

Is The Deep State Behind Unchecked Dangers of EMFs: A Conspiracy or a Reality?

In recent years, a growing number of people have been voicing concerns about the potential dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other wireless technologies. What was once dismissed as fringe theory is now gaining traction as a possible explanation for the alarming rise in neurodivergent conditions such as autism, ADHD, gender dysphoria, and other developmental disorders. This blog delves into a conspiracy theory that links these conditions to EMFs, exploring the eerie parallels between historical scientific findings and the modern-day consequences of wireless technology.

The Bioelectric Nature of Life: Pioneers in the Field

Long before cell phone towers dotted the landscape, researchers like Robert O. Becker and Björn Nordenström laid the groundwork for understanding life as a fundamentally bioelectric process. Becker, in his groundbreaking work “The Body Electric,” explored how electric fields influence cellular processes, tissue regeneration, and overall health. Similarly, Nordenström’s work on the “bioelectric theory of cancer” posited that electric currents in the body play a critical role in maintaining cellular health and combating disease.

These early pioneers demonstrated that life operates on bioelectric principles at every level, from the cellular to the systemic. They warned of the potential dangers of disrupting these delicate electric balances, but their warnings went largely unheeded as the world plunged headfirst into the wireless age.

The Rise of Neurodivergence: Coincidence or Consequence?

As cell phone towers began sprouting across the country in the 1980s and 1990s, something unprecedented happened: the rise of neurodivergent conditions. Autism, once a rare disorder, now affects 1 in 36 children in the United States. Similarly, rates of ADHD, gender dysphoria, reproductive issues, and other neurodevelopmental disorders have skyrocketed.

Some argue that these increases are simply the result of better diagnostic practices and increased awareness. However, others point to the simultaneous rise of wireless technology and wonder if there is a more sinister explanation. Could the widespread proliferation of EMFs be fundamentally altering the way our brains develop, leading to a generation of neurodivergent individuals?

Entropic Waste: The Hidden Threat

At the heart of this conspiracy theory is the concept of “entropic waste”—the chaotic energy produced by wireless technologies that disrupts the natural bioelectric processes of the body. Unlike other environmental toxins, EMFs are invisible and intangible, making them easy to dismiss. However, their impact on biological systems, particularly the developing brains and bodies of children, is profound.

Research has shown that EMFs can interfere with cellular communication, alter hormone levels, and increase oxidative stress—all factors that can contribute to abnormal brain development. Studies have linked prenatal and early childhood exposure to EMFs with a range of neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism, ADHD, and this should be enough to want to fund research into these subtle effects resulting in behavioral issues that could manifest as unprovoked acts of violence, such as active shooter incidents.

A Dark Conspiracy: The Deep State’s Role?

The conspiracy theory takes a darker turn when it suggests that the rise of neurodivergence is not a natural consequence of technological progress but a deliberate strategy orchestrated by a shadowy “deep state.” According to this theory, the deep state recognized the potential of entropic waste to weaken society by reducing the number of “alpha males”—individuals who possess the leadership qualities necessary to challenge authority and maintain a free society. Elon Musk recently highlighted this topic.

By allowing EMFs to proliferate unchecked, the deep state could create a future population that is more easily controlled. This plan, the theory suggests, was set in motion decades ago, and its success has been ensured by placing key figures in positions of power to cover up the evidence.

One of the most glaring examples of this, according to conspiracy theorists, is the appointment of Tom Wheeler, former head of the CTIA (the wireless industry’s lobbying arm), to lead the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Wheeler’s appointment during the Obama administration is seen as a calculated move to ensure that safety guidelines for wireless technologies remain outdated and that the public remains unaware of the true dangers of EMFs.

By weakening these qualities in future generations, the system ensures that fewer individuals will rise to challenge the status quo. This isn’t just a theory; it’s a reality supported by scientific research and historical precedent.

The Role of the Deep State: A Modern-Day Herod?

