
FBI Whistleblower Reveals Alleged Criminal Scheme Involving Joe Biden and Foreign National House Oversight Chairman Issues Subpoena

House Oversight Chairman Issues Subpoena for FBI Whistleblower Form Revealing Alleged Criminal Scheme Involving Joe Biden and Foreign National

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has issued a subpoena for an FBI whistleblower form that reveals an alleged criminal scheme involving former Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national. The whistleblower claims that the scheme involved the exchange of money for policy decisions. The subpoena demands that the FBI turn over an unclassified record detailing the alleged criminal scheme.

The whistleblower form was submitted to the FBI in September, and it is unclear why the FBI has not responded to the allegations. House Oversight Chairman Jim Jordan issued the subpoena in an effort to obtain the information and determine whether or not the allegations are true. The subpoena is part of a larger effort by Republicans to investigate the actions of the FBI and Department of Justice during the 2020 election.

FBI Whistleblower Form Alleges Exchange of Money for Policy Decisions in Scheme Involving Biden and Foreign National

The FBI whistleblower form alleges that Joe Biden was involved in a criminal scheme that involved the exchange of money for policy decisions. The scheme allegedly involved a foreign national, but the identity of the individual has not been revealed. The whistleblower claims that the scheme took place while Biden was Vice President and that the foreign national was seeking policy decisions that would benefit their business interests.

The allegations have sparked concern among Republicans, who are calling for further investigation into the matter. Some Democrats have also expressed concern about the allegations, but they are hesitant to support an investigation until more information is available. The FBI has not commented on the allegations, and it is unclear whether or not an investigation is underway.

Grassley and Comer Call for Congressional Oversight of FBI’s Response to Allegations Against Biden

Sen. Chuck Grassley and Rep. James Comer have called for congressional oversight of the FBI’s response to the allegations against Joe Biden. In a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General William Barr, Grassley and Comer expressed concern about the FBI’s lack of response to the whistleblower form. They also raised concerns about political bias in the DOJ and FBI decision-making process, which they say necessitates congressional oversight.

Grassley and Comer’s call for oversight comes amid growing concern among Republicans about the actions of the FBI and DOJ during the 2020 election. Some Republicans have accused the agencies of political bias and have called for further investigation into the matter. The FBI and DOJ have not commented on the allegations.