

RF Safe: A Legacy of Innovation, Advocacy, and Open-Source Solutions for EMF Protection

In 1998, long before the dangers of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) were widely recognized, John Coates founded RF Safe, the world’s premier online resource for education and solutions to mitigate exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation. What began as a personal quest to understand the tragic loss of his daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, grew into a global movement dedicated to raising awareness about the risks of RF radiation and providing innovative tools for protection.

RF Safe is about much more than just innovating products for safer technology. Its creation stemmed from a much deeper mission: to understand bioelectricity, the invisible force that governs life, and to develop strategies to mitigate the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Through RF Safe, Coates has pioneered open-source innovations that have set the standard for RF safety technologies, which are now commonly used around the world.

The Personal Tragedy Behind RF Safe’s Founding

RF Safe was born out of John Coates’ devastating experience with anencephaly, a severe neural tube defect (NTD) that claimed the life of his daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, just minutes after her birth in 1995. The disorder, which prevents the brain and skull from forming properly, left Coates determined to understand what caused such a tragic outcome.

His search for answers led him to research the effects of electromagnetic radiation on biological development. Coates soon realized that EMF exposure, particularly during pregnancy, could disrupt the bioelectric processes that guide the development of the brain and other vital organs, potentially causing conditions like anencephaly. This discovery ignited his lifelong mission to educate others and advocate for RF safety.

Understanding Bioelectricity: The Foundation of Life and Health

At the core of Coates’ mission is the understanding of bioelectricity, the subtle electrical signals that govern cellular communication, tissue development, and organ function. These bioelectric signals are critical from the earliest stages of life, guiding the formation of the neural tube, which becomes the brain and spinal cord.

When these bioelectric signals are disrupted by EMFs, the consequences can be severe. For Coates, the disruption of bioelectricity during his wife’s pregnancy may have been the cause of Angel’s condition. This realization drove him to form RF Safe as a platform to raise awareness about the bioelectric disruption caused by wireless radiation and to provide tools to protect against it.

A Pioneering Mission: RF Safe’s Open-Source Innovations

Unlike traditional companies focused on selling products, RF Safe was founded to share knowledge and solutions with the world, often through open-source innovations. Coates recognized early on that the public needed access to RF safety technologies without restrictive patents or high costs. This commitment to making RF safety accessible to all has led to RF Safe’s significant contributions to the global EMF safety market.

Among the many innovations Coates and RF Safe introduced are air-tube headsets, anti-radiation phone cases, EMF laptop shields, and EMF belly bands. These products, first developed in the 1990s, have become foundational to the modern RF protection industry. Coates’ open-source approach has allowed countless other companies to adopt and build upon RF Safe’s designs, making EMF protection more widely available to consumers worldwide.

One of the most notable contributions to the field came in the form of the interferometric antenna array, a technology Coates gave the rights to Jim Johnson to patent. This antenna array, which uses phase-shifted radiating elements to create a spatial null and minimize radiation exposure, led to changes in the FCC’s antenna rules and helped reduce user exposure to RF radiation.

The QuantaCase and Beyond: Practical Tools for Radiation Protection

A prime example of RF Safe’s open-source innovations is the QuantaCase, an anti-radiation phone case designed according to RF Safe’s strict RF protection specifications. While not directly manufactured by RF Safe, the QuantaCase adheres to the company’s commitment to science-based RF safety solutions, providing users with real-world protection against wireless radiation.

The QuantaCase is just one of the many practical tools that reflect RF Safe’s philosophy of empowering consumers with the knowledge and technology to protect themselves from the potential health risks of RF radiation. From shielding products to innovative designs like zero-SAR wireless networks utilizing Far-UVC light, RF Safe continues to lead the charge in RF safety by offering solutions that are grounded in scientific research.

The Power of Early Adoption: RF Safe and the Internet

RF Safe was one of the earliest adopters of the internet as a platform for advocacy, launching in 1998 when the internet was still in its infancy. John Coates recognized the power of the web to reach a global audience, using RF Safe as a platform to educate, raise awareness, and share innovations in RF safety.

The company’s website quickly became the world’s largest online resource for information on RF radiation and its potential health risks, offering access to studies, research, and comparisons of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) levels in wireless devices. RF Safe’s SAR comparison database remains the largest in the world, allowing users to easily compare the radiation emissions of various mobile phones and devices.

The SAR database has become an invaluable tool for consumers seeking to minimize their exposure to RF radiation. Its color-coded system and user-friendly interface provide clear, concise information, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about the devices they use.

A Legacy of Advocacy and Innovation

For over 25 years, John Coates and RF Safe have been at the forefront of RF safety, advocating for stronger regulations and bioelectric research while offering practical, open-source solutions for reducing RF radiation exposure. Coates’ dedication to science and public health has never wavered, even in the face of regulatory resistance and corporate interests that often downplay the risks of wireless radiation.

His contributions to the field of EMF protection extend beyond individual products; they represent a global movement to raise awareness about the potential dangers of RF radiation and to provide real-world solutions that anyone can access and implement.

From his early innovations in air-tube headsets and anti-radiation phone cases to his more recent work on zero-SAR communication technologies, John Coates has consistently been a pioneer in the field of RF safety. His commitment to open-source technologies and public education has ensured that the tools needed to protect against RF radiation are available to everyone.

A Call to Action: Protecting Future Generations

The founding of RF Safe was never about profit—it was about a mission to understand and mitigate the impact of EMFs on human health. For John Coates, this mission was personal, born out of the loss of his daughter and a lifelong quest to prevent others from experiencing the same tragedy.

Today, RF Safe continues to push the boundaries of RF safety by advocating for stronger regulations, supporting bioelectric research, and offering practical tools to protect against RF radiation. As the world becomes increasingly connected through wireless technology, the risks associated with EMF exposure continue to grow.

John Coates and RF Safe call on consumers, regulators, and industry leaders to take proactive steps to address these risks. Through education, innovation, and open-source collaboration, we can create a future where wireless technology and human health coexist safely.

For more information on RF Safe and how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from electromagnetic radiation, visit today.

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