

Parents Deserve Truth—Not Top-Down Mandates From RFK Jr To Control Their Children

The fundamental problem isn’t children holding cell phones. It’s that parents have been intentionally kept in the dark.

And while even a ban may offer some limited benefit, it still reeks of a draconian measure—a top-down government directive that tells parents what their children can and can’t have. What we needed wasn’t more mandates to control people—we needed a government that tells the truth about health risks and stops corporations from controlling the regulatory agencies’ tasks with protecting public health from the industries they are controlled by.

If parents were honestly informed about the scientific evidence of harm—neurological effects, reproductive damage, DNA breaks, and cancer—they would naturally choose to limit their child’s exposure.

Instead, all federal agencies claim safety to the fullest degree because of the corporate capture you campaigned to dismantle.

Banning phones to follow France is not the leadership you claimed to be.
You declared you would fight what was responsible for this harm. Instead, you say what children can have in their hands.

RFK Jr. doesn’t need to mandate rules against children; he needs to mandate transparency and truth from captured regulatory agencies.
Allow parents to make informed choices for their children because the government is being truthful about the risk and doing everything in its power to get cell towers a safe distance away from children!

And while even a ban may offer some limited benefit, it still reeks of a draconian measure—a top-down government directive that tells parents what their children can and can’t have.

What we needed wasn’t more useless mandates distancing us from the ones that should be made, like:

  • Mandating LiFi in schools

  • Mandating cell towers be no closer than 1500 feet from classrooms

We need a government that tells the truth about microwave radiation health risks and protects its citizens from federal agencies captured by corporations.

If parents had been fully informed of the dangers of RF radiation, most would have voluntarily made the right decision for their children’s use of a cell phone—including the use at school.

Give parents the truth, and make the truth the official government stance on RFR health risks—not draconian measures that are essentially training our children to accept orders from the government, all while the government simultaneously obfuscates the truth.

RFK Jr’s cell phone ban starts to look more like a government psyop to train our children to obey rather than understand the truth the government is hiding from them and their parents—all while not addressing the wireless industry’s role in America’s chronic health crisis.

MAHA: You have been fooled!

This is not leadership; this is following the French!

We don’t need your symbolic bans.
We don’t need performative politics.
We need:

Immediate reinstatement and full funding of the National Toxicology Program’s research into RF radiation
Enforcement of Public Law 90-602 to ensure continual oversight and updated safety standards
The repeal of Section 704, restoring parental and community rights to protect our children from microwave radiation exposure at school
Transparent education for parents, empowering them to make informed choices for their children
Transfer of RF safety oversight from the FCC back to the EPA, where health and environmental expertise belong

Do your job, Mr. Kennedy.
Enforce the laws you’ve sworn to uphold and protect American children; don’t just try to control them—protect them.

You want to mandate something that will make our children healthier?
Mandate LiFi. Remove WiFi from schools.

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