Cell phone radiation exposure during pregnancy impacts fetal brain development and may cause hyperactivity, Yale School of Medicine researchers say. RF Safe offers soon to be moms the cell phone radiation protection that defenseless babies need from microwave radiation.
Dallas, TX (PRWEB) April 04, 2014

RF Safe, the world’s premier provider of cell phone radiation protection accessories and informational safety data wants consumers to understand that there is no known safe dose standard of cell phone radiation for pregnant women, their developing babies, men who wish to become fathers, or for young children.
This is revealed in detail on August 29th 2013 by the FCC (Reassessment of Federal Communications Commission Radiofrequency Exposure Limits Policies) ET Docket No. 13-84 http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/document/view?id=7520940431
All safety warnings for cellphones (e.g., keep 2.54 inches from the abdomen) are modeled after a full grown man who talks less than half an hour a day. The average toddler’s head weighs about half as much as the one for whom standards have been set.
According to RF Safe there are numerous reasons that women who are pregnant, or who are planning for pregnancy, should be aware of why expecting mothers are at more risk to cell phone radiation dangers.
- in the March 15, 2012 issue of Scientific Reports http://news.yale.edu/2012/03/15/cell-phone-use-pregnancy-may-cause-behavioral-disorders-offspring. a Yale study says unborn mice exposed to cellphone radiation experienced changes in part of the brain responsible for hyperactivity.
- Fetuses’ developing brains are fragile and more vulnerable than adults, so it is prudent to keep the phone at a distance at all times when pregnant.
- The brain has very little bone protection allowing for greater absorption of radiation.
- Farrell JM et al 1997 – The effect of pulsed and sinusoidal magnetic fields on the morphology of developing chick embryos Bioelectromagnetics 18(6):431-8 PMID: 9261540 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9261540 Scientists in CUA’s laboratories found that oscillating EMFs increase the rate of neural tube abnormalities by a factor of approximately 2.5
RF Safe suggest a few simple things that can be done to greatly reduce cell phone radiation exposure.
- Don’t hold a cellphone directly up to your head. Use an RF Safe air tube headset or speakerphone to talk on the phone.
- Pregnant women should ALWAYS keep cellphones away from their abdomen and men who wish to become fathers should never keep phones on in their pocket without RF Safe Approved microwave radiation shielding between a user and wireless device. See RF Safe Accessories for Shielding the Body Here
- Don’t allow children to play with or use a cellphone. Older children should use an RF Safe headset when talking or playing music on a smartphone.
- Turn off your wireless router at night to minimize exposure to radiation.
John Coates, RF Safe’s founder, claims a simple pouch designed to block cell phone radiation can eliminate the possibility of potentially hazardous radiation from reaching a baby”.
When using the outer slot of an RF Safe Cell Phone Pocket Shield, it blocks microwave radiation from a cell phone by deflecting its radiation, by simply keeping the cell phone shielding between the cell phone and user creates a protective barrier that microwave radiation from cell phones can not penetrate.
Pocket shields come in pink or black, and work perfectly for men and women to shield phone radiation when the phone is near the body – for instance in a pocket or purse.
Coates said, “RF Safe offers the pocket shield in pink to remind women about health hazards from cell phone radiation exposure. Studies have shown some very concerning results. Studies are saying there is reason to suspect that cell phone radiation could be harming unborn babies.”
“Researchers at Yale studied the effects of cell phone radiation on the offspring of pregnant mice and determined exposure to could result in developmental disabilities including ADHD” says Coates
The study is the first of its kind to link cell phone radiation to developmental disorders in offspring, according to author Dr. Hugh S. Taylor, chief of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Yale Medical School.
Stay up-to-date on the latest information of cell phone radiation safety visit http://www.rfsafe.com
Since 1998 RF (Radio Frequency) Safe has been dedicated to evolving the wireless industries safety standards, by engaging in the business of design, testing, manufacture, and sale of safety technologies to mitigate harmful effects of cell phone radiation.