

Make Politics About Health, Not Hatred: Democrat Policies Harm Children!

The right choice is to remove the party that directly increases long-term risks to our children right in front of your face by ending NTP research—Biden-Harris did that! She must go!

The Only Safe Vote Is a “NO” Vote For Kamala Harris

I’ll explain!

On Judgment Day, will you be able to say you fought for the well-being and mental health of our children, safeguarding them from the toxic entropic waste created by modern technology? While many champion the cause of global warming, they overlook the pervasive wireless energy wreaking havoc on the most susceptible among us—our children, the compromised, and the elderly. The impacts of EMF on hormonal disruptions are already manifesting physically and mentally in our society.

Regulatory capture cannot obscure the evident truth: wireless radiation is harming our children!

This mission—to protect our children from EMFs—requires a bipartisan strategy; we need champions on the front lines across all party lines. What I witnessed on July 13th was a man who will fight, a true fighter, one who always has and always will care about the future of America and all our children.  Trump and RFK Jr are already on GREAT terms and share concerns over the health and safety of our children.

By stark contrast and putting all Americans at risk, the Biden-Harris administration ended America’s only wireless radiation research program to fund wars instead. If you genuinely care about our children and are not naive enough to believe RF radiation is safe, you must do everything you can to raise awareness about the critical need for NTP funding and the fact that FCC guidelines are outdated.

We must start to focus on the non-thermal effects of EMF, such as the mental health issues related to hormonal changes from electromagnetic radiation in school shootings and gender confusion.

Harris is part of the administration that halted all research into RFR radiation after the NTP linked it to the same type of cancer that claimed Biden’s oldest son. This president and administration are bringing death to America!

Do not be blinded by your disdain! We must protect our children at all costs.

Harris has shown she doesn’t care about the tragedy of my first child’s death when she failed to fight for the continuation of NTP research; she is part of a system that is concealing crucial facts from you.

Any official who allowed cuts to funding for one of the most underfunded and least researched areas of public health—an area that affects every man, woman, and child—should not be re-elected. A vote for Harris is a vote for policies that will directly harm our children. They ended research funding for the NTP and allowed the FCC to ignore the non-thermal risks to our children.

A vote for Harris signals that RF Safe’s 25 years of advocating for EMF safety have been in vain. Please, don’t let my tragedy be in vain; our children need this NTP research and updated FCC guidelines.  If RF/EMF safety and the lives of America’s children matter to you – You must cast your vote to remove the current administration. Regardless of your preferred candidate, advocate for RF safety to them. Both RFK and Trump are more likely to reinstate the NTP research than the Biden-Harris administration, which terminated it.

Make the right choice for our children!
Make the right choice for you!

The right choice is to remove the party that directly increases long-term risks to our children right in front of your face by ending NTP research—Biden-Harris did that! They have to go! The only good vote is a no vote for Harris!

Don’t make your vote about hate. Make it for the love of our children!

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