Exploring Evans Field Theory: A Potential Breakthrough in Medical Imaging and Bioelectric Research

This RF Safe journey was born out of my desire to understand the fundamental EM forces I believed responsible for taking my child’s life, a force that simultaneously supports all life. Driven by this need, I spent several years studying with a group of leading physicists, digging into the intricacies of electromagnetic theories. Each discovery only led to more questions – leading to the never-ending rabbit hole that is RF Safe today. While Evans’s mathematical formulations weren’t perfect, neither were Einstein’s initially. The potential symmetry within Evans’s theory might still reveal the Evans field anomaly, warranting a thorough revisit and deeper exploration.

According to Evans’s Field Theory, at the quantum level, gravitational processes can be perturbed to emit a detectable frequency of magnetic energy when subjected to a circularly polarized field. This theory suggests that in the gravitational field, at the quantum level, quantum energy wells of gravity can resonate from matter in a manner akin to a bell, producing energy that should be detectable by today’s specialized SQUID sensors. This interaction between gravitational and electromagnetic fields could lead to advancements in medical imaging and bioelectric research.

Evans Field Theory proposes that gravitational fields, when subjected to circularly polarized fields, emit detectable magnetic energy at the quantum level. This energy can potentially be used as a carrier wave for highly targeted energy medicine, enabling precise medical interventions within bioelectric medicine. This could revolutionize diagnostics and treatments by focusing energy applications directly on specific medical issues for mitigation with bioelectric therapies.

In the early 2000s, Evans Field Theory paper referencing RF Safe highlighted a fascinating intersection of electromagnetism and gravitation through Evans Field Theory. This theory proposes new cross-current terms derived from the interaction of gravitational and electromagnetic fields, introducing concepts not present in the standard model of physics. My journey to understand the effects of electromagnetic energy on life led me to these cutting-edge theories, driven by a personal quest that began long before the 2004 paper. Today, I want to share the motivations and potential applications if our proposed experiment confirms the induction of an Evans field, and the profound impact this could have on our understanding of bioelectricity and medical imaging.

Motivation Behind the Experiment

The motivation for exploring Evans Field Theory is deeply rooted in both scientific curiosity and a personal mission. The quest to understand how electromagnetic fields affect living systems started as a response to the loss of my child, a tragedy that drove me to seek answers about the fundamental forces at play. This journey led to the founding of RF Safe, an organization dedicated to mitigating EMF risks through innovative products and educational efforts. The theory discussed in the referenced paper aligns with this mission, offering a potential breakthrough in understanding the interplay between electromagnetism and biological systems.


The paper on Evans Field Theory here touches on some advanced and intriguing concepts that bridge the realms of electromagnetism and gravitation. The essence of the theory proposes that there are new cross-current terms derived from the interaction of gravitational and electromagnetic fields, which aren’t present in the standard model of physics.

The following experiment has the potential to validate a unified field theory and revolutionize medical imaging. By leveraging quantum-level diagnostics to explore bioelectric states of matter, we could gain profound insights into the fundamental mechanisms by which living systems maintain order and structure in the face of natural entropic forces that process informational states of matter. This endeavor not only pushes the boundaries of theoretical physics but also holds significant promise for advancements in medical technology.

This proposed experiment has the potential to be groundbreaking, both in terms of validating Evans’s field theory and in revolutionizing medical imaging technology. Here’s a more detailed explanation and structure for the proposed experiment:

Experimental Design

  1. Objective:
    • Validate Evans’s Field Theory: Test the predictions of Evans’s O(3) electrodynamics and its unified field theory for electromagnetism and gravity.
    • Medical Imaging: Explore the potential of this theory to improve medical imaging resolution at the atomic or quantum scale.
  2. Key Components:
    • Circularly Polarized Radiation Source: A device capable of emitting circularly polarized light to induce the inverse Faraday effect in a biological medium.
    • Biological Medium: A sample that can interact with the circularly polarized radiation, ideally chosen to maximize the interaction effects.
    • SQUIDs (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices): Highly sensitive sensors to detect the minute magnetic fields and electromagnetic signatures generated by the induced effects.


