

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Trump’s “Make America Healthy Again Commission” Recognizes Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) as a Public Health Threat

Seminole, FL, February 14, 2025 –  For the first time in U.S. history, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) has been officially acknowledged and explicitly named in a federal investigation into America’s worsening chronic disease crisis, following President Donald J. Trump’s “Make America Healthy Again” executive order, signed on February 13, 2025.

The President’s Make America Healthy Again Commission has been tasked with studying the potential causes of chronic disease and health disorders in American children, and electromagnetic radiation is explicitly named among the environmental factors under investigation.

This groundbreaking recognition confirms what independent researchers, including RF Safe founder John Coates, have been warning about for decades: that FCC guidelines on EMR exposure are as fraudulent as Section 704 is unconstitutional and dangerously inadequate to boot. Yet, government agencies and telecom companies have ignored the science for nearly 30 years.

Electromagnetic Radiation and America’s Health Crisis

Under Section 4(a) of the Executive Order, the Commission has been directed to investigate electromagnetic radiation alongside other toxic agents and government policies as potential contributors to childhood chronic diseases, including autism spectrum disorder, asthma, autoimmune disorders, and ADHD.

RF Safe’s John Coates stresses that this moment represents a turning point:

“For decades, the government has ignored the overwhelming evidence that non-thermal exposure to wireless radiation affects biological systems. The FCC, which has no medical expertise, set fraudulent guidelines in 1996 that completely disregarded research showing DNA damage and biological harm.”

Research ignored by FCC in 1996 includes:

CTIA’s $25 million study – Commissioned by the wireless industry itself, this study provided evidence of biological harm.
Dr. Henry Lai (1990s) – Showed that low-level EMR exposure causes DNA damage.
Dr. Robert Becker – Pioneered research on the effects of electromagnetic fields on health.
Dr. Arthur Guy (Air Force, 1984) – Conducted extensive military studies on EMR exposure.

Despite these findings, the EPA’s research into wireless radiation was defunded in direct violation of Public Law 90-602 (Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968), when regulatory control was handed over to the FCC—an agency with no medical oversight.

In a 2002 letter, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) itself acknowledged this glaring gap: “The FCC guidelines … do not directly address… non-thermal effects, such as those due to chronic exposure,” because when they were set there was a “paucity of scientific research on chronic, non-thermal health effects.”. In other words, the EPA admitted the FCC’s “safety” limits weren’t designed to protect us from long-term, low-level exposures – the very kind we all experience daily from cell towers, Wi-Fi, and phones.

The problem—the thermal-only standard is not just inadequate, it’s fundamentally incapable of capturing the unpredictable, nonlinear biological effects of RF radiation. The FCC’s approach assumes a simple, linear dose-response model.

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) later conducted a multi-year, 30 million-dollar study that found “clear evidence” of cancer risk from EMR. Yet after publishing these results, the program was defunded in 2024, halting critical research on wireless radiation health risks.

 Thousands of peer-reviewed studies have observed non-thermal effects of RF radiation: DNA damage, genotoxicity, oxidative stress, disruption of cell communication, breaches in the blood-brain barrier, sperm damage, developmental impacts, learning and memory deficits, sleep disturbances, headaches, and yes – cancer!

Key Findings That Challenge Conventional RF Exposure Thinking:

  • The Four-Hour Effect: The Jamaludin study (2025) showed that shorter RF exposures could be more damaging than continuous exposure—completely contradicting the linear thermal model. In male rats, 4-hour exposure to 2.45 GHz Wi-Fi radiation caused the most severe damage to sperm quality, while longer exposure (8-24 hours) resulted in partial or near-complete recovery due to adaptive cellular responses.  Antioxidants14(2), 179;
  • NTP Study on Nonlinear RF Dose-Response: The NTP study’s findings shattered the thermal model by proving that lower doses caused more harm than higher doses (1.5 W/kg had higher cancer rates than 6 W/kg), indicating nonlinear non-thermal effects at play.

Amplification of Other Stressors

Vaccines, chemical toxins, and dietary exposures indeed pose significant biological challenges. Yet in a system already destabilized by continuous RF interference—where cells cannot “reset” to their genetically encoded baselines—these additional insults can become permanent developmental derailments. Autistic traits observed after certain medical interventions, for instance, can represent the cumulative failure of a bioelectrically compromised system to return to homeostasis, rather than a simple, one-to-one cause-and-effect relationship.

RFK Jr. and the Legal Victory That Proved FCC Guidelines Are Ineffective For Protection

The FCC’s safety limits on wireless radiation were officially proven inadequate when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the Environmental Health Trust (EHT) won a landmark case against the FCC in 2021. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals found the FCC’s decision “arbitrary and capricious” for ignoring evidence of harm.

The court said “the FCC failed to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its guidelines adequately protect against the harmful effects of exposure to [RF] radiation unrelated to cancer.”

