Some people keep parroting, “There’s no evidence that RF radiation causes cancer.” Meanwhile, real scientists around the world have sounded the alarm, linking wireless exposure not just to brain tumors, but also to colon, rectal, and even breast cancers. The studies below tear the corporate cover story to shreds—none of this is speculation, it’s documented harm.
Increased Generational Risk of Colon and Rectal Cancer in Recent Birth Cohorts Under Age 40—The Hypothetical Role of Cell Phone RF Radiation
Reference: Davis, D., et al. (2020). Annals of Gastroenterology and Digestive Disorders 3(1):1-8.
Straight Talk:
- Colon and rectal cancer rates are exploding in younger adults—far too young for the usual risk profile.
- This paper hypothesizes that relentless RF exposure from cell phones may be fueling that spike.
- It’s a wake-up call: these “new normals” in cancer stats might be directly linked to our always-on devices.
The Carcinogenic Potential of Non-Ionizing Radiations: S-50 Hz MF & 1.8 GHz GSM
Reference: Soffritti, M., et al. (2019). Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology I125(Suppl.3):58-69.
Straight Talk:
- Broad analysis of cancer-causing potential in low-frequency magnetic fields (50 Hz) and radiofrequencies (1.8 GHz).
- Confirms once again that the problem is not limited to thermal heating—non-thermal biological effects are major drivers.
- Enough with the “thermal threshold” excuse—this is about deep cellular disruptions that spark malignant growth.
National Toxicology Program Technical Report on Cell Phones and Cancer (TR595)
Reference: NTP TR595:1-466. (2018).
Straight Talk:
- The largest, most damning study ever from the US government’s own program.
- Demonstrates that chronic 900 MHz exposure leads to malignant tumors in rats—period.
- They tried to bury or downplay it, but the data is there for anyone who cares about the truth.
Tumor Promotion by Exposure to Radiofrequency EMFs Below Exposure Limits for Humans
Reference: Lerchl, A., et al. (2015). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 459(4):585-590.
Straight Talk:
- Found that even exposures under current ‘safety’ limits can actually promote tumor growth.
- That’s right: levels that are supposedly ‘safe’ can still accelerate cancer processes.
- Tells you everything you need to know about how inadequate these so-called safety limits really are.
Swedish Review: Radiation from Cell & Cordless Phones is a Probable Human Carcinogen
Reference: Davis, D.L., et al. (2013). Pathophysiology 20(2):123-129.
Straight Talk:
- Swedish researchers—among the world’s leaders in RF-cancer research—slam the notion that there’s any real doubt left.
- ‘Probable human carcinogen’ is just bureaucratic language for ‘we’re sure enough that you should be freaking out.’
Multifocal Breast Cancer in Young Women with Prolonged Cell Phone Contact
Reference: West, J., et al. (2013). Case Reports in Medicine 2013(354682).
Straight Talk:
- Women storing phones in their bras for years developed multifocal breast cancer exactly where the phone rested.
- This is real-life tragedy—no ‘debate’ about how it might be.
Malignant Melanoma in the Head and Neck Linked to Mobile and Cordless Phone Use
Reference: Hardell, L., et al. (2011). Pathophysiology 18(4):325-333.
Straight Talk:
- Yet another tumor type—melanoma—showing up where phones are used.
- The pattern is consistent: the ‘just keep ignoring it’ approach is costing real lives.
Closing Reality Check
It’s the same story from every angle: from the colon to the breasts to skin tumors, RF radiation is implicated in a wide range of malignancies. The question isn’t ‘Does the science prove it?’ but ‘How many more people have to get cancer before the regulatory cowards and corporate stooges stop lying?’
We’ve got the data. We’ve got the real-world tragedies. We don’t have the time to waste. Lower your exposure, demand safer tech, and force accountability—because the cancer won’t wait for more ‘long-term studies’ while the industry collects profits.