  1. Inducing the Inverse Faraday Effect:
    • Circularly Polarized Radiation: Direct circularly polarized light at the biological medium. This interaction is expected to induce a magnetization in the medium due to the inverse Faraday effect.
    • Gravitational-Electromagnetic Interaction: The interaction between the induced magnetic fields and the inherent gravitational fields of the medium could create detectable anomalies, according to Evans’s theory.
  2. Detection with SQUIDs:
    • High Sensitivity: Use SQUIDs to detect the resulting electromagnetic signatures. SQUIDs are capable of measuring extremely small changes in magnetic fields, which is essential for observing the predicted anomalies.
    • Quantum Scale Resolution: The goal is to achieve imaging resolution at the quantum level, capturing the electromagnetic fields generated by the interactions at the atomic scale.
  3. Data Analysis:
    • Frequency Analysis: Analyze the frequencies of the electromagnetic fields detected by the SQUIDs. The theory predicts that these fields would resonate in a manner similar to a bell when subjected to circularly polarized radiation.
    • Pattern Recognition: Look for specific patterns or anomalies in the data that match the theoretical predictions of Evans’s field theory.

Potential Challenges

  1. Technical Feasibility:
    • Precision Control: Ensuring precise control and alignment of the circularly polarized radiation, the biological medium, and the SQUID sensors.
    • Signal Noise: Differentiating between the true signal generated by the inverse Faraday effect and background noise.
  2. Experimental Validation:
    • Reproducibility: The experiment must be reproducible, with consistent results across multiple trials and setups.
    • Interpretation of Results: Accurate interpretation of the data to confirm whether the observed anomalies align with the predictions of Evans’s field theory.
  3. Biological Medium:
    • Sample Selection: Choosing the right biological medium that can effectively interact with the circularly polarized radiation and exhibit the predicted effects.

Implementation Steps

  1. Design and Setup:
    • Equipment Procurement: Acquire the necessary equipment, including a reliable source of circularly polarized radiation and high-sensitivity SQUID sensors.
    • Sample Preparation: Prepare the biological medium samples, ensuring they are suitable for the experiment.
  2. Experimental Procedure:
    • Conduct Trials: Perform the experiment, directing circularly polarized radiation at the biological medium and using SQUIDs to detect the resulting electromagnetic fields.
    • Collect Data: Gather extensive data across multiple trials to ensure accuracy and reproducibility.
  3. Data Analysis:
    • Analyze Results: Perform detailed analysis of the data, focusing on the frequencies and patterns of the detected electromagnetic fields.
    • Compare with Predictions: Compare the experimental results with the theoretical predictions of Evans’s field theory to determine if the anomalies match.
  4. Publication and Review:
    • Document Findings: Compile the findings into a comprehensive report or paper.
    • Peer Review: Submit the findings for peer review to validate the results within the scientific community.

Potential Impact

  1. Scientific Validation:
    • Theory Confirmation: If successful, the experiment could provide empirical evidence supporting Evans’s field theory, contributing significantly to the field of theoretical physics.
  2. Medical Imaging Revolution:
    • Improved MRI Technology: The ability to achieve high-resolution imaging at quantum scales without the need for supercooled magnets could lead to more accessible and affordable MRI technology.
    • New Diagnostic Capabilities: Enhanced imaging resolution could improve diagnostic capabilities, enabling the detection of diseases and conditions at much earlier stages.

By carefully designing and executing this experiment, the potential to validate a unified field theory and revolutionize medical imaging is within reach. This could open new frontiers in both theoretical physics and medical technology.

Achieving such high-resolution imaging could indeed provide profound insights into the fundamental mechanisms by which living systems maintain order and structure in the face of natural entropic forces.

This vision of using quantum-level diagnostics to explore the bioelectric states of matter and their effects on bioelectricity within organisms is indeed profound. Here’s an expanded overview of how this could be realized and its potential implications:

Advanced Quantum-Level Imaging

  1. Objective:
    • Bioelectric States: Develop imaging technology that can assist in visualizing bioelectric states at quantum scales, revealing the interplay between bioelectric signals and the organization of matter in biological systems.
    • Cellular Function and Self-Assembly: Understand and map how bioelectricity influences cellular functions and the self-assembly of matter in living organisms.
  2. Technological Foundation:
    • Circularly Polarized Radiation: Use circularly polarized radiation to induce the inverse Faraday effect, generating detectable electromagnetic fields within biological tissues.
    • SQUID Sensors: Employ SQUID technology to detect the minute electromagnetic fields and anomalies resulting from the interaction of induced magnetization and bioelectric signals.


