

Tossing and Turning: A Closer Look at Baby Monitors, RF Radiation, and Restless Nights

In a world that never seems to power down, the quality of our sleep has become more vulnerable than ever. Whether it’s the relentless buzz of digital devices, the hypnotic glow of smartphone screens, or the ambient hum of everyday electronics, modern life increasingly bombards us with stimuli that might interfere with one of our most crucial biological rhythms: sleep. We know from countless studies, clinical trials, and anecdotal reports that regular, quality sleep is essential for physical health, mental clarity, memory consolidation, emotional stability, and overall well-being. But in an era of hyperconnectivity, questions about how certain types of electromagnetic radiation—particularly the radiofrequency emissions from devices like Wi-Fi routers, cellphones, and baby monitors—may disrupt sleep have become more pertinent and pressing.

This blog post delves into a groundbreaking study titled Does radiofrequency radiation impact sleep? A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot study (Front. Public Health, 28 October 2024; Conducted by researchers Nicole Bijlsma, Russell Conduit, Gerard Kennedy, and Marc Cohen, this pilot study explores the real-world effects of 2.45 GHz radiofrequency (RF) radiation from a common household device—specifically, a baby monitor—and its potential impact on sleep. Unlike many previous investigations confined to single-night laboratory experiments, this study harnesses real-world conditions, focusing on multi-night exposure in participants’ own homes. The results are as intriguing as they are significant, shedding new light on the growing debate over how to navigate our high-tech world while still getting a good night’s rest.

Within this blog post, we will:

  1. Break down the essential methods and main findings of this pilot study.
  2. Provide additional context around why radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) are of interest to sleep researchers and public health experts.
  3. Offer examples, references, and deeper analyses of the data to help readers understand both the implications and limitations of this research.
  4. Discuss practical steps and broader considerations, including genetic susceptibility, device usage habits, and the need for further large-scale research.

If you’ve ever wondered whether the baby monitor on your nightstand, the Wi-Fi router humming behind your desk, or the smartphone charging at your bedside could interfere with sleep, this article aims to give you a comprehensive overview of what the science says—so far.

Why Sleep Matters

Sleep as a Pillar of Health

Sleep is far more than a passive absence of wakefulness. During sleep, the brain and body repair themselves, memory traces are consolidated, immune and endocrine systems regulate, and key metabolic processes reset. Chronic sleep disruption has been linked to a wide array of health disorders, including cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, and mental health challenges like anxiety and depression. According to estimates, four out of every ten Australians—and a similarly large proportion in many other nations—are affected by insufficient or poor-quality sleep, leading to enormous social, financial, and health-related costs.

The Rise of Sleep Disturbances in a Hyper-Connected Age

Over the last two decades, sleep disturbances have soared in parallel with the proliferation of billions of mobile phones and wireless devices. The introduction of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and smart devices in our homes means that many of us live amid an invisible sea of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, often 24 hours a day. The real question is whether these radiofrequency exposures—at the intensities and durations common in household environments—meaningfully affect our sleep architecture and overall well-being.

Key Insights from the Study

A Novel, Real-World Approach

One aspect that sets this pilot study apart is its ecological validity. Whereas previous experiments on RF-EMFs and sleep often take place in controlled laboratory settings for short durations (sometimes just a single night), this study extended over multiple weeks in participants’ own bedrooms. By involving everyday living conditions, the study captured exposures that real people experience without the contrived conditions of a lab or hospital sleep laboratory.

Focus on a Common Household Device

Baby monitors are widely used by parents worldwide, but they emit significant amounts of RF radiation, often right next to where the parent sleeps. In this experiment, the researchers deployed a commercially available baby monitor that transmits 2.45 GHz radiofrequency signals using Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GFSK) and frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS). Over seven consecutive nights, study participants either had the “active” monitor (emitting RF radiation) operating in their bedroom or had a “sham” monitor that looked identical but emitted no radiofrequency signals. This rigorous double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design ensured that neither participants nor investigators knew which device was active at any given time.

