Response To Mean Hateful Biden Supporters Boycotting RF Safe For Supporting Trump in 2024 with “LONG LIVE TRUMP SALE!”

Biden supporters Boycott RF Safe for supporting Trump in 2024 with “LONG LIVE TRUMP SALE!” $45.47 35% Off – Why would they do this? Under Biden, all EMF research in the USA was halted!

A Plea to Trump: Embrace RFK Jr.’s Battle for Public Health: Cell Phone Radiation Safety

I will post some of the emails below showing the boycott of RF Safe because we have made it clear we support Trump in 2024. I have an agenda too!! We need research in the USA on cell phone health hazards, and under Biden, the NTP announced they stopped all research on cell phone radiation—only after finding clear evidence of cancer from smartphone-level RFR.

Not only that, his very own son likely died of a brain tumor that is highly attributed to cell phone radiation, and Biden keeps telling people he died in Iraq, and at other times, he claims it was because he breathed bad air in Iraq. However, the science supports that the tumor was on the same side of his head as he used his cell phone and more likely came from cell phone radiation.

The point is that cell phone and wireless radiation safety are going nowhere under Biden, and I feel in my heart that Trump cares about the future of America for the sake of his children as well as mine. I think we will get the NTP cell phone radiation research going again, which the Biden administration brought to a stop.

I never started RF Safe to sell any products; I started it to inform and educate you about the risks, living up to a promise I made to a dying baby girl whose life was cut short because of EMF exposure. I will not stop until God no longer gives me the ability to convert air to energy.

I believe that Trump will advance RF/EMF safety faster than the guy’s administration that ended it—Biden! Understanding the subtle interactions between environmental EMFs and bioelectricity can lead to enormous breakthroughs in medical applications, fostering new industries that will economically far outweigh the cost of safeguards and the ongoing research that must be done to protect future generations.

Biden is wrong for my mission to transform environmental EMF threats into safer technologies, and RFK and Trump are the best to further my life’s agenda: fewer dead babies in this world and healthier families that aren’t forced to succumb to toxic entropic waste. Biden’s weakness has brought us to the brink of WW3, and his inability to understand science and facts leaves this man clueless about what America needs.

In a perfect world, it would have been a Trump-RFK ticket. Trump has shown that he is willing to lead and fight for the people, something Biden hasn’t done in the last four years.

I feel that Trump cares enough about the health of the American people that he will restart the NTP research and kickstart a new era of medical technology based on our quickly evolving understanding of bioelectricity’s role in health.

You people boycotting RF Safe call Trump a lot of things, but in my book, you are supporting a murderer who, in Biden’s own words, “Put Trump in a Bullseye!” got a man killed!  Trump isn’t perfect; no one is. Last I checked, history is still written that the most sacred grounds where people were closest to God, Solomon’s Temple, was built not only by the holy but also by sinners and even demons. Does it take a perfect person to do God’s will? No!  Who am I to doubt the hand of God in a failed assignation attempt?  He “was” in the bullseye, thanks to Biden.  

Why am I voting for Trump? In a nutshell, Biden is no good for America and even worse for accelerating updated FCC safety guidelines and EMF health research – which Biden ended this year because he decided to give the money to Ukraine. Biden does not care about how his own kid died, cell phone-induced brain tumor – which is mindblowing to me Biden is that stupid not to realize this because that is what the actual evidence points to for cancer causation.  Particularly brain cancers like Glioblastoma; Robert F. Kennedy Jr is campaigning on this fact.


Americans know the truth! You mean people who want us divided have had Trump in a bullseye for a very long time!

>>Trump Kangaroo Court Cases Ruled Unconstitutional (Mean People Lose)

>>Why am I crying over the Republican National Convention? (Mean People Lose Again)


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