

Understanding The Cell Phone Radiation Issue

Health Risks and Political Inaction

As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, voters are presented with an opportunity to address an overlooked public health crisis: the safety of wireless radiation and its potential health effects. This detailed analysis explores the positions of the leading presidential candidates—Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—on RF (radiofrequency) radiation safety and research, along with the science and policy issues at stake. Understanding where these candidates stand on RF radiation is crucial for safeguarding public health, especially for children.

What Is RF-EMF Radiation?

Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) are a type of non-ionizing radiation emitted by wireless devices. Unlike ionizing radiation (such as X-rays), RF-EMFs do not carry enough energy to remove electrons from atoms. However, RF-EMFs can still interact with biological tissues, leading to potential health effects.

Common Sources of RF-EMF Radiation Include:

  • Cell Phones and Smartphones: The primary source of RF-EMF exposure for most individuals.
  • Wi-Fi Routers: Emit RF radiation to maintain wireless internet connectivity.
  • Cell Towers: Emit RF radiation to provide wireless coverage, exposing people to emissions even when they aren’t using wireless devices directly.
  • Smart Home Devices: Tablets, laptops, and other smart appliances emit RF radiation, contributing to overall exposure.

The Science Behind RF Radiation and Cancer Risks

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted the largest and most significant cancer study ever done on RF radiation, with a decade of research and a budget of $30 million. The NTP study found clear evidence that RF radiation can cause cancer, specifically malignant brain tumors (gliomas) and heart tumors (schwannomas) in male rats. These findings challenged the wireless industry’s claim that RF radiation is harmless.

Confirmation from the Ramazzini Institute

The findings of the NTP study were independently confirmed by the Ramazzini Institute in Italy. Their research focused on far-field RF radiation exposure, like the type emitted by cell towers, and found similar results—an increased incidence of gliomas and schwannomas. These studies collectively demonstrated that RF radiation has significant biological effects beyond just thermal impacts, raising concerns for public health.

The Role of Regulatory Capture and Political Inaction

The dangers of wireless radiation are no longer speculative. Despite the mounting evidence, government action has been woefully inadequate due to a phenomenon known as “regulatory capture,” where regulatory agencies are dominated by the industries they are supposed to regulate. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the regulatory body responsible for RF safety guidelines, has failed to act independently and update its safety standards in light of new evidence.

The 2021 Court Ruling and the FCC’s Inaction

In 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that the FCC had failed to justify its decision to keep outdated RF radiation exposure guidelines from 1996. The court ordered the FCC to reassess its guidelines based on new scientific evidence and the health risks associated with RF radiation, including impacts on children and environmental effects on wildlife.

However, rather than complying with the court’s order, the Biden-Harris administration allowed these outdated guidelines to persist. This failure to act has significant implications for public health, especially for children, who are more susceptible to the risks posed by RF radiation.

Where the 2024 Presidential Candidates Stand on RF Radiation

Kamala Harris: Vice President of the United States

Kamala Harris’ failure to act on wireless safety guidelines could lead to increased cancer risks across America. Despite the 2021 U.S. Court of Appeals ruling, the Biden-Harris administration has allowed outdated RF radiation standards to remain unchanged. Harris has not taken any meaningful steps to enforce updated safety guidelines or expand research into RF radiation health impacts.

  • Regulatory Capture and Inaction: Harris has failed to enforce the court’s mandate, allowing the FCC to continue neglecting public health.
  • Cancellation of NTP Research: Under Harris, the NTP—the most comprehensive study on RF radiation—was defunded and effectively shut down, halting critical advancements in public health protection.
  • Lack of Advocacy: Harris has not advocated for revising RF radiation safety standards or increasing research funding, despite clear evidence of the risks involved.
  • Failure to Support Legislative Proposals: No legislative initiatives have been proposed by Harris to address RF safety or increase research funding.
  • General Support for Science-Based Policies: While Harris claims to support science-driven policies, her inaction on RF safety stands in stark contrast.

