In today’s world, it’s not really practical to stop using your cell phone. However, using the proper RF safety accessories can dramatically lower your RF exposure levels. For example, automobile accidents kill more people every year than many diseases do, and nobody is suggesting that people stop driving their cars. Instead, the government requires safety […]
Cell Phone Radiation

Is Bluetooth Radiation as Dangerous as Cell Phone Radiation?
Is Bluetooth Radiation Dangerous? Bluetooth radiation has been even less studied than cell phone radiation. The lack of formal studies has enabled the ‘experts’ to claim that Bluetooth radiation is safe. This claim is based not on research proving Bluetooth radiation safe but rather on a lack of studies proving it unsafe, which is changing […]

Smartphone Causing Your Headache – Cell Phone Radiation Induced Headaches
Do Smartphones Cause Headaches? Is Your Smartphone Giving You a Headache? The use of smartphones is now ubiquitous in our daily lives, but recent studies have raised concerns over the potential health effects of smartphone overuse on migraine patients. A 2019 study published in the journal Neurosciences found that smartphone use is related to poor […]

Ramon Rego, M.D., Can Cell Phone Radiation Slowly Kill You?
According to Ramon Rego, M.D., a doctor of internal medicine with more than 20 years of experience, cell phones may be slowly causing health problems in many users. Though cell phones are a fairly recent innovation, over 91 percent of adults across the world own one, with about 56 percent owning a smartphone, according to […]
Scientists Call on Canadian Government to Protect Public from Cell Phone Radiation Exposure
More than 50 scientists from 18 nations called on government to minimize the public’s exposure to the radiation emitted by wireless devices including cell and cordless phones, Wi-Fi, smart meters and baby monitors. Jul. 9, 2014 – BERKELEY, Calif. — Today, fifty-two scientists from 18 nations who study the effects of radiofrequency (RF) radiation submitted […]

Telstra Australia’s largest mobile phone company sends customers text message warning of phone radiation dangers
Australia’s largest telco texted its customers about 5.30pm on July 3rd 2014 with a “reminder msg” recommending they visit the Telstra website for information on “electromagnetic energy and tips to reduce exposure”. Telstra spokesman Steven Carey said the company proactively communicated an electromagnetic energy mobile safety message to all its mobile customers. “These messages are […]
Cell Phone Warning For Pregnant Women
Cell Phone Warning For Pregnant Women PREGNANT women who use mobile phones could be damaging their unborn babies, according to scientific research to be published later this year. Scientists are aware that cell phones emit microwaves that can raise the temperature of the human brain. But the research, by French scientists at the University of […]
Does CTIA Outsource Cell Phone Radiation Health Risk Propaganda to COAI Cellular Operators Association of India?
Lets look at the cronies the wireless industry wants consumers to believe are making creditable statements. The wireless industry is getting sloppy! Clearly based on very illogical reasoning and weak argumentation – their latest attempts to deceive the public have failed miserably since the CTIA has had to out-source it’s propaganda machine to affiliates in […]
Google Glass Radiation: Health Risk from Wearable Wireless SAR Levels Exceed Smartphones
The Google Glass emits more wireless radiation than most cell phones on the market, but unlike cell phone users, Glass users may be wearing this device on their heads for more than 12 hours a day putting their health at risk. Apr. 15, 2014 – BERKELEY, Calif. — The Google Glass emits both Wi-Fi and […]
New Study Shows Brain Neurodegeneration from Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation
On May 26, 2014 The Neurological Research Journal, an international, peer-reviewed journal for reporting both basic and clinical research in the fields of neurosurgery, neurology, neuroengineering and neurosciences published research proving cell phone radiation does cause brain damage. The current study led by Maheep Bhatnagar and colleagues in suggests long-term use of a cell phone […]
Facts about Cell Phone Radiation Hazards
Some facts you need to know about cell phone radiation hazards! Click Here for Full Video Galley on Cell Phone Radiation Hazards FACT: World Health Organization Warning Neurosurgeon Keith Black discusses concerns and precautions of cell phone radiation exposure after the World Health Organization’s panel of 31 scientists reported that cell phones are “possibly carcinogenic” […]

Meta-Study Proves Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Impacts Male Infertility
Men that want to start a family may want to reconsider how closely they store their cell phone to the family jewels. A new meta-analysis of ten past studies, found a consistent drop in sperm quality if the men had been exposed to cell phone radiation. “The implications are likely to be greatest for subgroups […]