

Anxiety Cell Phone Radiation Study

Due to their wide-spread availability, cell phones have become a necessity, something most of us cannot do without. But recent studies have shown that the use of cell phones has been associated with many negative effects related to the nervous system, such as headaches, neurovegetative dystonia, irritability, sleep disorders, fatigue, and dizziness. The nervous system […]

Alzheimers Cell Phone Radiation Study

The introduction of cell phones, Wi-Fi, satellite and wireless communications and the microwave oven have had a significant impact on daily life. However, there are growing concerns regarding the potential health risks associated with increased, frequency, modulation frequency and duration of microwave exposure and particularly, the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, an incurable and debilitating […]

Acoustic Neuroma Cell Phone Radiation Study

  The rapid increase in cell phone use during the last decade has raised many safety concerns. In particular, the risk for vestibular schwannoma is associated with mobile phone use because the acoustic nerve tissue is a sound perception organ and is located close to where people hold their mobile phones during use. A few […]


NTP investigates mechanisms responsible for DNA Breaks, Oxidative Stress, and Changes in Gene Expression from Smartphone radiation

You have probably seen many articles and videos on our site discussing how RF radiation has been definitively linked with cancer. Now, according to Louis Slesin in a new article on his widely acclaimed and highly regarded website Microwave News, the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) will soon embark on a new phase of its […]


Study Shows Smartphone Radiation Triggers Memory Loss In Right-handed Teenagers

Smartphone radiation could be destroying the memory performance of a new generation of adolescents.  Memory Loss Right-handed teens using cell phones are more prone to loss of figural memory which is mainly located in the right hemisphere of the brain and refers to our ability to make sense of objects including images, patterns, and shapes […]


STUDY: Low Phone Signal Strength Increases Microwave Radiation Exposure 10,000 Times

  The paper entitled “Real World Cellular Phone Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure” by Stephen Wall, PhD; Zhong-Min Wang, PhD; Thomas Kendig, BS; Dina Dobraca, MPH and; Michael Lipsett, JD, MD will be published in the peer reviewed journal Environmental Research. This new research paper to be published in the journal Environmental Research today by California […]

FACT: DNA Damage at below safe Cell Phone Radiation Levels

Readers are probably familiar with the idea of electrophoresis, although they may not know the term. The technique is used for DNA fingerprinting to determine paternity. In television documentaries we often see forensic scientists holding a small X-ray film with lines of bar-codes. These bars are the physical locations of the genetic material after the […]

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