  1. Inducing and Detecting Bioelectric States:
    • Circularly Polarized Radiation: Illuminate biological samples with circularly polarized radiation to induce specific bioelectric responses.
    • Detection: Use SQUID sensors to capture the resulting electromagnetic signatures, providing a detailed map of bioelectric states at the quantum level.
  2. Data Analysis and Simulation:
    • Frequency and Pattern Analysis: Analyze the detected electromagnetic fields to identify patterns and frequencies associated with bioelectric signals.
    • Mapping Bioelectric Influence: Create detailed maps showing how bioelectricity influences cellular functions and the self-assembly of matter.
    • Simulation: Develop computational models to simulate the relationship between bioelectricity and matter organization, aiding in the understanding of cellular signaling and function.

Potential Implications

  1. Medical Diagnostics:
    • Early Disease Detection: Enhanced imaging resolution could enable the early detection of diseases by revealing subtle bioelectric anomalies at the cellular level.
    • Personalized Medicine: Tailor treatments based on individual bioelectric profiles, improving efficacy and reducing side effects.
  2. Biological Research:
    • Understanding Bioelectricity: Gain deeper insights into how bioelectricity controls cellular processes and matter organization in living systems.
    • Self-Assembly Mechanisms: Uncover the mechanisms of self-assembly in biological systems, potentially leading to breakthroughs in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
  3. Theoretical Physics and Biology:
    • Unified Field Theory Validation: Validate and expand upon Evans’s field theory, potentially leading to a new understanding of the fundamental forces governing life and matter.
    • Quantum Biology: Establish the foundations for the emerging field of quantum biology, exploring how quantum phenomena influence biological processes.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Technical Feasibility:
    • Complex Integration: Developing the technology to integrate circularly polarized radiation, quantum sensing, and bioelectric state mapping.
    • Precision and Sensitivity: Ensuring the precision and sensitivity of the SQUID sensors to detect the subtle electromagnetic fields at quantum scales.
  2. Data Interpretation:
    • Complex Patterns: Interpreting the complex patterns and frequencies of the detected electromagnetic fields to draw meaningful conclusions.
    • Simulation Accuracy: Creating accurate simulations that faithfully represent the relationship between bioelectricity and matter organization.
  3. Ethical and Practical Considerations:
    • Bioethical Issues: Addressing potential bioethical concerns related to advanced imaging and manipulation of bioelectric states.
    • Practical Applications: Ensuring that the technology is practical and accessible for widespread use in medical and research settings.

Path Forward

  1. Research and Development:
    • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Foster collaboration between physicists, biologists, engineers, and medical professionals to develop and refine the technology.
    • Prototype Development: Build and test prototypes to validate the theoretical predictions and improve the technology’s capabilities.
  2. Experimental Validation:
    • Rigorous Testing: Conduct rigorous experimental tests to confirm the presence and detectability of bioelectric states and their influence on matter organization.
    • Peer Review: Publish findings and subject them to peer review to ensure scientific validity and credibility.
  3. Simulation and Modeling:
    • Advanced Algorithms: Develop advanced algorithms for analyzing and simulating the relationship between bioelectricity and matter.
    • Integration with Existing Models: Integrate new insights with existing biological and physical models to create comprehensive simulations.

By pursuing these steps, the vision of quantum-level diagnostics and the ability to see into the bioelectric states of matter could become a reality. This would not only validate important theoretical predictions but also revolutionize our understanding and treatment of biological systems.

If we successfully detect the Evans field resulting from the interaction of circularly polarized radiation and gravitational effects within a biological medium, it would signify that the theoretical predictions hold true. The detection would likely involve identifying a specific frequency or set of frequencies corresponding to the induced electromagnetic anomalies, the Evans field.

The detection of the Evans field frequency opens up exciting possibilities for using it as a carrier wave to induce changes in bioelectric states with near atomic-level precision. This approach could revolutionize medical treatments, biological research, and our understanding of the fundamental processes governing life. By carefully modulating the carrier wave and targeting specific bioelectric states, we can achieve highly precise and controlled interactions within biological systems.

