For Immediate Release
The recent push to rename Electromagnetic Sensitivity as “EMR Syndrome” is not just unnecessary—it is a dangerous misdirection that undermines the urgent need for regulatory action against unchecked microwave radiation exposure.
Electromagnetic Sensitivity has been recognized for over 25 years, and its name clearly states what it is: a toxic reaction to non-native electromagnetic fields (nnEMFs). Renaming it does nothing to address the root cause—unregulated exposure mandated by unconstitutional laws like Section 704 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act.
1. The Name Already Reflects the Reality: A Toxic Exposure, Not a Medical Mystery
- Electromagnetic Sensitivity (ES) describes exactly what’s happening—some individuals develop severe biological reactions to EMF exposure, while others may be affected at a slower rate.
- Toxic exposures affect different people differently, just like lead poisoning or chemical sensitivities. Some people will react immediately; others will develop effects over time—but that doesn’t mean we ignore the cause.
- Renaming it to “EMR Syndrome” implies that the cause is unknown—which is false. The cause is clear: microwave radiation exposure.
2. The Focus Must Be on Eliminating the Cause—Not Rebranding Symptoms
- We are not here to “butter up” symptoms. We are here to stop the unchecked rollout of EMF exposure, which is being forced upon the public by illegal laws and fictional safety guidelines.
- No disease has ever been solved by renaming it. If we want real change, we must fight against the root cause: the fact that telecommunications companies operate above the law, shielded from liability.
- If we do not address exposure levels, the problem will only grow—regardless of what we call it.
3. Unconstitutional Laws and Fictional Safety Guidelines Allow This Crisis to Continue
- Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 is unconstitutional. It prevents expert testimony in court, blocks communities from rejecting unsafe cell tower placements based on health risks, and allows corporate interests to override public health concerns.
- Public Law 90-602 (Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968) mandates that the FDA regulate all radiation exposures, including non-ionizing radiation like microwave radiation. Yet the FDA is ignoring this law, and with the National Toxicology Program (NTP) now defunded, the agency is in direct violation of its legal obligations.
- FCC exposure guidelines are fictional—they only account for thermal effects, even though decades of research show non-thermal bioeffects. The fact that non-thermal effects were ignored when these guidelines were written makes them fraudulent, not outdated.
4. If These Advocates Truly Want to Solve the Problem, They Must Fight the Root Cause
If those pushing for “EMR Syndrome” are truly interested in health, science, and safety, then they should be fighting to eliminate the legal protections that allow this unchecked radiation exposure—not trying to rebrand something that was never broken in the first place.
- The problem is not the name; the problem is the laws that block regulation, research, and safety standards from evolving.
- Electromagnetic Sensitivity has worked as a term for 25 years—what has failed is the legal system that allows this issue to persist.
- No amount of rebranding will change the fact that we cannot have safer technology until telecom immunity is removed and real biological standards replace fictional thermal-based guidelines.
5. The Real Fight: Restore Science, End Corporate Immunity, and Enforce Existing Laws
📢 1. Demand the Repeal of Section 704
- Local governments and courts must be able to challenge EMF exposure on health grounds.
- Expert testimony must be allowed in lawsuits challenging cell tower placements and wireless infrastructure rollouts.
📢 2. Enforce Public Law 90-602—The FDA Must Do Its Job
- The FDA is legally required to regulate non-ionizing radiation.
- Its failure to act, while the NTP is defunded, is a violation of federal law.
📢 3. Reject “EMR Syndrome”—Call It What It Is: A Toxic Exposure
- The telecom industry benefits from making this look like an unknown, individualized condition.
- This is not a syndrome—it is electromagnetic sensitivity caused by an environmental toxin.
Final Statement: A Call for Accountability, Not Rebranding
We do not need a new name. We need real regulatory action.
⚠️ Electromagnetic Sensitivity is not a mystery—it is a toxic exposure issue that has been allowed to continue due to corporate protections, fraudulent safety guidelines, and the failure to enforce existing laws.
⚠️ Instead of renaming it, we should be fighting against Section 704, the lack of FDA oversight, and the FCC’s refusal to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence of harm.
Renaming this condition does nothing to change the fact that people are being poisoned by legally protected radiation exposure. The real solution is legal action, regulatory enforcement, and the immediate repeal of industry-favored protections that allow wireless technology to expand without accountability.
📢 #TrumpRepeal704
📢 #EnforcePublicLaw90602
📢 #StopUnregulatedEMFExposure
📢 #FixTheLawsNotTheName