: The Forgotten Crisis Undermining America’s Future

When we talk about protecting American families and restoring the nation, rhetoric is everywhere. But actions speak louder than slogans. The MAGA and MAHA movements, supposedly champions of freedom and constitutional rights, remain deafeningly silent on one of the most critical issues of our time: the repeal of Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. This unconstitutional law has stripped communities of their rights, endangered our children, and perpetuated outdated safety guidelines for wireless radiation exposure.

If supporters of these movements truly care about America’s future, why aren’t they “screaming at the top of their lungs” to repeal Section 704? Their silence is as fake as a three-dollar bill.

What Is Section 704, and Why Does It Matter?

Section 704, a relic of the Clinton administration, was embedded in the Telecommunications Act of 1996. At its core, this law:

In effect, Section 704 silences communities, denies parents the right to protect their children, and prioritizes telecom profits over public health.

A Clinton-Era Betrayal: How Section 704 Became Law

Section 704 wasn’t just a policy failure—it was a product of systemic corruption. During the Clinton-Epstein era, corporate interests dictated policy, and Wall Street’s influence overshadowed public health. This law:

This toxic legacy has persisted for nearly three decades, leaving parents powerless as cell towers are erected near schools, playgrounds, and homes.

Outdated FCC Guidelines: A Misclassification of RFR Risks

The FCC’s safety standards, established in 1996, are woefully out of date. These guidelines only consider thermal effects—whether radiation heats tissue. They fail to account for:

In 2021, a U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the FCC failed to justify its reliance on these outdated guidelines, highlighting the need for modern, science-based standards. Yet no action has been taken.

Where Is the Outrage? MAGA and MAHA’s Deafening Silence

Supporters of the MAGA and MAHA movements claim to stand for constitutional rights, family values, and the health of future generations. So why aren’t they demanding the repeal of Section 704 and an overhaul of FCC guidelines?

Instead of addressing these issues, these movements have focused on surface-level culture wars, ignoring one of the most pressing threats to American families.

A Fake Commitment to Freedom

Without action on Section 704, MAGA and MAHA are complicit in allowing telecom giants to dictate policy, endanger children, and erode constitutional rights. Actions—not hashtags—prove authenticity. Silence on this issue reveals hypocrisy.

What the Science Tells Us: RFR Risks Are Real

A growing body of research underscores the dangers of radiofrequency radiation, particularly for children:


Neurological Damage

Reproductive Harm

The BioInitiative Report

This comprehensive review of over 1,300 studies highlights the urgent need for stricter exposure limits, especially for vulnerable populations like children and pregnant women.

Section 704’s Impact on Communities

Under Section 704, cell towers can be placed dangerously close to schools, homes, and playgrounds—with no legal recourse for parents or local governments. For example:

A Constitutional Crisis

Section 704 violates core constitutional principles:

This isn’t just a public health issue—it’s a constitutional betrayal.

A Call to Action: What Needs to Happen

Repeal Section 704

President Trump and other leaders must prioritize the repeal of this unconstitutional law. Restoring local control is essential for protecting children and upholding constitutional rights.

Update FCC Guidelines

Modern safety standards must:

Invest in Independent Research

The U.S. should lead global efforts to understand RFR risks, not lag behind countries like Iraq, where more research is currently being conducted on these health effects. (Microwave News pointed this out—why isn’t the U.S. leading here?)

Hold MAGA and MAHA Accountable

If these movements claim to stand for freedom and family, they must champion this cause. Their silence on Section 704 and FCC reform betrays their stated values.

What You Can Do

Raise Awareness

Demand Action

Protect Your Family

A Fight for the Future

Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act is more than just bad policy—it’s an assault on constitutional rights, public health, and the future of our children. Its repeal is long overdue.

For MAGA and MAHA supporters, this issue is a litmus test for authenticity. If you truly care about restoring America’s greatness, protecting families, and defending freedom, then you must demand action on this unconstitutional law. Silence is complicity.

President Trump and other leaders have an opportunity to correct this injustice, update safety standards, and restore local control. The time to act is now.

Our children’s future depends on it.