Using the Evans Field Frequency as a Carrier Wave


  1. Carrier Wave: The detected frequency of the Evans field can be considered a carrier wave. In telecommunications, a carrier wave is a waveform that is modulated with an information-bearing signal. In this context, the carrier wave could be modulated to induce specific bioelectric changes.
  2. Bioelectric States: Bioelectric states are essentially the electrical potentials and currents within biological tissues, which govern numerous physiological processes, including cellular signaling, differentiation, and self-assembly.


  1. Modulation of the Carrier Wave:
    • Amplitude Modulation (AM): Adjusting the amplitude of the carrier wave to convey information or to induce specific bioelectric responses.
    • Frequency Modulation (FM): Changing the frequency of the carrier wave to match or influence the natural frequencies of bioelectric processes.
    • Phase Modulation (PM): Altering the phase of the carrier wave to achieve the desired interaction with bioelectric fields.
  2. Near Atomic-Level Precision:
    • Localized Targeting: Using the modulated Evans field frequency to target specific regions within cells or tissues with high precision. This could involve directing the modulated wave at particular molecules or atomic structures.
    • Controlled Interaction: By precisely controlling the modulation parameters, we can induce changes in bioelectric states at nearly atomic resolution, influencing molecular interactions and cellular functions.

Potential Applications

  1. Medical Therapeutics:
    • Cellular Reprogramming: Inducing specific bioelectric states to reprogram cells, potentially aiding in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.
    • Targeted Treatment: Using the modulated carrier wave to target and alter the bioelectric environment of cancer cells or other pathological conditions, providing a non-invasive treatment option.
  2. Biological Research:
    • Mapping Bioelectric Networks: Using the Evans field frequency to probe and map bioelectric networks within tissues, gaining insights into the fundamental mechanisms of cellular communication and organization.
    • Studying Self-Assembly: Investigating how bioelectric states influence the self-assembly of matter at a quantum level, enhancing our understanding of developmental biology and morphogenesis.

Summary and Key Concepts:

  1. New Source of Electromagnetic Energy:
    • The Evans field theory introduces a new current term that is theoretically an important source of electromagnetic energy derived from spacetime. This term does not appear in the standard Maxwell-Heaviside equations and implies a coupling between gravitational and electromagnetic fields.
  2. Hodge Dual of the Evans Field Equation:
    • By developing the Hodge dual of the homogeneous Evans field equation, the theory predicts a tiny imbalance in the Faraday law of induction and Gauss law of magnetism, suggesting gravitational effects can alter electromagnetic fields.
  3. Experimental Validation:
    • The paper proposes looking for tiny changes in the polarization of light grazing intense gravitational fields, such as those near the sun during a total eclipse or from quasars and pulsars. This is akin to the Eddington experiment but with a focus on polarization changes rather than just light bending.
  4. Potential Technological Implications:
    • If the theory holds, it could lead to the development of new technologies that harness electromagnetic energy from gravitational interactions. This has implications for energy generation and possibly new forms of medical imaging.


  1. Validate Evans’s Field Theory:
    • Test the predictions of Evans’s O(3) electrodynamics and its unified field theory for electromagnetism and gravity.
  2. Revolutionize Medical Imaging:
    • Explore the potential of this theory to improve medical imaging resolution at the atomic or quantum scale.

Key Components:

  1. Circularly Polarized Radiation Source:
    • This will induce the inverse Faraday effect in a biological medium, which is crucial for the interaction with the electromagnetic fields as predicted by Evans’s theory.
  2. Biological Medium:
    • A carefully selected biological sample to maximize the interaction effects.
  3. SQUIDs (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices):
    • These highly sensitive sensors will detect the minute magnetic fields and electromagnetic signatures generated by the induced effects.

By pursuing these steps, if validated, we can make the vision of quantum-level diagnostics and the ability to see bioelectric states of matter a reality. This would validate important theoretical predictions and revolutionize our understanding and treatment of biological systems. If we successfully detect the Evans field resulting from circularly polarized radiation and gravitational effects within a biological medium, it would signify that the theoretical predictions hold true. This opens exciting possibilities for using Evans field frequency as a carrier wave to induce changes in bioelectric states with near atomic-level precision, revolutionizing medical treatments, biological research, and our understanding of fundamental processes governing life.

RF Safe’s dedication to EMF safety is intertwined with a deeper quest to understand and mitigate the impacts of electromagnetic energy on life. The validation of Evans’s field theory could be a monumental step forward, bridging theoretical physics and practical medical applications, ultimately advancing our ability to protect and enhance human health.


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