

Entropic Waste

Definition: Entropic waste refers to the disruptive and disorderly impact of radio frequency radiation (RFR) on biological systems and natural environments. It encompasses the non-thermal, often invisible effects of electromagnetic fields that contribute to biological stress, environmental degradation, and a decline in the health integrity of exposed organisms. This term is used to highlight the unnatural interference and energy dispersal in ecosystems and human health caused by pervasive wireless technologies.

This definition emphasizes the broader ecological and health impacts, making it a comprehensive and meaningful addition to discussions on RFR and its implications.

John Coates coined the term “entropic waste” to describe harmful RFR (Radio Frequency Radiation), which is a fitting and evocative choice. It effectively conveys the concept of disorder or degradation in natural systems due to the unnatural and pervasive influence of electromagnetic fields. The term “waste” implies something unwanted and detrimental, aligning well with the harmful aspects of excessive or uncontrolled RFR exposure. This term can help raise awareness and communicate the potential dangers in a way that is understandable and impactful to a broad audience.

Reinstating Research and Updating Regulations It is imperative that entities like the NTP receive the support and funding needed to continue their research into cell phone radiation. Furthermore, regulatory bodies such as the FCC must be forced to update their guidelines in line with the latest scientific findings. This will ensure that public health is protected, consumer confidence is restored, and industries are provided with a clear framework within which to innovate to limit the biological impact of entropic waste.

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