Some conspiracy theorists suggest that a “deep state” is orchestrating this decline in alpha leadership, much like King Herod sought to eliminate Jesus before he could grow into a threat. While this idea may seem far-fetched, the parallels are striking. The deep state’s weapon of choice isn’t a sword but technology—specifically, the unchecked proliferation of wireless radiation.

The appointment of Tom Wheeler, a former head of the wireless industry’s lobbying arm, to lead the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is often cited as evidence of this conspiracy. Wheeler’s tenure at the FCC is seen as a period of regulatory capture, where the agency tasked with protecting public health instead prioritized the interests of the wireless industry. This led to outdated safety guidelines that fail to account for the non-thermal effects of EMFs on the human body.

The Biden-Harris administration’s decision to allow the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) research on EMFs and cancer to run out of funding only adds to the suspicion. This research had shown clear evidence that EMFs can cause cancer in rats, yet the program was quietly defunded, leaving the public in the dark about the true dangers of wireless technology.

Biden-Harris Administration Halts Funding For Critical NTP Cancer Research:

A Missed Opportunity and A Grave Mistake

The conspiracy deepens when it points to the actions of the Biden-Harris administration. After the National Toxicology Program (NTP) released a groundbreaking study showing clear evidence that EMFs cause cancer, the administration allowed the program to run out of funding. The conspiracy theorists argue that this decision was no accident but a deliberate move to suppress the truth, protect the interests of the wireless industry, and prevent the next generation from challenging its hold on power at any cost, even our children through altering their brains and bodies with unchecked entropic waste introduced into our environment.

Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that President Biden’s son, Beau Biden, died of a brain tumor that the National Toxicology Program (NTP) attributed to cell phone radiation. Despite this personal connection to the dangers of EMFs, the administration has done little to address the growing concerns about wireless technology’s impact on public health.

The Evidence: Fact or Fiction?

So, is there any truth to this conspiracy theory? While the idea of a deep state orchestrating a plan to control the population may seem far-fetched, the underlying concerns about EMFs and their impact on neurodevelopment are very real.

The scientific community has long recognized the potential dangers of EMFs. Studies have shown that EMFs can cause DNA damage, disrupt cellular communication, and alter brain function. The NTP study, one of the largest and most comprehensive studies on the subject, found clear evidence that EMFs can cause cancer in rats. Other studies have linked EMFs to neurodevelopmental disorders, reproductive issues, and behavioral problems.

Moreover, the fact that safety guidelines for wireless technologies have not been updated in decades, despite mounting evidence of harm, raises serious questions about the influence of industry on public policy. The appointment of Tom Wheeler to the FCC and the subsequent actions of the Biden-Harris administration have only fueled suspicions that the government is more interested in protecting the interests of the wireless industry than in safeguarding public health.

A Call to Action: The Real Threat

Whether or not there is a shadowy figure behind the scenes pulling the strings, the reality is that EMFs pose a real and present danger to public health. The rise of neurodivergence, the increase in unprovoked acts of violence, and the growing body of scientific evidence linking EMFs to a range of health issues cannot be ignored.

It is time for the public to demand action. Safety guidelines for wireless technologies must be updated to reflect the latest scientific research. The NTP study must be restarted and fully funded to continue its critical work. And most importantly, the public must be informed about the potential dangers of EMFs and how to protect themselves and their families.

A Conspiracy or a Cover-Up?

In the end, whether or not there is a grand conspiracy at play, the facts remain: EMFs are a real and growing threat to public health, and the government’s failure to address this threat is a serious cause for concern. The rise of neurodivergence, the increase in behavioral problems, and the potential link to EMFs are all issues that demand further investigation.

The public deserves to know the truth, and it is up to each of us to ensure that the truth comes to light. Whether through grassroots advocacy, scientific research, or simply spreading awareness, we must take action to protect ourselves and future generations from the dangers of entropic waste. After all, as the saying goes, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.” But, as we know the truth can be stranger than fiction!

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