Donald Trump: Former President of the United States

During his first term, Trump appointed industry-friendly figures like Ajit Pai to lead the FCC, resulting in a continuation of outdated safety guidelines. However, Trump has recently acknowledged these past mistakes and has expressed a commitment to correcting them through collaboration with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

  • Commitment to Restore NTP Research: Trump has pledged to restore funding for the NTP’s RF radiation research, which was halted under the Biden-Harris administration.
  • Overhaul of the FCC: Trump has vowed to reform the FCC to eliminate regulatory capture, ensuring that public health is prioritized.
  • Updating RF Safety Standards: Trump has expressed his intention to update RF safety standards to reflect the latest scientific evidence on both thermal and non-thermal effects.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Independent Candidate

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a relentless advocate for RF radiation safety. His 2021 lawsuit against the FCC resulted in the U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that the agency had failed to justify its outdated safety standards. Kennedy has consistently pushed for independent research and emphasized the dangers of non-thermal RF radiation exposure.

  • Advocacy for Updated Safety Guidelines: Kennedy has long called for the revision of FCC safety standards to include non-thermal effects, particularly to protect children.
  • Criticism of Regulatory Capture: Kennedy has criticized the cozy relationship between the FCC and the telecommunications industry and has worked to expose these conflicts of interest.
  • Commitment to Independent Research: Kennedy advocates for increased funding for unbiased research into the health impacts of RF radiation and has criticized industry-funded studies for potential conflicts of interest.

The Human Cost of Inaction: Public Health Consequences

The Impact on Children

Children are particularly vulnerable to RF radiation due to their developing brains and thinner skulls, which allow for deeper penetration of radiation. Research shows that children absorb two to three times more radiation than adults from the same device, raising concerns about long-term exposure and potential health risks such as cancer and neurological disorders.

DNA Damage and Oxidative Stress

Scientific studies have found that RF radiation can cause DNA damage and increase oxidative stress in cells. These biological effects can lead to cancer over time, and they are not accounted for in the current FCC safety standards, which only consider thermal effects.

The Case of Beau Biden

One notable example highlighting the risks of RF radiation is the case of Beau Biden, son of President Joe Biden, who died from glioblastoma, a type of brain cancer. This type of cancer has been linked to RF radiation in both the NTP and Ramazzini studies. Despite this personal tragedy, the Biden-Harris administration chose to halt the very research that could prevent others from suffering similar outcomes.

The Misclassification of RF Radiation Health Risks

The misclassification of RF radiation health risks has led to a failure in adequately protecting the public. This misclassification has contributed to a lack of investment in safer technologies and a delay in policy changes needed to address the risks associated with RF radiation.

Misclassification Hindering Medical Advances

RF radiation has also shown potential for medical applications, such as the TheraBionic treatment, which uses specific RF frequencies to treat liver cancer without causing thermal effects. Understanding how to mitigate the risks of RF radiation while exploring its therapeutic potential is crucial for future medical advancements.

The Time for Change: Ending Regulatory Capture and Restoring Public Health

RFK Jr. and Trump’s Plan for Reform

The alliance between Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Donald Trump represents a bipartisan effort to address the unchecked health risks of wireless radiation and the regulatory capture at the FCC. Together, they have the opportunity to:

  1. Update RF Safety Guidelines: Ensure that the FCC’s guidelines reflect the latest scientific evidence, including non-thermal effects.
  2. Restart NTP Research: Reinstate funding for the NTP’s RF radiation research, which is crucial for understanding the long-term health risks posed by wireless radiation.
  3. End Regulatory Capture: Reform the FCC to prevent industry influence, ensuring that public health is prioritized over corporate interests.

A Call to Action: Vote for Health and Safety in 2024

As we approach the 2024 election, voters are faced with a choice that will determine the future of wireless radiation safety and public health. By voting for leaders committed to updating safety standards and restoring independent research, we can take meaningful steps toward protecting our children and future generations from the dangers of RF radiation.

RF Safe urges voters to:

  • Vote for Leaders Who Prioritize Public Health: Support candidates committed to updating safety standards and restoring research funding.
  • Raise Awareness: Share information about the risks of RF radiation with your community to increase public awareness.
  • Demand Accountability: Call on regulatory agencies to act in the interest of public health, not corporate profits.


The debate over cell phone radiation is not just a scientific issue—it is a public policy issue that requires immediate action. With the evidence of health risks becoming clearer every day, the need for updated safety guidelines and restored research is more urgent than ever. The 2024 election presents an opportunity to hold those in power accountable and demand that they take action to protect public health. Your vote matters—vote for the health and safety of our families and future generations.

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