

The Misclassification of Wireless Radiation Risks: Why It’s Time to Defend the Facts

In the face of growing scientific evidence, the general public remains largely unaware of the dangers posed by wireless radiation beyond its well-known heating effects. Many still believe the outdated idea that radiation is harmless as long as it doesn’t heat tissues significantly. This belief is dangerous, and it highlights exactly why John Coates and RF Safe are fighting so hard to change the conversation. The truth is that wireless radiation can cause or worsen a wide range of medical issues—even at exposure levels that do not generate significant heat.

It’s not just about science anymore; it’s a policy issue. The failure to acknowledge non-thermal biological effects at the regulatory level has caused critical delays in implementing proper health protections for the American public. Unless this misclassification of health risks is corrected at the regulatory compliance level, people will remain uninformed about the true risks, and funding for critical research and mitigation will continue to lag behind.

The facts are clear: it’s no longer a scientific debate whether wireless radiation has biological effects below thermal levels. The evidence is overwhelming and supported by countless studies. This is now an issue of government accountability and policy. Regulatory bodies like the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) have been captured by corporate interests for decades, their duty to protect the public sidetracked by politically motivated appointments and industry influence. As long as these agencies refuse to act, the health of the American people—especially our children—will continue to be at risk.

We must remember that votes matter, and they have the power to influence whether public health is prioritized over profit. We need elected officials who will restore funding to critical research programs like the National Toxicology Program (NTP), whose cancer research into wireless radiation was defunded under the Biden-Harris administration. We need officials who will hold regulatory bodies accountable and ensure that safety guidelines reflect modern science—not outdated standards from 25 years ago.

The importance of updating safety guidelines cannot be understated. In 2021, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. won a historic court case, forcing the FCC to provide a justification for why its outdated safety guidelines hadn’t been updated in over two decades. The result? The FCC couldn’t offer a valid reason. The guidelines remain outdated, focusing only on thermal effects and ignoring non-thermal biological impacts—which have been proven time and time again to pose serious risks.

I urge people to read the judge’s comments from this case. The findings were clear and pointed to a lack of justification for failing to act on modern scientific evidence. Yet, despite the courts demanding action, nothing meaningful has been done. It is challenging to help people understand the truth when they have faith that the government is protecting them, but unfortunately, this faith is misplaced when it comes to wireless radiation. People continue to appear on television, stating there is no proof of harm, but the truth is the opposite—the proof is overwhelming.

What we lack is not evidence of risk but proof that the current safety guidelines are adequate. There is no evidence that guidelines based on thermal effects alone are sufficient to protect anyone—not men, not women, and certainly not children. Current Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing is based on models of a full-grown male, ignoring the fact that children and women are biologically different and may be more vulnerable. There is no proof that these standards protect against the non-thermal biological effects documented by numerous studies. Instead, year after year, more research emerges showing the negative effects of radiofrequency radiation exposure.

We must move past this notion that there is still a scientific debate about non-thermal effects. The debate is over. This is now a political issue. It’s time to elect officials who will demand that regulatory agencies protect public health, enforce court orders, and ensure the safety of future generations. The health of the American people should come before corporate profits, and our vote is the most powerful tool we have to make that happen.

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