

Health risks from exposure to RF Radiation

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES – Public Health Service National Institutes of Health National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences P. O. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 May 4, 1999 Dear Reader: In 1992, the U.S. Congress authorized the Electric and Magnetic Fields Research and Public Information Dissemination Program (EMF-RAPID Program) in the […]

Pregnant Women Warned To Be Wary Of Using Cell Phones

FED: Pregnant Women Warned To Be Wary Of Using Cell Phones AAP General News May 1, 1999 Pregnant women have been warned to be wary of using mobile phones after it was found cell phone radiation produced by wireless devices caused birth defects in chicken embryos, it is reported in tomorrow’s The Sunday Telegraph. US […]

Government Health Warning: Cell Phones May Damage Your Health

Government Health Warning: Cell Phones May Damage Your Health The Register Journalist: Tony Smith May 01, 2000 The UK government is to force mobile phone companies to display a health warning on cellphone packaging, according to the Observer. A government committee formed to study the health risks of mobile phone usage will this week publish […]

Cell Phone Radiation ‘Harming Unborn Babies’

Cell Phone Radiation ‘Harming Unborn Babies’ Daily Mail Journalist: David Derbeyshire April 24, 1999 New fears have been raised over mobile phones following research suggesting they could put unborn babies at risk. Scientists found even brief exposure to mild radiation from cell phones causes defects in growing chicken embryos. Chick and human embryos are considered […]

Lawsuit Raises Questions On Safety Risks Of Over Using Cell Phones

Lawsuit Raises Questions On Safety Risks Of Over Using Cell Phones Earth Times Journalist: Patrick Ryan April 23, 1999 A lawsuit taken by a former telecommunications engineer has again focused world attention on possible health risks from mobile telephones. Stephen Corney, 39, spent 10 years with British Telecom (BT), and he charges that his short […]

Are Cell Phones A Health Hazard

Are Cell Phones A Health Hazard BBC News April 8, 1999 The impact that mobile phones have on health is unclear. Some scientific studies have linked use of mobiles to headaches, memory loss and cancer, while the industry claims that they are perfectly safe. The latest research, from Bristol University, has found that using mobile […]

Call For Public Cell Phone Radiation Studies

Call For Public Cell Phone Radiation Studies Wired News Journalist: Chris Oakes April 13, 1999 It’s time to stop squabbling about the possible health risks of wireless communication and to start doing credible public research, health advocates say. “We are stuck in a rut,” said Gordon Miller, one of the speakers at a weekend forum […]

Study: Cell Phone Use Aids Memory, May Hurt Brain

Study: Cell Phone Use Aids Memory, May Hurt Brain The Washington Times Journalist: Sarah Ryle April 11, 1999 The first official investigation into the health risks of mobile phones has discovered they do affect brain activity. The study was masterminded by Dr. Alan Preece, a medical engineer based at Bristol Royal Infirmary, in Bristol, England, […]

Insurers Balk at Risks of Phone Health Hazards

Insurers Balk at Risks of Phone Health Hazards The Observer Journalist: Sarah Ryle April 11, 1999 Concern about the safety of mobile phones has prompted a leading Lloyd’s underwriter to refuse to insure phone manufacturers against the risk of damage to users’ health. The move comes amid mounting concern about the industry’s influence on research […]

Call For More Research On Cell Phone Health Effects

Call For More Research On Cell Phone Health Effects Irish Times Journalist: Kitty Holland April 8, 1999 The chief executive of the Consumer Affairs Association has called for an independent international body to research the health effects of mobile-phone use. Mr Dermott Jewell will raise the issue at the next council meeting of the European […]

Cell Phones Speed Up Brain Reaction

New Study: Cell Phones Speed Up Brain Reaction IT On Line April 8, 1999 The latest study into mobile phones and how safe they are is published today. The long-awaited scientific study is believed to have found that use of mobile phones increases the speed at which the brain works, and speeds up our reaction […]

Headaches From Your Cell Phone

What’s Cooking? The Australian Journalist: Robert Wilson March 23, 1999 People know that there’s something going on. They know they get headaches, they feel the side of their head heat up, and they’re getting devices that reduce radiation output or hold the phone away from their head. It’s our constant companion in the modern world; […]

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