Objective and Subjective Measures

To gauge the effect of radiofrequency exposure on sleep, researchers used both subjective and objective measures:

  • Subjective: The Pittsburgh Insomnia Rating Scale (PIRS-20), a validated questionnaire for sleep quality and insomnia symptoms.
  • Objective:
    • A single-channel portable polysomnograph (Z-Machine) that tracked EEG (electroencephalography) signals, focusing on activity in different sleep stages (such as NREM and REM).
    • Wrist actigraphy devices that tracked movement and estimated sleep parameters like sleep onset latency, total sleep time, and wake time after sleep onset.
    • Heart Rate Variability (HRV) measurements using a portable ECG device to explore any changes in autonomic nervous system function.

The combination of these metrics was designed to capture the full spectrum of potential RF-EMF effects—from subjective impressions of sleep quality to quantifiable changes in EEG spectral power.

Methods and Study Design

Participant Selection

Twelve healthy adults—three men and nine women, ages ranging from 18 to 56 years—were recruited under strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study required participants to have no significant sleep disturbances, avoid medication that might confound sleep, live in a standalone home (thus limiting external RF sources like shared Wi-Fi in apartments), and keep bedroom exposures (from sources like cordless phones or Wi-Fi routers) under certain thresholds (≤ 0.1 μT for ambient AC magnetic fields and ≤ 0.02 mW/m^2 for RF fields). This set of rules ensured that the baby monitor’s emissions would be the dominant nighttime RF exposure.

Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Structure

Over the course of four weeks, participants first underwent a one-week baseline. During weeks two and four, they were randomly assigned to an “active” or “sham” baby monitor, with a washout week (week three) in between. The baby monitors used looked identical and were installed in each participant’s bedroom—one unit near the bedside table and another at the opposite end of the room—to simulate real-world usage. Significantly, all outward indications (lights, displays, etc.) were deactivated so participants and the researcher could not identify whether the monitor was active or sham.

Power Dosimetry and EMF Verification

Before the study commenced, researchers tested the baby monitor’s transmitter power, which fell between 2.2 and 7 mW/m^2—well below the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines for public exposure of 10 W/m^2 for frequencies above 2 GHz. The investigators also measured background levels of RF and AC electromagnetic fields on participants’ beds before and after the study to ensure that environmental conditions remained stable and that exposures did not exceed the building biology guidelines.

Main Findings

Subjective Sleep Quality Deteriorates Under RF Exposure

A key finding was that participants reported significantly worse sleep quality as measured by the PIRS-20 scale during the “active” monitor weeks. Three participants scored above the threshold for clinically significant insomnia risk. Strikingly, this was observed despite the relatively modest sample size. These results echo previous survey-based studies in which individuals exposed to RF-EMFs (e.g., living near mobile phone base stations or using mobile phones excessively) often report sleep disturbances.

Changes in EEG Power Density

Even more revealing were the objective EEG findings: in Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep, participants exposed to the baby monitor’s radiofrequency displayed a statistically significant increase in power density in the theta, beta, and gamma frequency bands. While alpha-band changes did not reach statistical significance, the effect size was sufficiently large to suggest that a bigger sample might detect meaningful differences. This EEG-based evidence of cortical arousal or altered brain activity during NREM sleep provides a physiological correlate to the reported decline in subjective sleep quality.

No Significant Changes in HRV or Actigraphy

On the other hand, heart rate variability measures and actigraphy data showed no statistically significant differences between the active and sham exposures. Actigraphy, reliant on motion-based algorithms, may not be as sensitive to subtle changes in sleep architecture as EEG measures. HRV, which quantifies autonomic balance, also did not differ notably between conditions, potentially because the sample size was insufficient to pick up moderate effects or because the influence of RF-EMFs on autonomic regulation was small in a healthy adult sample.

Potential Influence of Age and Gender

Of the three participants who showed clinically meaningful declines in sleep quality, all were women in their 40s and 50s. This observation aligns with various reports indicating that older women are more likely to self-identify as “electrosensitive.” While the study did not investigate the genetic profiles of participants, prior research suggests that variants affecting detoxification or oxidative stress (e.g., GSTT1, GSTM1, CYP2C19*1/2) might predispose some individuals to be more sensitive to electromagnetic fields. Larger studies examining genotype, exposure history, and other demographic factors could illuminate why certain people appear more susceptible.

