

black friday smartphone deals

Holiday 2023 Warning: Don’t Gift Wrap Brain Cancer! Smartphones, Kids and Cancer

IMPORTANT HOLIDAY SMARTPHONE WARNINGS!MICROWAVE RADIATION HEALTH HAZARDS!The kickoff for endless 2023 Black Friday and Cyber Monday Smartphone deals has begun.  However, you need to know that several of the world’s largest studies have found links to smartphone radiation and cancer.  Now, the newest study in the USA by the NTP (National Toxicology Program) found such […]


FCC Hit with Lawsuit by Nobel Prize Winner Alleging Failure to Protect Public Health

Scientists have just hit the FCC with a lawsuit claiming that the FCC is failing to update its cell phone and wireless radiofrequency limits while at the same time ignoring peer-reviewed scientific studies that show RF radiation is associated with severe health effects in humans, including cancer, DNA damage, damage to the reproductive organs, and […]

FCC ID SAR Checker

RF Safe’s SAR Checker

  Check SAR Levels Of Your Cell Phone!   Enter FCC ID: RF Safe is always trying to provide you with information you need, and we always want to make sure we have research that is tailored to everyone’s needs when it comes to cell phone radiation. Overall we started this site to be used […]


Did Florida Attorney Die From 3 Different Cell Phone Induced Cancers?

Brain Cancer /Hand Cancer/Aorta Cancer Sadly, Florida Attorney Jimmy Gonzalez has succumbed to several DIFFERENT cancers ALL caused by cell phone radiation exposure! EACH CANCER WAS EXACTLY WHERE HIS CELL PHONE WAS HELD CLOSE TO HIS BODY! Since Jimmy’s warning about cell phones causing GBM (Glioblastoma) brain tumors, there is a rapidly growing list of […]

Oakville-MP-Terence-Young-Southern Ontario, Canada-Calls-For-Wireless-Radiation-Warning-Bill-C-648

Breaking News: Canadian MP warns consumers of health risks related to cell phone radiation

Terence Young is Oakville’s MP of Southern Ontario, Canada. Located in Halton Region, on Lake Ontario, it is part of the Greater Toronto Area. As of the 2011 census the population was 182,520 making it one of Canada’s largest cities. The insightful conservative MP Terence Young announced that he has multi-party support from MP’s across […]

iPhone 6 SAR Nearly Exceeds Legal Radiation Limits for Simultaneous Rating

Apple’s iPhone 6 Plus is bigger, but bigger is absolutely no excuse for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) radiation exposure levels that are only .01 under the FCC’s legal limit of 1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg). It’s easy to dismiss Apple’s new iPhone 6 Plus as merely catching up to Android in size, but Apple is […]


Study Cell Phone Radiation Can Damage Eyes Cause Early Cataracts

The scientists, who have studied the impact of electromagnetic waves on human eye, say that cell phone usage can also lead to early cataract in lens apart from affecting retina, cornea and other ocular systems of the eye. While scientists across the globe are still debating whether cell phone radiation exposure results in brain tumors, […]

Pong case not radiation shield

Don’t Get Played By Pong Cases Cell Phone Radiation is No Game

ElectricSense’s Lloyd Burrell asks the question, “Cell Phone Radiation Protection – Do Pong Cases Work?” Continue reading for the Answer! UPDATE: Smartphones Do Cause Cancer – U.S. Government Expected To Advise Public of Health Risk 5/26/2016 Cellphone Radiation Is No Game! RF Safe Case vs Pong Case Lawyers – People Before Profits! Is Cooley LLP […]

Best Precautions to Reduce Cell Phone Radiation Exposure

In today’s world, it’s not really practical to stop using your cell phone. However, using the proper RF safety accessories can dramatically lower your RF exposure levels. For example, automobile accidents kill more people every year than many diseases do, and nobody is suggesting that people stop driving their cars. Instead, the government requires safety […]


Is Bluetooth Radiation as Dangerous as Cell Phone Radiation?

