


Both 5G Network Frequency and Active Denial Crowd Control Systems Use Millimeter Wave Microwave Technology

Today’s cellular and Wi-Fi networks rely on microwaves – a type of electromagnetic radiation utilizing frequencies up to 6 gigahertz (GHz) in order high-speed wireless transmission of voice and data.  Today’s era of wireless frequency is almost over; making room for new 5 G applications will require using new spectrum bands in much higher frequency […]


Reader’s Digest Says You Should Never Keep Your Phone In Your Pocket or Bra

Backed by science, Reader’s Digest warns smartphone users not to carry their Smartphones in pockets or a bra! NUMBER ONE In your pocket! Keeping your phone in your pocket seems logical, but you could be doing more harm than good. According to Lilly Friedman, MD, this is actually the worst place to store your cell phone. […]

How to use RF Safe’s Air tube Headsets with iPhone models 7/8/X/Max

Come to find out the home button isn’t the only thing missing in the box of Apple’s 2018 iPhone lineup. You won’t find the 3.5mm headset adapter in the box anymore either! So why did Apple stick us with a Lightning only option out of the box? Because it’s a proprietary plug design, so third-party […]


STUDY: Low Phone Signal Strength Increases Microwave Radiation Exposure 10,000 Times

  The paper entitled “Real World Cellular Phone Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure” by Stephen Wall, PhD; Zhong-Min Wang, PhD; Thomas Kendig, BS; Dina Dobraca, MPH and; Michael Lipsett, JD, MD will be published in the peer reviewed journal Environmental Research. This new research paper to be published in the journal Environmental Research today by California […]


Updated iPhone XR SAR Levels: iPhone XR Makes Debut Before FCC Approval

The new iPhone XR is now (as of Sept 27th 2018) certified by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) weeks after its debut, unlike Apple’s iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max models which were unveiled on September 12th, 2018 with all FCC regulatory RF safety information available. iPhone XR SAR Levels Have Been Submitted to The […]


First time ever, a Smartphone is recalled because of excessive levels of hazardous RF radiation

Citing excessive radiation levels, European telecom operator Orange (formerly France Telecom) issued a recall for a cell phone it’s selling under its own brand, the Hapi 30, and made by French manufacturer Mobiwire, a spin-off of Sagem Mobiles. For the first time ever, Orange recalls a phone because of its excessive levels of radiation Last month, Orange sent a letter […]

Now there is “Clear Evidence of Cancer” from Cell Phone Radiation

Scientists concluded there is “clear evidence” linking cell phone radiation to the development of cancers in rats. The U.S. government invited an expert panel to make a majority-rules declaration in response to the $25 million U.S. government National Toxicology Program (NTP) study of cell phone radiation in animals. After a three-day review of the study data, they […]


2018 First Clear Evidence Cell Phone Radiation Can Cause Cancer

This week, following three days of live-broadcast peer review sessions, experts concluded that a pair of federal studies show “clear evidence” that cell phone radiation caused heart and brain cancer in male rats. “This animal evidence, together with the extensive human evidence, coupled with the rising incidence of brain cancers in young people in the […]


Press Conference on Ramazzini Study Showing Cancer Cell Phone Radiation Link

On the eve of RF Safe’s 20th year anniversary, the most significant replicated scientific evidence that cell phone radiation DOES increase the risk of rare cancers was published and peer-reviewed.   A press conference was held by the world’s leading experts on RFR health effects which pointed out that Schwann cell tumors —called schwannomas— in one […]


The Smoking Gun Gets Another Bullet! Ramazzini Institute Cell Phone Cancer Study Abstract

Belpoggi-Heart-and-Brain-Tumors-Cell-Phone-Radiation-2018 Falcioni et al (2018). Report of final results regarding brain and heart tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed from prenatal life until natural death to mobile phone radiofrequency field representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM base station environmental emission. Environmental Research. The article in press. Accessed from ScienceDirect on March 9, 2018. Abstract Background: In […]


World’s Largest Animal Study on Cell Tower Radiation Confirms Cancer Link

Scientists call on the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer to re-evaluate the carcinogenicity of cell phone radiation after the Ramazzini Institute and US government studies report finding the same unusual cancers.  Study PDF here   Teton Village, WY — 03/22/2018 — Researchers with the renowned Ramazzini Institute (RI) in Italy announced that […]


Rats Prove Regulatory Agencies Are In Denial Over Cell Phone Radiation – Again!

On the heels of the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) cell phone radiation rat study published a few months ago, which ignited great concerns about cell phone radiation, both GSM (At&T frequencies) and CDMA (Sprint frequencies), causing cancer.  Now, more of the same evidence emerges that cell phone radiation targets certain cell types, mainly Schwann cells and glial cells […]

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