Analysis and Elaboration

Mechanisms of RF-EMFs on Sleep

The precise biological mechanisms by which RF-EMFs might disrupt sleep remain partially elusive, but several hypotheses have been proposed:

  1. EEG Modulation: Pulsed RF-EMFs may directly impact cortical neurons, leading to alterations in EEG power density, especially in alpha, theta, beta, or gamma bands. This direct neurological effect may heighten cortical arousal and interfere with deeper, more restorative stages of sleep.
  2. Hormonal or Neurotransmitter Disruption: Some theories suggest that electromagnetic fields could influence melatonin secretion or other neurotransmitters crucial for sleep regulation.
  3. Device-Induced Arousal: Even outside of biological mechanisms, a device presence (blue light, notifications, device checking) can lead to psychological or behavioral arousal, making it harder to fall asleep. In this study, however, the operational lights were deactivated to minimize participant awareness.
  4. Resonance and Modulation Effects: The specific combination of frequency, power flux density, modulation type (e.g., GFSK), and signal pulsing can lead to variable physiological responses. Some researchers argue that pulsed signals might trigger more potent biological effects than continuous-wave signals of the same average power.

Real-World vs. Laboratory Evidence

A major strength of this pilot study is its real-world setting. Laboratory experiments typically involve short-term exposures under meticulously controlled conditions, which might not accurately reflect how people use electronics in daily life—especially devices that remain active through the night. Laboratory studies also tend to measure immediate or short-term responses, whereas real-world usage often results in chronic or cumulative exposures. The results of this pilot underscore the importance of investigating real-life scenarios if we wish to develop health guidelines that accurately reflect everyday risks and behaviors.

The PIRS-20 Sleep Quality Metric

The Pittsburgh Insomnia Rating Scale (PIRS-20) is a robust tool used to gauge insomnia symptoms and overall sleep quality. It is sensitive enough to capture changes over short time intervals, making it ideal for a study exploring whether a single variable—RF-EMF from a baby monitor—can tip an individual’s sleep quality from “rested” to “troubled.” A notable aspect of this finding is that the average difference in PIRS-20 scores between the active and sham exposure conditions was large enough to reach statistical significance even in a small sample of twelve participants. This raises an important question: could the effect be even more pronounced in larger cohorts or in individuals who already have marginal sleep?

The Role of Genetics, Age, and Sex

As previously noted, not all participants responded equally to the presence of the active baby monitor. The fact that older women appeared most affected may point toward a multi-factorial phenomenon involving hormonal fluctuations, stress reactivity, or even psychosocial factors. Individuals with chronic diseases or genetic predispositions related to oxidative stress or DNA repair might be more prone to experiencing sleep disruptions or other symptoms linked to RF-EMF exposures.

Individual Sensitivity to Wireless Radiation

The theme of “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” (EHS) or “individual sensitivity” runs through this discussion. Many surveys worldwide document a subset of people who attribute insomnia, headaches, fatigue, and even cognitive difficulties to electromagnetic fields. However, objective studies yield conflicting findings, partially because EHS is not well-defined, and the “nocebo effect” (negative effects triggered by the expectation of harm) is challenging to rule out. The present study’s double-blind design is critical in minimizing expectation biases, suggesting that any observed changes in EEG or subjective sleep quality are more likely to be physiologically driven than psychologically induced.

Limitations and Future Directions

No study is without caveats, and this pilot project is certainly no exception:

  • Sample Size: With only 12 participants, the study was underpowered to detect subtle changes or to robustly analyze subgroups (e.g., by age, sex, or baseline sleep quality). A future larger-scale study is essential for confirming these preliminary findings.
  • Single-Channel EEG: While cost-effective and user-friendly, a single-channel EEG cannot match the resolution of a full polysomnographic assessment in a sleep laboratory. Future work might include more electrodes or advanced imaging to localize brain regions most affected.
  • Lack of Continuous EMF Monitoring: Although the researchers verified that background levels remained below specified thresholds, they did not continuously measure radiofrequency fields over the entire night. Portable personal dosimeters could offer a more precise measure of RF-EMF exposure.
  • Actigraphy Sensitivity: The actigraphy data did not reveal differences between conditions, possibly because movement-based algorithms might not capture subtle shifts in sleep architecture. More refined methods or advanced signal processing could yield deeper insights.
  • Confounding Variables: Even with careful instructions, participants might have varied their usage of other wireless devices or changed bedtime habits. The real-world approach is both a strength and a weakness—it captures normal behavior, but also introduces factors out of the researchers’ control.