Is Bluetooth Radiation Dangerous? Bluetooth radiation has been even less studied than cell phone radiation. The lack of formal studies has enabled the ‘experts’ to claim that Bluetooth radiation is safe. This claim is based not on research proving Bluetooth radiation safe but rather on a lack of studies proving it unsafe, which is changing […]

Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR – FCC Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Limits

Looking for how to find the Specific Absorption Rate of your Smartphone? It doesn’t get any easier than this. Simply enter your FCC ID below (include dashes when applicable) FCC CELLULAR VALUES: Head SAR Levels – Body SAR –  Hotspot SAR FCC SIMULTANEOUS VALUES:  Head SAR  –  Body SAR  –  Hotspot SAR Enter the Phone’s FCC ID: Popular smartphones […]

Computer Generated RF EXPOSURE Models

These computer generated models shown below illustrate the effects of cell phone radiation. They were independently created by a Canadian university and a South African research company specializing in electromagnetic studies. The Applied Electromagnetics Group in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada has developed computer […]

Radiofrequency (RF) Radiation – Energy/Health Abstract

Electromagnetic radiation consists of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving together (that is, radiating) through space at the speed of light. Taken together, all forms of electromagnetic energy are referred to as the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio waves and microwaves emitted by transmitting antennas are one form of electromagnetic energy. Often the term electromagnetic field […]

iPhone SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) Ratings

iPhones   Apple Iphone 3G North America   Frequency Band IC 1g SAR Limit (W/kg) Body Ear GSM 850 1.6 1.030 0.521 GSM 1900 1.6 0.522 1.290 UMTS II 11.66 0.402 1.388 UMTS V 1.6 0.733 0.733 Wi-Fi 1.6 0.088 0.779   Apple Iphone 3G Europe   Frequency Band IC 10g SAR Limit (W/kg) Europe […]

Why You Need Cell Phone Radiation Protection

Cell Phone Radiation Protection Editors Note: Mobile phone radiation and health The concept of measuring safe levels of cell phone radiation exposure using a specific absorption rate (SAR) has been around for many years, but recent developments have test methods in question by the FCC for public safety concerns. The thermal and non-thermal dividing line […]

Cell Phone Cancer Link: Two Studies Provide New Evidence

Cell Phone Cancer Link Cell phones didn’t really begin to happen until 1973. According to Wikipedia, during that year, a Motorola executive made an experimental phone call to Bell Labs — named after the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell (this is a shoutout, ya’ll) — using a handheld device. Although some may argue […]

New phone radiation study increased brain tumor risk for children

A shocking new cell phone radiation study conducted on adolescents and their cell phone usage asks the question, “Are children at increased risk of brain tumors already?” The conclusion of the study is even more shocking than the question because it implicates all children who use cell phones. Almost 3,000 children a year in the […]

children cell phone radiation warning

Children and cell phone radiation warnings

It’s an all too familiar: children, some as young as 5 yrs old, spending an exorbitant amount of time being exposed to cell phone radiation. What may not be as familiar, and therefore go unnoticed, is the sight of children who are suffering and sick from cancer, specifically brain cancer. Australia has noticed and is […]

Government reassessment of cell phone SAR testing

Reassessment of cell phone SAR levels testing Scientific research to date has not demonstrated adverse human health effects of exposure to radio-frequency (RF) energy from mobile phone use, but research is ongoing that may increase understanding of any possible effects. In addition, officials from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of […]

Murray v. Motorola, Inc Cell Phone Radiation Liability

Cell Phone Radiation Liability – Cell Phone Cancer Lawsuits UPDATE 11/23/2015: WSJ Reports Murray Cellphone Cancer Case May Cost Wireless Industry Over 1.9 Billion Dollars Federal law does not preempt claims against the cellular phone industry for injuries allegedly caused by the low radio frequency (RF) radiation emitted by cellular phones if those claims are based […]

FCC Cell Phone Radiation Standard and Tort Immunity by Implied Conflict Preemption

FCC Cell Phone Radiation Standard and Tort Immunity by Implied Conflict Preemption I. Introduction [1] Cell phones emit low-level radiation.[1] Constantly.[2] [2] From 1992 to 1998, Dr. Christopher Newman used his cell phone for nearly 350 hours—about ten minutes per day.[3] When he developed a tumor on the side of his head where he used […]

Over 2 Billion Could Suffer from Cell Phone Cancer by 2025

Cell Phone Cancer The studies and survey conducted by Australian Health Research Institute indicates that due to billions of times more in volume electromagnetic radiation emitted by billions of mobile phones, internet, intranet and wireless communication data transmission will make almost one-third of world population (about two billions) Cell Phone Cancer patients of ear, breast, […]

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