
Phone Connectivity Comparison: Samsung Galaxy A53 5G Vs Samsung Galaxy A54 5G

Phone Connectivity Comparison: Samsung Galaxy A53 5G vs Samsung Galaxy A54 5G

In terms of connectivity, the Samsung Galaxy A53 5G and Samsung Galaxy A54 5G are quite similar, with only a few notable differences.

Phone connectivity Comparison
Samsung Galaxy A54 5G
connectivity Wi-fi
Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, Wi-Fi Direct Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/6, dual-band, Wi-Fi Direct
connectivity Bluetooth
5.1, A2DP, LE 5.3, A2DP, LE
connectivity USB
USB Type-C 2.0, USB On-The-Go USB Type-C 2.0, OTG
connectivity GPS
connectivity NFC
Yes (market/region dependent) Yes (market/region dependent)
connectivity Radio
No No
Connectivity Review
Review SAMSUNG GALAXY A53 5G Connectivity Review Review Samsung Galaxy A54 5G Connectivity Review

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Related for Samsung Galaxy A54 5G

Wi-Fi: Both phones support Wi-Fi, with the Samsung Galaxy A53 5G supporting Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, and Wi-Fi Direct, while the Samsung Galaxy A54 5G supports Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/6, dual-band, and Wi-Fi Direct. The Galaxy A54 5G’s Wi-Fi support is slightly more advanced, offering support for Wi-Fi 6.

Bluetooth: Both phones support Bluetooth, with the Samsung Galaxy A53 5G supporting Bluetooth 5.1, A2DP, and LE, while the Samsung Galaxy A54 5G supports Bluetooth 5.3, A2DP, and LE. Again, the Galaxy A54 5G’s Bluetooth support is slightly more advanced, offering support for Bluetooth 5.3.

USB: Both phones support USB Type-C 2.0, with the Samsung Galaxy A53 5G supporting USB On-The-Go and the Samsung Galaxy A54 5G supporting OTG. These are essentially the same thing, with OTG being a newer, more advanced version of USB On-The-Go.

GPS: Both phones support GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, and BDS.

NFC: Both phones support NFC, although this may depend on the market or region.

Radio: Neither phone supports radio.

Overall, the Samsung Galaxy A54 5G has slightly more advanced connectivity features than the Samsung Galaxy A53 5G, with support for Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.3. However, these differences may not be significant enough for most users to notice.

When making a purchasing decision, consumers should consider factors beyond connectivity, such as display quality, camera performance, battery life, and overall performance. It may also be worth considering the price difference between the two phones, as the Samsung Galaxy A54 5G is generally considered a more premium device.

Full Specs Comparison For SAMSUNG GALAXY A53 5G vs Samsung Galaxy A54 5G