How This Study Fits Into the Larger Body of Research

The question of whether exposure to RF-EMFs adversely affects human health remains open to debate. Regulatory agencies like the World Health Organization (WHO) and national bodies around the globe set exposure guidelines designed to protect against known harms, primarily thermal effects (i.e., tissue heating). Yet, an accumulating body of studies raises the possibility of non-thermal biological effects, including impacts on sleep, cognitive function, and cellular physiology.

Although earlier reviews often dismissed low-level RF-EMFs as insignificant, more recent systematic reviews underscore the inconsistency in results and the need for better-designed real-world studies. This pilot study by Bijlsma and colleagues adds a crucial piece of data, suggesting that everyday exposure—in this case, the typical baby monitor used for multiple consecutive nights—might have measurable consequences on both subjective and objective sleep metrics. Such evidence bolsters the argument for further large-scale real-world investigations and clarifies how complicated factors like modulation type, exposure duration, and individual susceptibility may shape our understanding of RF-EMF health impacts.

Practical Takeaways

Although more research is needed before drawing definitive conclusions or revising guidelines, the findings of this pilot study suggest a few practical steps for individuals concerned about possible sleep disruption from RF-EMFs:

  1. Location Matters: Whenever feasible, keep Wi-Fi routers, cordless phone bases, and other transmitters as far away from sleeping areas as possible. Distance significantly reduces power density.
  2. Nighttime Routines: Consider turning off or relocating devices that you do not need to run overnight, such as Wi-Fi routers or baby monitors that are not in active use.
  3. Use of Wired Alternatives: Explore Ethernet cables and wired baby monitor options (though less common, some do exist).
  4. Time and Dose: Minimizing overall exposure time, especially during critical rest periods, may help alleviate potential sleep disruptions.
  5. Personal Variability: Recognize that individual susceptibility varies. If you notice consistent sleep issues that coincide with device usage, you may want to run personal “off-vs.-on” experiments to see if removing or distancing devices helps.


Key Takeaways

The pilot study conducted by Bijlsma and colleagues provides preliminary evidence that a commonly used wireless baby monitor operating at 2.45 GHz may compromise sleep quality in some individuals when used in a real-world setting over multiple consecutive nights. While the measured increase in EEG power density during NREM sleep and the deterioration in subjective sleep quality are noteworthy, the small sample size underscores the need for further, larger-scale research to replicate and expand these findings.

Crucially, the study not only contributes to a growing body of literature linking RF-EMFs to possible non-thermal biological effects but does so in a context that mirrors everyday life more closely than single-night lab experiments. For those concerned about the potential impact of wireless radiation on health, these results offer evidence-based reasons to consider device placement, usage patterns, and personal sensitivity factors such as age, sex, and genetic predisposition.

A Call to Action

The debate over whether radiofrequency emissions affect sleep is far from settled, yet the stakes are high, especially given our dependence on wireless technology. Sleep is a foundational pillar of health—compromising it could translate into long-term wellness issues. Researchers, clinicians, and public health experts must continue investigating the effects of low-level RF-EMF exposure on sleep, ideally using larger cohorts, rigorous methodologies, and continuous exposure monitoring.

For individuals, the prudent path forward includes remaining informed and making lifestyle adjustments where feasible—particularly in the sleeping environment. For policymakers and regulatory bodies, these findings underscore the value of re-examining current guidelines, potentially incorporating considerations beyond thermal thresholds. And for the broader scientific community, the study serves as an invitation to explore innovative, real-world research designs that more accurately capture how technology use overlaps with critical biological processes like sleep.

We live in a time where knowledge about how our devices interact with our bodies is still evolving. By remaining open to new evidence and willing to adapt our habits if needed, we can chart a course that embraces the benefits of technology without sacrificing the restful nights on which our health so profoundly depends.

