

RFK Jr.’s Epic Court Win: A Game-Changer for Public Health

The FCC Lost a Landmark Case: What It Means for Cell Phone Users

Click here to read Open Letter to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In this eye-opening video, we delve into the recent court ruling against the FCC, exposing their negligence towards scientific evidence of harmful radiofrequency radiation (RFR) effects. We explore how this victory paves the way for improved public health and safety from RFR exposure, particularly impacting children.

We reveal the phenomenon of regulatory capture, highlighting the urgent need for independent oversight and accountability in regulatory bodies. We contrast FCC’s disregard for safety with the U.S. Department of Defense’s proactive approach, raising questions about the civilian government’s commitment to public health.

We explore the halt in cell phone radiation research by NTP, and the discrepancies in funding allocation between military and civilian health research. We emphasize the scientific community’s warnings about non-thermal RFR exposure and underscore the urgent need for continued research and updated safety guidelines.

The video concludes with a call for a congressional hearing to investigate FCC operations and the need for a federal action plan on wireless radiation. Be informed and join the call for safer technology. Don’t forget to like, share and discuss the issues raised in this video. #FCC #PublicHealth #RadiationExposure #RegulatoryCapture #RFRExposure


RFK Jr.’s Landmark Court Victory Against the FCC

In a shocking yet monumental decision, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled in favor of the Environmental Health Trust (EHT) and Children’s Health Defense, led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). This landmark case revealed the FCC’s blatant disregard for mounting scientific evidence showing the harmful effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) from wireless devices. This victory is not just a win for the plaintiffs but a crucial step in protecting public health, especially for America’s children.

The Historic Decision On August 13, 2021, the court declared the FCC’s decision to retain its 1996 safety limits for human exposure to wireless radiation “arbitrary and capricious.” This ruling came after the FCC ignored extensive evidence of non-cancer health risks associated with RFR, including impacts on children, environmental harm, and testimonies from people injured by wireless radiation. The court mandated the FCC to provide a reasoned explanation for its outdated guidelines and address the implications of RFR on health and the environment.

RFK Jr.: A Champion for Public Health Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a relentless advocate for public health, suing numerous regulatory agencies over the years for failing to protect the public from harmful corporate practices. His victory against the FCC is a testament to his dedication and expertise in exposing regulatory capture—the phenomenon where regulatory agencies are controlled by the industries they are supposed to regulate. Kennedy’s success in this case underscores the critical need for independent oversight and accountability in regulatory bodies.

A Stark Contrast: Government Inaction vs. Military Vigilance While the FCC has shown a gross dereliction of duty, the U.S. Department of Defense continues to study the health impacts of wireless radiation. This discrepancy raises serious questions about the civilian government’s priorities and its commitment to public health. The European Union and countries like France actively monitor and regulate EMF emissions, reflecting a stark contrast to the FCC’s complacency. The French government has even recalled millions of phones for excessive radiation and mandated consumer information for pregnant women and teenagers to avoid exposing their abdomens to wireless devices.

The NTP’s Abrupt Halt on Research Adding to the absurdity, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) recently announced it would stop studying the biological impacts of cell phone radiation, despite spending $30 million on research that found significant health risks, including cancer, heart damage, and DNA damage. This sudden cessation of research raises alarming questions about the motivations behind such a decision. The official explanation that the research was “technically challenging and more resource-intensive than expected” is a flimsy excuse that ignores the profound implications of this growing environmental exposure.

The Ultimate Irony: Funding for War but Not for Health It is beyond absurd that we have ample funds for military endeavors, yet we lack the resources to investigate and mitigate the health risks associated with wireless radiation. This situation reflects a profound misalignment of priorities. While the military continues to study EMF effects to protect its personnel, civilian agencies abandon the public to the mercy of unchecked radiation exposure.

