

children cell phone radiation warning

Children and cell phone radiation warnings

It’s an all too familiar: children, some as young as 5 yrs old, spending an exorbitant amount of time being exposed to cell phone radiation. What may not be as familiar, and therefore go unnoticed, is the sight of children who are suffering and sick from cancer, specifically brain cancer. Australia has noticed and is […]


CURRENT SCIENCE ON RADIATION FROM CELL PHONES – Radiation is the transport of energy in an electromagnetic wave. These waves are used by cell phones to communicate. But not only the cell phones emit also devices like the TV, microwaves, hair dryers, stove, computer screen, radio antennas, electric light, etc.. Even in nature. The sun […]

Over 2 Billion Could Suffer from Cell Phone Cancer by 2025

Cell Phone Cancer The studies and survey conducted by Australian Health Research Institute indicates that due to billions of times more in volume electromagnetic radiation emitted by billions of mobile phones, internet, intranet and wireless communication data transmission will make almost one-third of world population (about two billions) Cell Phone Cancer patients of ear, breast, […]

Cell phone breast cancer

Cell phone breast cancer warning

Could where you carry your cell phone make you sick? Some doctors say they’re seeing evidence of breast cancer that could be linked to where some women keep their mobile phones. Tiffany Frantz and other young women tell KTVU it’s convenient way to hold on to their cell phone. “I put my cellphone right in […]

cell phone radiation dna damage

Proof of DNA Damage From Cell Phone Radiation Exposure

Since there are so many areas to research even within this arena, this page will be limited to weakly intense electromagnetic radiation that the general population is exposed to commonly. This obviously leads into topics like cellular phone use and more subtle affects of radiation to genetic material! “The question Is not” If cell phone […]

Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones

Brain Damage From Cell Phones Could Hurt Teens Later In Life

Salford, LG, AE Brun, JL Eberhardt, L Malmgren and BRR Persson.  Nerve cell damage in mammalian brain after exposure to microwaves from GSM mobile phones What did they find? As expected, both control and experimental animals had albumin within the hypothalamus. This is normal. A closer look shows things far from normal! Exposed animals (Right), however, […]


Hidden Hazards Of Cell Phone Radiation

The Hidden Hazards Of Cell Phone Radiation – A Revised Hidden Menace Of Radiation The Times Journalist: Nigel Powell Every time you pick up a cell phone, switch on a television or walk past an electricity pylon, you are exposed to electro-magnetic radiation. Although EMR is naturally occurring, our increasing dependence on technology is worrying […]

Dial C for Cancer

Dial C for Cancer Metro Journalist: Kelly Luker August 31, 2000 Do cell phones equal damaged brain cells? Cancer, tumors, memory loss, radiation sickness. It seems one can’t enjoy technology anymore without its faithful sidekicks, suffering and slow death. Following the well-trodden path of telephones, microwave ovens, electric blankets and power lines, cell phones and […]

Are We Lab Rats For The Cell Phone Industry?

Are We Lab Rats For The Cell Phone Industry? EWeek Journalist: Maria Seminerio August 18, 2000 The next time you use your cell phone — and if you’re like most business people you see riding planes, trains and automobiles lately, you’ll probably start dialing any second now — think about this: There have been some […]

Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer ?

Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer ? IEEE Spectrum By Kenneth R. Foster, University of Pennsylvania & John E. Moulder, Medical College of Wisconsin August, 2000 A driver using a wireless telephone might be worried about having an accident, even while being reassured that if one were to happen, he or she could call for help. […]

Cell Phones May Damage Nerves In The Scalp

Cell Phones May Damage Nerves In The Scalp Reuters Journalist: Amy Norton August 15, 2000 As cellular phones become ubiquitous, their status as a possible health threat–either as a distraction to drivers or a potential cause of brain tumors–is gaining more attention. Now, investigators say there is evidence that cell phones may damage nerves in […]

Cell Phones: We Need More Testing

Cell Phones: We Need More Testing Business Week Journalist: Norm Alster August 14, 2000 Back in the early 1980s, there were 35 researchers at the Environmental Protection Agency exploring the biological effects of radiation from cell phones and other devices. But by 1987, budget cuts had shut the program down. Since then, the Federal Communications […]

