Political Figures & Glioblastoma Brain Tumors

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the potential link between cell phone usage and the incidence of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) brain tumors among political and public figures. Notable individuals such as Senator John McCain, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, and Joseph “Beau” Biden III have succumbed to this aggressive form of brain cancer, raising questions about the role of wireless radiation exposure in their diagnoses.

The Tragic Cases of John McCain, Edward Kennedy, and Beau Biden

Senator John McCain: On August 25, 2018, on the same day as Senator Edward M. Kennedy died from the same cancer. Senator John McCain passed away from GBM. McCain, a left-handed individual, often used his cell phone in his left hand. Additionally, his ranch was equipped with GSM cellular towers, exposing him to significant far-field radiation, which has been linked to the promotion of GBM.

Senator Edward M. Kennedy: Senator Kennedy died from GBM on August 25, 2009, exactly nine years before McCain. Kennedy’s frequent cell phone use, particularly on the same side as his tumor, has raised concerns about the impact of near-field radiation exposure.

Joseph “Beau” Biden III: Beau Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, died from GBM in 2015. Like Kennedy, Beau used his cell phone on the same side as his tumor, suggesting a potential link between near-field radiation exposure and the development of GBM.

Recent Politician Deaths and Rat Studies

The deaths of McCain, Kennedy, and Biden coincide with the findings of two significant rodent studies released in 2018. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) in the USA conducted a near-field exposure experiment, while the Ramazzini Institute in Italy conducted a far-field exposure study. Both studies suggested that exposure to RF radiation promotes the development of GBM.

NTP Near-Field Study: This study simulated full-body exposure to radiation at close proximity. The findings indicated that tumors develop from this exposure.

Ramazzini Far-Field Study: This study simulated exposure to radiation from cell phone towers at lower intensities but over a more extensive area. The results were consistent with the NTP study, showing a higher incidence of tumors in cells susceptible to cancer, such as Glial and Schwann cells.

The Rise of GBM Brain Tumors Globally

The incidence of GBM has been rising dramatically, particularly in the frontal and temporal regions of the brain, which are most exposed to cell phone radiation. Studies from England, the Netherlands, and the USA show a significant increase in GBM rates, while the rates for lower-grade tumors have decreased, masking the overall rise in GBM cases. See the charts below.

Political Figures Who Have Died from Brain Tumors

Since 1995, at least 23 political figures have died from brain cancer during the rapid expansion of wireless technology. This rate is significantly higher compared to the period before 1995, when only 13 political deaths related to brain tumors were recorded over 73 years. Here is a list of notable political figures who have succumbed to brain tumors:

  1. Lucille Moore (Died from Brain Tumor in 1995) – Candidate for mayor of El Cajon, Calif.
  2. Michael Lynn Synar (Died from Brain Tumor in 1996) — U.S. Representative from Oklahoma 2nd District, 1979-95.
  3. Lucille Maurer (Died from Brain Tumor in 1996) — Maryland state treasurer, 1987-96.
  4. Frank Mariano Tejeda (Died from Brain Tumor in 1997) — U.S. Representative from Texas 28th District, 1993-97.
  5. Ellis Barkett Bodron (Died from Brain Tumor in 1997) — Member of Mississippi state house of representatives.
  6. Patrick Layton Paulsen (Died from Brain Tumor in 1997) — Candidate for Democratic nomination for President, 1996.
  7. Grace Mary Stern (Died from Brain Tumor in 1998) — Member of Illinois state house of representatives, 1985-93; member of Illinois state senate, 1993-95.
  8. Frank Xavier Altimari (Died from Brain Tumor in 1998) — Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, 1985-96.
  9. Jeanne Hurley Simon (Died from Brain Tumor in 2000) — Member of Illinois state house of representatives.
  10. Benjamin P. Bettridge (Died from Brain Tumor in 2000) — Washington Republican state chair, 1992.
  11. David B. Hermelin (Died from Brain Tumor in 2000) — U.S. Ambassador to Norway, 1997-2000.
  12. Italo S. Cappabianca (Died from Brain Tumor in 2001) — Member of Pennsylvania state house of representatives, 1979-2001.
  13. Irma Lerma Rangel (Died from Brain Tumor in 2003) — Member of Texas state house of representatives, 1977-2003.
  14. Paul Harold Boeker (Died from Brain Tumor in 2003) — U.S. Ambassador to Jordan, 1984-87.
  15. E. Carlyle Smith, Jr. (Died from Brain Tumor in 2003) — Texas state house of representatives.
  16. Robert James Harris (Died from Brain Tumor in 2005) — Mayor of Ann Arbor, Mich.
  17. Robert E. O’Connor, Jr. (Died from Brain Tumor in 2006) — Mayor of Pittsburgh, Pa.
  18. Robin Leo Beard, Jr. (Died from Brain Tumor in 2007) — U.S. Representative from Tennessee 6th District.
  19. Robert Evander McNair (Died from Brain Tumor in 2007) — South Carolina state house of representatives.
  20. Elijah Pat Larkins (Died from Brain Tumor in 2009) — Mayor of Pompano Beach, Fla.
  21. Helen Boosalis (Died from Brain Tumor in 2009) — Mayor of Lincoln, Neb.
  22. Edward Moore Kennedy (Died from Brain Tumor in 2009) — Senator from Massachusetts, 1962-2009.
  23. Edward W. Cahill (Died from Brain Tumor in 2010) — Mayor of Valley Stream, N.Y.