The Role of Consumers: Demand for Safer Technology Blame can be placed on both regulatory agencies and the telecommunications industry for this negligence. However, consumers also bear responsibility for not demanding safer technology and more rigorous research. It is imperative that the public becomes more informed and vocal about the potential risks of wireless radiation. The power of collective action can drive significant change in industry practices and regulatory standards.

Scientific Evidence: Ignored for Decades The scientific community has been pointing to the risks of non-thermal RFR exposure for decades. Major studies like the Interphone study, Hardell group studies, CERENAT study, U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), Ramazzini Institute Study, REFLEX Project, BioInitiative Report, and the work of researchers like Dr. Henry Lai have consistently indicated increased health risks from cell phone radiation. These studies highlight the urgent need for continued research and updated safety guidelines.

A Call for Renewed Research and Transparency The decision to halt further research on cell phone radiation is a glaring abdication of responsibility. The FCC must be held accountable for ignoring scientific evidence and failing to protect public health. The establishment of a fund to support independent research, free from corporate and political influence, is essential. A nominal fee on wireless device users could easily generate the necessary resources to continue this critical work.

RFK Jr.’s Victory: A Step Towards Accountability Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s victory against the FCC is a significant step in the fight for transparency and public health. It exposes the regulatory capture that has allowed the telecommunications industry to operate with impunity. This ruling should serve as a wake-up call to the public and lawmakers alike. It is a call to action to demand safer technology, continued research, and stringent regulations to protect our health and the environment.

The Path Forward: Congressional Action and Public Awareness We need a congressional hearing to investigate how the FCC has operated above the law and to ensure such negligence never happens again. The U.S. needs a federal action plan on wireless radiation that prioritizes wired connections over wireless to reduce public exposure. Educating the public about the potential risks and safe usage of wireless devices is crucial.

The fight against wireless radiation is far from over. While this court victory is significant, it is merely a step towards a broader goal of safeguarding public health. We must continue to demand transparency, rigorous research, and responsible regulation. The health of our children and future generations depends on our actions today. Let us not be complicit in ignoring the mounting evidence and the potential risks of wireless radiation. It is time to act, to protect, and to ensure a safer future for all.

In a stunning and critical victory for public health, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his team have successfully sued the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for failing to adequately protect the public from the dangers of cell phone radiation. This landmark case, spearheaded by RFK Jr., highlights the urgent need for regulatory bodies to prioritize the well-being of the public, particularly children, over the interests of powerful corporations.

The Case Against the FCC: A David vs. Goliath Battle

The lawsuit against the FCC revealed a disturbing truth: the regulatory agencies we trust to safeguard our health are, in many cases, controlled by the very industries they are supposed to regulate. RFK Jr., a seasoned attorney with over 40 years of experience suing regulatory agencies like the EPA, CDC, FDA, and NIH, exposed how these agencies often act to protect corporate interests rather than the public.

In the case against the FCC, the court found that the commission had failed to update its safety guidelines for cell phone radiation, which were established in the 1990s and are based on outdated science. These guidelines ignore the vast body of research conducted in the past two decades, which highlights the non-thermal effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and their potential harm to human health.

Why This Victory Matters

  1. Exposure of Regulatory Capture: This case exposes the pervasive issue of regulatory capture, where agencies meant to protect the public are instead influenced by the industries they regulate. RFK Jr. highlighted that these agencies, including the FCC, have been co-opted by the corporations they are supposed to oversee, resulting in policies that favor corporate profits over public health.
  2. Scientific Validation: The court acknowledged the significant body of scientific evidence showing that cell phone radiation poses serious health risks, including cancer, heart damage, and DNA damage. This validation of the scientific concerns is a major step forward in recognizing and addressing the potential dangers of RFR.
  3. Call for Updated Guidelines: The victory mandates that the FCC must reconsider its safety guidelines based on the latest scientific evidence. This means potential new regulations that better protect the public, especially vulnerable populations like children, from the harms of cell phone radiation.