The Preponderance of Modern Scientific Research Shows:

✅ DNA damage
✅ Oxidative stress and inflammation
✅ Neurodevelopmental disorders and cognitive decline
✅ Reproductive harm

Despite this legal victory proving that FCC guidelines do not protect public health, no corrective action was taken. Instead, when the National Toxicology Program (NTP) later confirmed “clear evidence” of cancer risk from wireless radiation, its funding was suddenly terminated, preventing further research from continuing. Another direct violation of Public Law 90-602

“The fact that the FCC lost a case proving its guidelines are fraudulent—and yet the government still refuses to act—is beyond reckless,” says Coates. “We now have a presidential commission investigating EMR, but unless we remove unconstitutional policies like Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act, local communities will remain powerless to protect their families from chronic illness.”

Outdated, Unconstitutional Laws Have Trapped Americans in a Radiation-Exposed Environment

📌 Section 704 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act – Signed by Bill Clinton the same year as the FCC’s fraudulent guidelines, this law makes it illegal for local governments or citizens to protest the placement of cell towers based on microwave radiation health concerns, even when studies confirm biological harm. As long as a tower complies with the FCC’s unsafe exposure limits, its health effects cannot even be considered for disputing the cell tower’s location to children—a clear violation of the First and Tenth Amendments.

📌No Minimum Safe Distance for SchoolsAccording to the BioInitiative Reportover 1,500 scientific studies recommend a minimum 1,500-foot (500-meter) distance between schools and cell towers. However, Coates’ seven-year-old daughter’s school desk sits less than 500 feet from a cell tower, 1/3rd of the recommended safe distance, exposing her and millions of other children in America to chronic microwave radiation exposure.

The Legislative Coup: How Section 704 Locks Us Into Ignorance

In 1996, the Telecommunications Act enshrined Section 704—a draconian clause that explicitly forbids local authorities from objecting to wireless installations on the basis of health risks from electromagnetic radiation. This single statutory maneuver:

  • Eviscerates Constitutional Protections. By precluding “health concerns” from regulatory discussions, it effectively nullifies First Amendment rights (to petition for redress) and the Tenth Amendment’s protection of local governance autonomy.
  • Freezes Public Discourse. Health-based arguments are rendered inadmissible in public forums, guaranteeing the unchecked proliferation of cell towers, Wi-Fi networks, and other RF-emitting infrastructure.
  • Destroys Regulatory Incentives. Even the most alarming scientific data cannot inform policy if policymakers are legally barred from considering it. Hence, no matter what new evidence arises about RF’s toxicological or neurodevelopmental impacts, local communities remain powerless to implement safeguards.

Thus, Section 704 is not merely a piece of outdated legislation. It is a carefully engineered structural gag order, designed to perpetuate maximum wireless deployment while insulating the industry from liability.

“These unconstitutional policies have made it impossible for parents to protect their children from constant radiation exposure,” says Coates. “The same year they made it illegal to challenge cell tower placement based on electromagnetic radiation health effects, they installed fraudulent FCC guidelines that ignored all biological research on non-thermal EMR exposure. This must be overturned.”

Modern biology has moved beyond mere biochemical paradigms. It recognizes that the human organism is governed by precisely tuned electromagnetic signals critical for everything from cellular communication to neurodevelopmental processes. Chronic RF exposure saturates these innate bioelectric networks with incoherent, external electromagnetic noise—a relentless form of entropic waste that sabotages the body’s capacity to maintain homeostasis.

The bottom line is that there is a significant body of research indicating potential health risks associated with cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation. This includes major studies like the Interphone study, Hardell group studies, CERENAT study, U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), Ramazzini Institute Study, REFLEX Project, BioInitiative Report, and the work of researchers like Dr. Henry Lai. These studies collectively point towards an increased health risk from cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation and absurdity in dismissing potential risks.  It is becoming clear the misclassification of RFR risk is harming Americans and responsible for holding back life-saving medical interventions; a recent review stated, “Existent literature points toward a yet untapped therapeutic potential of RF-EMF treatment which might aid in damaging cancer cells through bioelectrical and electromechanical molecular mechanisms while minimizing adverse effects on healthy tissue cells.” 

This may be the most crucial issue of our modern era; advancements in RF radiation research show biological interactions beyond thermal effects. For example, the FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment, which employs RF radiation at power levels up to 1000 times lower than those emitted by cell phones, effectively treats inoperable liver cancer through non-thermal interactions at the cellular or molecular level. This includes resonance effects, disruption of cellular signaling, and potential modulation of the immune system. This proves the traditional view that non-ionizing cell phone radiation is biologically inert except for its heating properties – is wrong.   Therefore, the inadequate FCC guidelines must be updated, and funding for the NTP cancer research halted under Biden-Harris must be restarted to protect public health.

Children at Risk

Coates highlights the plight of his own daughter, who attends a school with a cell tower only 465 feet away—far below the BioInitiative Report’s recommended safe distance of 1,500 feet:

“We have known for years that proximity to high-powered transmitters heightens exposure levels. Kids should never be in such close range, especially when their developing bodies and brains make them more vulnerable.”

