


Dr. Oz says holding a cell phone in your bra can cause breast cancer

Posted on Dr.Oz FaceBook FanPage [12/6/2013 10:27:56 PM] John Coates: Dr. Oz, Thank you for covering the topic of cell phones and breast cancer on your show today. However, when reading several syndication’s about your show – many media outlets are suggesting that using a wired hands free headset as a good way to reduce […]

RF Safe’s Air-Tube Headset Can Prevent Brain Cancer From Cell Phone Radiation

New research by Dr. Lennart Hardell indicates that brain cancer risk increases with more years of cell phone use. Proving the effects of cell phone radiation are cumulative with more hours of use and the importance of using RF Safe cell phone radiation accessories. Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) December 04, 2013 Dr. Lennart Hardell and […]

Tom Wheeler, new chairman of the F.C.C. suppressed research on the health effects of cell phone radiation

President Barack Obama put a “Wolf in sheep’s clothing” when he appointed the former chief lobbyist for the wireless industry to chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which regulates the safety of wireless devices. UPDATE: Video shows a growing dissonance among communities about the government’s lack of action to protect the American people from […]


Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Increases When Using Wired Hands-Free Headsets

RF Safe rebuts the common misconception reported by media that Hands-free Headsets are hailed as one of the best ways to reduce overall cranial exposure from cell phone radiation by increasing the distance between the phone and head. A new study published in Clinical Neurophysiology suggests it doesn’t take years or even months of exposure […]

Modeling Specific Absorption Rate Distribution Of A Smartphone

Modeling The Specific Absorption Rate Distribution Of A Smartphone Source: ANSYS, Inc. SAR Smart Phone Model By ANSYS, Inc. This application models the specific absorption rate (SAR) distribution in a human head, heart, and body exposed to an electromagnetic field emitted from a handheld cellular phone operating in GSM (900 MHz and 1,800 MHz) and […]

Cell phone radiation breast cancer link – New study raises grave concerns by: Lloyd Burrell A new study raises concerns of a possible association between cell phone radiation exposure and breast cancer in young women. The research team, led by Dr. Lisa Bailey, a former president of the American Cancer Society’s California Division and one of California’s top breast surgeons, studied four young women – aged […]

RF Safe Cell Phone Radiation Accessory Packages In Time For Christmas

This holiday season, parents are buying cell phones for their young children at alarming rates without understanding the potential long-term health risk or the cell phone radiation safety accessories that should be used to keep them safe. (PRWEB) November 29, 2013 According to John Coates who founded RF Safe in 1998, “RF Safe offers the […]

Cellphone wired headsets safe?

Until recently, the underlying safety of cell phone headsets was not really a cause for concern. The common wisdom was that if you were worried about cell phone radiation and its potential health hazards, the best way to talk safely was to get a headset. But that all changed a few months ago when Which, […]

Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation – Energy/Health Abstract

Electromagnetic radiation consists of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving together (that is, radiating) through space at the speed of light. Taken together, all forms of electromagnetic energy are referred to as the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio waves and microwaves emitted by transmitting antennas are one form of electromagnetic energy. Often the term electromagnetic field […]

iPhone SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) Ratings

iPhones   Apple Iphone 3G North America   Frequency Band IC 1g SAR Limit (W/kg) Body Ear GSM 850 1.6 1.030 0.521 GSM 1900 1.6 0.522 1.290 UMTS II 11.66 0.402 1.388 UMTS V 1.6 0.733 0.733 Wi-Fi 1.6 0.088 0.779   Apple Iphone 3G Europe   Frequency Band IC 10g SAR Limit (W/kg) Europe […]

Devra Davis, Ph.D. Cell Phones and Brain Cancer on MSNBC Devra Davis, Ph.D. President and Founder, Environmental Health Trust, lecturer, San Francisco, London Scientists and policy makers in tech-savvy nations like Israel and Finland are taking steps to protect the young brain and reproductive organs. Yet in the states, the iPhone plastic baby rattle case protects the phone’s glass screen from cracking when dropped […]

Cell Phone Radiation Safety Tips With Dr Sanjay Gupta on Anderson Cooper 360

Everyone knows that operating a motor vehicle safely requires more than just fastening a seat belt; it entails many safety precautions. What is not commonly known is that safe cell phone usage is just as easy, but also requires a system of precautions. Each of the cellphone radiation safety accessories suggested in this video play […]

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