

Protect Children Like Melanie Coates from Chronic RF Exposure

I stand before you today to address a matter that amalgamates our most exalted principles of scientific inquiry, bioethical responsibility, and constitutional prerogative. This is neither an abstract policy debate nor a theoretical hypothesis in a laboratory vacuum—it is the lived reality of a child named Melanie, aged seven, who attends school in Seminole, Florida. […]

The Restoration of American Freedom: How President Trump Can Usher in a New Age of Light and Secure His Legacy as the Guardian of Humanity

At this moment in history, we stand at the precipice of either continued servitude to an engineered system of silence and corporate domination or the restoration of true American liberty—a return to the fundamental rights enshrined by our Founding Fathers, those who fought not just for territorial sovereignty, but for the ability of a free […]

Mr. Trump: Only You Can End the Great Deception and Restore Our Constitutional Freedoms

For decades, unconstitutional laws—chiefly Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act—have silenced parents, undermined local government authority, and shielded the wireless industry from accountability. In doing so, these policies have externalized the true cost of a worsening health crisis, enabling corporations to rake in trillions while families bear the burden of rising cases of autism, neurological […]

Public Law 90-602: The Law That Was Silenced—How Telecom Corporations Defunded the EPA, Installed Fake Guidelines, and Violated Constitutional Rights

Congress Did Its Job—Then Industry Stopped It In 1968, the United States Congress did what it was supposed to do—protect the American people. Recognizing the potential dangers of electromagnetic radiation from consumer products, Congress passed Public Law 90-602, also known as the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act. This law mandated that the federal […]

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