Call for Regulatory Reforms and Technological Solutions

RF Safe urges a systemic overhaul comparable to regulating the automotive industry’s shift to stricter emissions standards.

The Make America Healthy Again Commission presents a rare opportunity to demand meaningful reforms. Just as the automotive industry was required to reduce toxic hydrocarbon emissions, the wireless industry must be mandated to reduce toxic microwave emissions:

🔹 Mandating Li-Fi for Indoor Wireless Connectivity – Light-based communication (Li-Fi) can replace hazardous microwave radiation indoors, where people spend most of their lives.

🔹 Transitioning to Space-Based Broadband – Direct-to-cell and space-based networks can relocate high-power transmitters away from residential areas—significantly reducing the need for densely placed terrestrial towers that create chronic exposure to harmful microwave radiation.

🔹 Enforce Public Law 90-602 – The government must restore funding to the National Toxicology Program and require continuous safety research on wireless radiation exposure.

“We need to update safety standards and ensure our children are protected as technology evolves,” says Coates.  “Chronic RF exposure is an escalating public health issue, and we must act with the same urgency we’ve shown in other industries to control dangerous emissions.”

The Fight for Safe Technology Begins Now

For the first time, a federal commission will investigate electromagnetic radiation’s role in America’s health crisis, thanks to the explicit mention of EMR in President Trump’s executive order. However, acknowledgment alone is not enough. Americans must demand action:

Repeal Section 704 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, restoring the right to challenge harmful cell tower placements.
Update the FCC’s fraudulent guidelines to include non-thermal biological effects of EMR.
Mandate safer wireless alternatives like Li-Fi and space-based broadband to minimize RF exposure.

“The chronic disease epidemic in America will never be solved without addressing electromagnetic radiation exposure,” Coates warns. “This is just the beginning of a fight to reclaim our health and our rights.”

About RF Safe

Founded in 1998 by John Coates, RF Safe is a global leader in electromagnetic radiation safety solutions. The company was founded after a 1997 study linked electromagnetic radiation exposure to neural tube defects—the birth defect that took the life of Coates’ firstborn daughter shortly after birth in 1995. Determined to prevent others from suffering such an environmental tragedy, Coates dedicated the last 30 years of his life to researching and mitigating the dangers of RF exposure.

RF Safe provides cutting-edge research, advocacy, and technology to reduce EMR exposure

RF Safe open-sources research-backed solutions for reducing wireless exposure, but it is better known for providing the world’s largest Smartphone SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) comparison database with color-coded results. This database features an extensive collection of wireless devices and their radiation emission levels.

✅ RF Safe’s innovations go beyond information and technology to reduce EMR exposure—they are transitioning us from the “Microwave Age” to the “Light Age.”

Coates is the inventor of a revolutionary Li-Fi system with bio-defense mode, patented under US11700058B2. This far-UV light communication system demonstrates how wireless data can be transmitted without harmful microwave radiation, offering:

✅ Higher data speeds than traditional Wi-Fi
✅ Radiation-free indoor connectivity
✅ Bioelectric integrity protection

“This shift to light-based communication is, I believe, one of the most important leaps humanity can make,” says Coates. “By embracing Li-Fi, photonic networks, and even carefully managed far-UV for disinfection, we stand to gain not just faster connectivity but true harmony with our biology. Still, to fully realize this vision, we must first repeal Section 704—only then can local communities reclaim their rights, scientific debate can thrive, and the path to the Light Age will be upon us.”

The stakes could not be higher. Unless we address the unconstitutional legal scaffolding that has underpinned decades of industry-driven obfuscation, no advancement in scientific research, no philanthropic campaign, and no policy refinement will suffice to arrest the devastation currently unfolding in public health—and particularly in the neurodevelopment of our children.

  • ADHD and EMF: Yale’s Dr. Hugh Taylor found that mice prenatally exposed to cellphone radiation exhibited hyperactivity, anxiety, and poor memory—traits mirroring ADHD. If EMFs perturb neurotransmitters and disrupt prefrontal cortex development, is it any surprise ADHD diagnoses are skyrocketing?
  • Autism and EMF: Dr. Pall’s VGCC research to epigenetic changes documented in animal studies, we know EMFs can alter gene expression without changing DNA sequences. They can increase oxidative stress, disrupt neurotransmitter levels, and shift hormone balances. Each of these changes, on its own subtle, can add up to developmental instability.If EMF-induced sperm DNA damage leads to more de novo mutations, future generations may inherit a genetic burden that predisposes them to autism or other conditions. Without acknowledging these non-thermal pathways, we remain blind to the real risks.

Influencers, celebrities, policymakers, and philanthropic organizations dedicated to autism must align their campaigns with the indisputable reality of RF’s role in neurodevelopmental disruption. Advocacy must encompass a legislative dimension—demanding #TrumpRepeal704 and enforcement of Public Law 90-602.

For press inquiries, please contact:
📞 John Coates
Founder, RF Safe
Phone: (727) 610-1188


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