The Need for Renewed Research and Updated Safety Guidelines

Given the alarming rise in GBM cases and the potential link to cell phone radiation, it is imperative to renew research efforts and update safety guidelines. The current FCC safety guidelines, established in 1996, are outdated and do not reflect the latest scientific understanding of RF radiation’s health effects.

Advocacy for Continued Research and Policy Recommendations

EHT Letter to Biden: Scientists and international experts from the Environmental Health Trust (EHT) sent a letter to President Biden on April 21, 2021, urging immediate action to evaluate the health and environmental impacts of 5G and wireless networks. The letter emphasized the need for wired infrastructure, halting the 5G rollout until health impacts are assessed, and developing science-based safety limits for RF radiation exposure.

RF Safe: We don’t think a wired world is possible at scale anymore, so we support the use of light, as explained in US Patent US11700058B2 by inventor John Coates, founder of RF Safe.

A Call to Action for President Trump

President Trump, it’s time to take up RFK Jr.’s battles for the health of the American people. The halted NTP research by the Biden administration needs to be resumed, and the potential risks associated with electromagnetic radiation must be thoroughly investigated. Embracing advancements in bioelectric medicine could lead to groundbreaking treatments and a new era in healthcare.

The health and safety of the American people should always be a priority. By addressing these issues, we can protect public health and pave the way for innovative medical treatments. President Trump, we urge you to champion this cause and continue putting the American people first.


Studies of cell phone usage and brain cancer have focused mainly on adults, but now, because of the dramatic increase in cell phone use among children, researchers are turning greater attention to children’s exposure to radiation from cell phones.

children cell phone radiation exposure
children’s cell phone radiation exposure

Children have thinner skulls, and their brains are still developing, and they, therefore, may be more susceptible to brain cancer from the non-ionizing electromagnetic fields emitted from cell phones, according to the Daily Beast. A study in Sweden found a higher risk for glioma in participants who started using cell phones as children or adolescents.

The Global Rise in Glioblastoma Brain Tumors

“Rates of GBM’s More Than Doubled Between 1995 and 2015”

The issue of whether brain tumor rates are static or rising is more complicated than the media or wireless industry would have us believe. Indeed, the overall incidence of brain tumors has not changed much, but a different picture emerges if one looks carefully at what types of brain tumors are rising around the world.

The incidence rate of GBM, the most aggressive and quickly fatal brain tumor, is rising dramatically in England, the Netherlands, and the USA, while the rates for lower-grade tumors have decreased, masking this dramatic trend in the overall data

The incidence rate for the total group of gliomas increased, with a decrease in anaplastic and unspecified tumors and an increase in glioblastoma.

The graph below which shows how the total number of malignant brain tumors (black line) has remained relatively steady, concealing the increase in GBM (red line).


The doctors leading the study do not know what is causing the increase in GBM, but they reject improved diagnosis because these tumors are generally fatal and are very rarely missed. “We suggest that widespread environmental or lifestyle factors may be responsible,” they write.

One possible factor is the widespread use of cell phones and cell phone towers.

“When we looked at the incidence of GBM tumors, we found an even more dramatic rise in frontal and temporal regions of the brain. This raises the suspicion that mobile phone use may be promoting gliomas.” Philips told us (see figure below). “Indeed, our findings support previous work by Lennart Hardell’s group in Sweden.”


“The new paper adds further evidence for the increased risk of glioma associated with mobile phone use,” Hardell told us by e-mail from Örebro, Sweden. “It is in agreement with previous epidemiological findings of a higher glioma risk in humans using mobile phones and certainly also with the recent RF–animal studies from America and Italy.”

Dr. Vini Khurana, a neurosurgeon, presented what it termed “an increasing body of evidence for a link between mobile phone usage and certain brain tumors” and that it “is anticipated that this danger has far broader public health ramifications than asbestos and smoking.”

A publication titled “Public health implications of wireless technologies” cites that Lennart Hardell found age is a significant factor. The report repeated the finding that the use of cell phones before age 20 increased the risk of brain tumors by 5.2, compared to 1.4 for all ages. A review by Hardell et al. concluded that current mobile phones are not safe for long-term exposure.   http://download.journals.elsevierhealth.com/pdfs/journals/0928-4680/PIIS0928468009000091.pdf



The increasing rates of glioblastoma among political figures and the general population highlight the urgent need for renewed research and updated safety guidelines for cell phone radiation. By taking decisive action, we can ensure a healthier and safer future for all Americans. President Trump, the time to act is now! Show the RFK Jr. supporters that you are willing to fight for them, too. The health of the American people is paramount, and this issue transcends political boundaries. It’s time to unite and prioritize the well-being of our citizens.


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