References and Further Reading

  • Bijlsma N, Conduit R, Kennedy G, Cohen M. Does radiofrequency radiation impact sleep? A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot study. Front. Public Health. 2024;12.
  • World Health Organization (WHO). What are electromagnetic fields? WHO EMF Program.
  • ICNIRP Guidelines (2020). Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz). Health Physics. 118(5): 483–524.
  • Building Biology Institute (BBI). Building Biology Evaluation Guidelines for Sleeping Areas.
  • Lustenberger C, et al. Effects of electromagnetic fields from mobile phones on EEG during sleep: the evidence from short-term laboratory studies. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 2013;17(2): 93–103.
  • Auvinen A, et al. Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and health – Risk assessment, health effects research, and supportive activities. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health. 2020;46(2): 163–165.


A recent pilot study has drawn attention to how commonly used radiofrequency (RF) baby monitors could potentially influence sleep quality and brainwave patterns. Conducted using a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover design in participants’ own homes, the research stands out for its real-world approach and clinically relevant outcomes. During seven consecutive nights of exposure to a 2.45 GHz baby monitor, participants reported notably poorer sleep on the Pittsburgh Insomnia Rating Scale (PIRS-20). Objective EEG data further showed significant increases in power density in the theta, beta, and gamma frequency bands during non-REM sleep. Although heart rate variability and wrist actigraphy data did not change significantly, the study’s results suggest that at least some individuals, particularly older women, may be more sensitive to this type of RF exposure. While the sample size was small and not all variables could be controlled in real-world conditions, these findings underscore the need for larger, more detailed investigations. In the meantime, simple precautions like distancing devices, turning off equipment when not in use, and monitoring personal sensitivities may be wise steps to maintain optimal sleep health.

  • FAQ 1:
    Q: Do baby monitors emit harmful radiofrequency radiation?
    A: Most baby monitors use 2.4 GHz radiofrequency signals, which comply with international safety guidelines. However, a recent pilot study suggests long-term nighttime exposure may alter some people’s sleep quality and EEG activity, warranting more research.
  • FAQ 2:
    Q: How do radiofrequency electromagnetic fields affect sleep?
    A: RF-EMFs might modify brainwave activity, particularly during non-REM sleep. Studies have reported shifts in EEG power density, which can coincide with subjective feelings of reduced sleep quality.
  • FAQ 3:
    Q: Is it scientifically proven that Wi-Fi or baby monitors disrupt sleep?
    A: While definitive proof is still under investigation, a growing body of evidence—including a recent double-blind, placebo-controlled study—shows possible effects on sleep quality and brain activity in some individuals.
  • FAQ 4:
    Q: What is a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study?
    A: In this design, neither participants nor investigators know who receives the active or inactive (sham) device. Each participant experiences both conditions at different times to minimize bias and improve reliability of the findings.
  • FAQ 5:
    Q: Are there guidelines for safe levels of RF-EMF exposure at home?
    A: International agencies like the ICNIRP set guidelines to prevent thermal effects. However, real-world studies suggest non-thermal biological impacts on sleep may exist, prompting further investigation into lower-level exposures.
  • FAQ 6:
    Q: Why are older women seemingly more affected by RF exposure?
    A: Emerging research hints that older women may be more susceptible due to hormonal factors, genetic variants, or age-related declines in cellular repair, but more targeted studies are needed to confirm these hypotheses.
  • FAQ 7:
    Q: How can I reduce nighttime radiofrequency exposure in my bedroom?
    A: Consider placing devices—like routers, monitors, or smartphones—farther from your bed or turning them off at night. Even small increases in distance can greatly reduce exposure levels.
  • FAQ 8:
    Q: What is the Pittsburgh Insomnia Rating Scale (PIRS-20)?
    A: PIRS-20 is a validated questionnaire used to assess insomnia severity and subjective sleep quality. In the study, higher scores during RF exposure indicated more significant sleep disturbance.
  • FAQ 9:
    Q: Does this mean all baby monitors are unsafe?
    A: Not necessarily. The study highlights the need for further research and suggests that effects may vary by individual. Still, it recommends caution and awareness, especially if you already struggle with sleep.
  • FAQ 10:
    Q: Should I stop using my baby monitor at night?
    A: If you’re concerned, you can try placing the monitor farther away or turning it off if not needed. It’s about balancing safety and practicality while awaiting more conclusive research outcomes.
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