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RF Safe safest cell phone radiation accessory packages

RF Safe Cell Phone Radiation Shield, Ferrite Bead and Air-tube Headsets Reduce Smartphone Radiation Risk

Amid concerns raised over cell phone health hazards, RF Safe launches New Year’s Eve “National Awareness Campaign” for cell phone accessory package that shields cell phone radiation. San Francisco, CA  December 31, 2013 RF Safe, the world leaders in cell phone radiation safety have launched a national campaign on New Year’s Eve 2013 in order […]

RF Safe’s Air-Tube Headset Can Prevent Brain Cancer From Cell Phone Radiation

New research by Dr. Lennart Hardell indicates that brain cancer risk increases with more years of cell phone use. Proving the effects of cell phone radiation are cumulative with more hours of use and the importance of using RF Safe cell phone radiation accessories. Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) December 04, 2013 Dr. Lennart Hardell and […]

Devra Davis, Ph.D. Cell Phones and Brain Cancer on MSNBC Devra Davis, Ph.D. President and Founder, Environmental Health Trust, lecturer, San Francisco, London Scientists and policy makers in tech-savvy nations like Israel and Finland are taking steps to protect the young brain and reproductive organs. Yet in the states, the iPhone plastic baby rattle case protects the phone’s glass screen from cracking when dropped […]

New phone radiation study increased brain tumor risk for children

A shocking new cell phone radiation study conducted on adolescents and their cell phone usage asks the question, “Are children at increased risk of brain tumors already?” The conclusion of the study is even more shocking than the question because it implicates all children who use cell phones. Almost 3,000 children a year in the […]

Mobile Phone Safety Leaves Experts Divided

Mobile Phone Safety Leaves Experts Divided The Guardian Journalist: James Meek August 09, 2000 The Consumers’ Association yesterday accused the government of having used the wrong tests to assess the safety of hands-6.00 kits for mobile phones, saying the association stood by its claim that the devices failed to protect users against radiation. A government […]

Watchdog Stands By CellPhones Warning

Watchdog Stands By CellPhones Warning The Scotsman Journalist: Alison Gray August 09, 2000 The Consumers’ Association yesterday stood by its warning that hands-free cellphone kits can triple the level of radiation beamed into the ear.The group’s statement came as the Department of Trade and Industry published a report which said the devices produced “substantial reductions” […]

Physicist Joins Mobile Phone Critics

Physicist Joins Mobile Phone Critics The West Australian Journalist: David Utting August 08, 2000 In August 2000, more warnings are being sounded about the dangers of mobile phone use. British physicist, Barrie Trower, says that mobile phones should be used as infrequently as possible, as it is certain that the low-level radiation they emit causes […]

Cellphone Risk: Could Cancer Lawsuits Come To Europe

Cellphone Risk: Could Cancer Lawsuits Come To Europe ZD Net UK Journalist: Graeme Wearden August 04, 2000 The whole world is watching the outcome of a neurologist’s claim against  cellphone manufacturers If the impending lawsuit against Motorola is successful in the US, it could force mobile phone manufacturers here to settle out of court in […]

Jury Still Out on Cell Phone Risk

Jury Still Out on Cell Phone Risk Reuters August 01, 2000 The US Food and Drug Administration is meeting Tuesday to discuss the links between cellphones and cancer. Meanwhile, a panel of experts concludes that currently, there is not enough evidence to link wireless phones to brain cancer, but there is sufficient research to raise […]

Your Cell Really Safe?

Is Your Cellphone Really Safe? Newsweek Journalists: Claudia Kalb And Karen Springen July 30, 2000 Dialing For Cancer? A New Study Says Risks From Cell Phones Remains Unclear A controversial new article renews concerns about health hazards Shari Welsh can’t imagine life without her cell. She brings it everywhere—biking through the hills, driving in the […]

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