What This Means for Cell Phone Users

  • Increased Awareness: This case brings much-needed attention to the potential health risks associated with cell phone radiation. Users should be aware of these risks and take steps to minimize their exposure, such as using speakerphone, texting instead of calling, and keeping phones away from the body.
  • Potential Regulatory Changes: With the court’s decision, there is hope that new, stricter guidelines will be established to limit exposure to harmful RFR. This could lead to safer cell phone designs and better consumer protection measures.
  • Empowerment of the Public: The victory empowers consumers to demand safer technology and more transparency from both regulatory bodies and the telecommunications industry. It underscores the importance of continued advocacy and research to protect public health.

Praising RFK Jr.: A Champion for Public Health

RFK Jr.’s relentless pursuit of justice in this case is commendable. He has dedicated his career to challenging powerful entities and advocating for the public good. His work in exposing the dangers of cell phone radiation and holding the FCC accountable is a monumental step in the fight for safer technology and better health regulations.

A Call to Action

As we celebrate this victory, it is crucial to recognize that the fight is far from over. The public must continue to demand that regulatory agencies prioritize health over corporate interests. We must push for ongoing research into the effects of RFR and support measures that mitigate its risks.


The FCC’s loss in this landmark case is a victory for public health and a testament to the power of informed and persistent advocacy. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has shown that it is possible to challenge powerful interests and win, providing a beacon of hope for those concerned about the health impacts of modern technology. As consumers, we must stay informed, demand safer products, and support continued research to protect our health and the well-being of future generations.


  1. What was the lawsuit against the FCC about? The lawsuit, led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., challenged the FCC’s outdated safety guidelines for cell phone radiation. The court found that the FCC had failed to protect the public from the health risks associated with radiofrequency radiation (RFR) from cell phones, as the guidelines were based on outdated science from the 1990s.
  2. Who led the lawsuit against the FCC? The lawsuit was spearheaded by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his team, who have a long history of challenging regulatory agencies to ensure they protect public health rather than corporate interests.
  3. What did the court decide in this case? The court ruled that the FCC’s current safety guidelines for cell phone radiation are inadequate and outdated. It mandated that the FCC reconsider its guidelines based on the latest scientific evidence of health risks associated with RFR.
  4. Why is this case significant? This case is significant because it exposes the issue of regulatory capture, where agencies like the FCC are influenced by the industries they are supposed to regulate. It also highlights the importance of updating safety guidelines to protect public health based on the latest scientific research.
  5. What health risks are associated with cell phone radiation? Scientific studies have linked cell phone radiation to several health risks, including cancer, heart damage, DNA damage, reduced sperm quality, increased risk of breast cancer, and other adverse health effects.
  6. How will this ruling affect cell phone users? The ruling could lead to stricter safety guidelines and regulations to limit exposure to harmful RFR. This might result in safer cell phone designs and better protection measures for consumers, especially vulnerable populations like children.
  7. What steps can cell phone users take to minimize radiation exposure? Users can minimize exposure by using speakerphone, texting instead of calling, keeping phones away from the body, using radiation-blocking cases, and limiting the duration of calls.
  8. What is regulatory capture, and how does it relate to this case? Regulatory capture occurs when regulatory agencies are dominated by the industries they are supposed to regulate, leading to policies that favor corporate interests over public health. This case revealed that the FCC’s outdated guidelines benefited the telecommunications industry at the expense of public safety.
  9. What can the public do to ensure continued research on cell phone radiation? The public can advocate for independent, ongoing research into the health effects of cell phone radiation, support policies that fund such research, and demand transparency and accountability from regulatory agencies and the telecommunications industry.
  10. Why should we commend Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for this victory? Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has dedicated his career to challenging powerful entities and advocating for public health. His successful lawsuit against the FCC is a monumental step in ensuring that regulatory agencies prioritize the health and safety of the public, particularly children, over corporate profits.
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