Cell Phone Health Studies Continue

Cell Phone Health Studies Continue Medill News Service Journalist: Katherine Hunt August 11, 2000 It’s too soon to say whether radio frequency emissions from cellular phones cause adverse health effects, including brain cancer, say scientists at a recent Food and Drug Association conference. “The scientific community is in agreement that [prior] research [shows cell phones] […]

Mobile Phone Safety Leaves Experts Divided

Mobile Phone Safety Leaves Experts Divided The Guardian Journalist: James Meek August 09, 2000 The Consumers’ Association yesterday accused the government of having used the wrong tests to assess the safety of hands-6.00 kits for mobile phones, saying the association stood by its claim that the devices failed to protect users against radiation. A government […]

Mobile Phones Safety Muddle

Mobile Phones Safety Muddle Daily Mail August 08, 2000 Mobile phone users face further anxiety and confusion today over the safety of hands-6.00 kits. An official Government report will give earpieces the all-clear and say they limit exposure to potentially dangerous radiation. But last night other safety experts condemned the findings as ‘misleading’ and said […]

Heads Get The Call For Ban On Student’s Cell Phone’s

Heads Get The Call For Ban On Student’s Cell Phone’s The Express July 27, 2000 David Blunkett is urging all head teachers to prohibit pupils from using mobile phones except in emergencies and to restrict general use to those aged 16 and over. The Education Secretary’s written guidance follows the findings of the Government’s own […]

PR, Radiation And Bad Science

PR, Radiation And Bad Science Australian IT Journalist: Stewart Fist July 25, 2000 This is the Information Age. Right? And Australia is the Lucky Country, the Smart Country, or the Knowledge Nation, depending on which academic, lobbyist or politician you talk to. Meanwhile, Kim Beazley’s Labor Party has put out to pasture the only science […]

Would Mad Cows Use Mobile Phones?

Would Mad Cows Use Mobile Phones? IT Director July 24, 2000 It’s niggling doubt time. Do mobile phones push out harmful radiation or not? Let’s ask the scientists. Trouble is, can we trust them? It isn’t a case of corruption, but contradictory evidence that is then used by our own, dear politicians to promote their […]

Help! My Cell Phone Is Glowing

Help! My Cell Phone Is Glowing MSNBC Journalist: Brock N. Meeks July 18, 2000 Atomic cell phones? A leading trade group wants boxes and instruction booklets to disclose cell phone radiation levels. The leading cellular industry trade group has ordered wireless phone makers to tell the public how much radiation their phones emit. The information […]

Cell Phone Users At Risk For Brain Cancer

Cell Phone Users At Risk For Brain Cancer, According To Swedish Medical Researchers Business Wire – Health Wire May 04, 2000 With worldwide cellular phone use rising exponentially, a team of Swedish medical investigators is raising renewed concerns about links between brain tumors and the phones in a new, peer-reviewed article to be posted today […]

Cell Phones Linked To Cancer

Cell Phones Linked To Cancer? The Health Network Journalist: Twinkle Chisholm December 6, 1999 There is more bad news for the more than 60 million business people who use their cell phones on a daily basis. Two new studies are pointing to the possibility of tumors and memory loss caused by microwave signals coming from […]

Warning On Cell Phones Cancer Link

Warning On Cell Phones Cancer Link Australian Financial Review Journalist: Stan Beer October 25, 1999 The head of a major health research group funded by the United States mobile phone industry has advised the chairman of AT&T that there is strong evidence linking cell phones to brain cancer. On October 6, Dr George Carlo, chairman […]

Cell Phone Cancer Scare: Are You At Risk?

Cell Phone Cancer Scare: Are You At Risk? PR Newswire October 20, 1999 New research shows cell phone usage may cause cancer. More than 80 million Americans use cell phones, yet mounting scientific evidence shows mobile phone usage may cause brain tumors. The problem, explored in December’s PC Computing, stems from the radio frequency radiation […]

Cell Phone Cancer Risk Concealed

Cell Phone Cancer Risk Concealed Sydney Morning Herald Journalist: Mark Ragg July 17, 1999 Mobile phone companies and government regulators are withholding information crucial to consumers about radiation levels – the main cause of fears over brain tumors. All three major manufacturers – Motorola, Ericsson and Nokia – and the Australian Communications Authority (ACA), which […]

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