

Leaked Footage: RFK Jr. Apologizes To Trump – Reveals Willingness To Fight RFK Battles & Bullet Encounter

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. issued an apology following the release of footage capturing his conversation with Donald Trump. The footage, which has since caused significant public interest, features Trump describing the sensation of a bullet passing by his ear and recounting a phone call with President Biden.

In the video, Trump vividly recalls, “I just turned my head to show the chart, and something wrapped me; it felt like the world’s largest mosquito.” He continues, “And it was, it was a bullet going around, you know… That was a big gun. Those are pretty tough guns.”

Kennedy expressed deep regret over the incident, stating, “When President Trump called me, I was taping with an in-house videographer. I should have ordered the videographer to stop recording immediately. I am mortified that this was posted. I apologize to the president.”

Trump and RFK Jr.: A Unified Vision for America’s Future

Recent speculation about a potential alliance between President Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has sparked widespread interest and excitement. The rumors suggest that Trump reached out to RFK Jr. not for a mere endorsement but to extend a hand of partnership to fight for the American people’s health and well-being together. This potential partnership is seen as a divine intervention aimed at unifying the nation and driving it toward a prosperous and healthy future.

Clarifying the Misconceptions

It is crucial to clarify that it is not legal to ask for an endorsement in exchange for a job offer. This is not what transpired between Trump and RFK Jr. The discussion was not about political maneuvering but rather a sincere offer to work together for the greater good of the American people. Trump, who had just survived an assassination attempt hours earlier, was driven by a sense of purpose and divine guidance to extend this offer to RFK Jr.

Trump and RFK Jr.: A Partnership Rooted in Purpose

Trump’s outreach to RFK Jr. is a testament to his commitment to unify the nation and tackle pressing health issues head-on. Here are the key aspects of how this partnership could shape America’s future:

  1. Restoring Trust in Public HealthTrump and RFK Jr. share a common goal of restoring trust in public health institutions. By working together, they can address the concerns surrounding electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and ensure that health policies are based on the latest scientific evidence. This partnership could drive significant advancements in bioelectric medicine and safeguard public health.
  2. Advancing Health ResearchOne of the immediate actions could be restoring funding to the National Toxicology Program (NTP), which was halted under the previous administration. This research is crucial for understanding the long-term health effects of RF radiation and fostering innovation in healthcare. With RFK Jr.’s expertise and Trump’s leadership, this research can resume, leading to groundbreaking discoveries.
  3. Updating FCC Safety GuidelinesThe current FCC safety guidelines for RF radiation are outdated and do not reflect recent scientific findings. RFK Jr. and Trump can work together to ensure these guidelines are updated, providing better protection against the harmful effects of RF radiation. This move would demonstrate a strong commitment to public health and technological safety.
  4. Championing Environmental HealthRFK Jr.’s passion for environmental health aligns perfectly with the need to address EMR and other environmental hazards. His advocacy, combined with Trump’s ability to implement policy changes, can lead to a healthier environment and improved quality of life for all Americans.

A Call for Unity

  • The reaction on social media has been overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing excitement about the potential alliance and its implications for America. Here are some highlights:

:“HUGE! Leaked call between Trump and RFK Jr.’s discussion yesterday! Trump was reaching out to Kennedy looking for an endorsement. This is a massive development, and if Kennedy chooses to go through with it, I think Trump would gain a lot of support, and RFK Jr. would still have the opportunity to do what he does best, which is handle the pharmaceutical realm.”

:“I would love to see


have an important role within the Trump admin dealing with medical stuff & vaccines.”

:“As others have stated, this proves that Trump is the same in private as in public, as opposed to typical politicians like Crooked actually admitting to different public/private personas.”

:“It’s like we are watching a feel-good movie, but it just keeps getting better. I will be so incredibly pleased if RFK is a part of Trump’s administration. It really doesn’t matter what department, but I know he knows his way around pharma quite well.”

:“Seeing/hearing it literally is wild. I hope RFK does join the Administration. His stance on some issues I agree with, hell he’d be great at the EPA or FDA.”

:“RFK Jr. could be a huge asset to Trump’s administration.”

These reactions highlight the enthusiasm and hope that this partnership could bring real change and unity to America.

The potential partnership between Trump and RFK Jr. is more than a political alliance; it is a call for unity. In a time of division, this collaboration represents a coming together of different perspectives to achieve a common goal. It is about putting the health and well-being of the American people first and working tirelessly to ensure a prosperous future.

The Divine Intervention

The circumstances surrounding this partnership suggest a divine intervention. Trump, having narrowly escaped an assassination attempt, reached out to RFK Jr. with a sense of purpose. This is not about political gains but about fulfilling a higher mission to serve the American people. It is about working side by side to address the critical issues facing the nation and ensuring a healthier, safer future for all.

The Urgent Need for Continued Research

Ending government-funded studies on RF radiation impacts prematurely is a disservice to public health and industries that could benefit from clear, updated regulations. By understanding the full scope of RF radiation effects, industries could innovate more effectively and safely, ensuring consumer trust and compliance with health standards.

Reinstating NTP research and updating FCC guidelines are crucial steps toward safeguarding public health and fostering a culture of trust and safety in technology use. It’s time for policymakers, industry leaders, and the scientific community to unite in addressing these urgent concerns and ensuring a safer future for all.


The potential partnership between Trump and RFK Jr. offers a unique opportunity to address critical health issues and unify the nation. It is a testament to their shared commitment to serving the American people and ensuring a prosperous, healthy future. As we navigate an increasingly complex health landscape, having leaders committed to addressing these issues is paramount.

This collaboration is a beacon of hope and unity, demonstrating that by working together, we can overcome challenges and create a better future for all. Let us embrace this vision and advocate for the changes needed to secure a healthier, safer America.


But what about the partnership offer?


  • 🚨 Rumors are swirling about RFK Jr. joining Trump’s team as a Public Health Policy Czar! Could this be the change America needs? #TrumpRFK #PublicHealth
  • Imagine RFK Jr. leading health policy under Trump! Restoring NTP funding and updating FCC guidelines could revolutionize public health. 🌟 #TrumpRFK #HealthReform
  • Trump and RFK Jr. together? This potential partnership could address critical EMR concerns and drive bioelectric medicine advancements. 🩺 #TrumpRFK #HealthInnovation
  • RFK Jr. has apologized for the leaked footage with Trump. Despite the speculation, the idea of them working together is exciting! 🤝 #TrumpRFK #PublicHealth
  • Combining Trump’s leadership with RFK Jr.’s expertise could create a powerful alliance for America’s health and safety. 🇺🇸 #TrumpRFK #HealthPolicy
  • Updating outdated FCC guidelines and restoring NTP funding? A Trump-RFK Jr. partnership could bring significant health policy changes! 🔬 #TrumpRFK #HealthSafety
  • RFK Jr. as Public Health Policy Czar? His passion for environmental health could drive groundbreaking research and innovation. 🌍 #TrumpRFK #HealthReform
  • A Trump and RFK Jr. alliance could be the political breakthrough we need to protect public health and drive technological progress. 🌟 #TrumpRFK #HealthInnovation
  • The American people deserve leaders who prioritize their health. Trump and RFK Jr. working together could be transformative. 🩺 #TrumpRFK #PublicHealth
  • Exciting times ahead! A potential Trump-RFK Jr. partnership could address critical health issues and ensure a safer future for all. 🌟 #TrumpRFK #HealthPolicy
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