

Wireless Radiation Attributed To Cancers that Claimed the Lives of Kamala Harris’ Mother and Joe Biden’s Son

Wireless technology has revolutionized our lives, but at what cost? Despite widespread reliance on mobile devices, there is growing scientific evidence linking wireless radiation to cancer—a link that could help explain the tragic loss of Vice President Kamala Harris’ mother, Shyamala Gopalan, to colon cancer, and President Joe Biden’s son, Beau Biden, to a brain tumor. The time has come for our nation’s leaders to confront the risks posed by radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and take immediate steps to protect public health.

Understanding Wireless Radiation and Its Health Risks

Wireless radiation, also known as radiofrequency radiation (RFR), is emitted by cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and other devices that we use daily. RFR belongs to the non-ionizing part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which means it does not have enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms or molecules. However, that doesn’t mean it’s safe.

Mounting research shows that even non-ionizing radiation can have profound biological effects. The traditional understanding, based on outdated FCC safety guidelines, assumes that RFR is only harmful if it generates heat, as seen in high doses. But thousands of studies now demonstrate that RFR causes DNA damage, oxidative stress, and disruptions to cell functions—effects that do not rely on thermal mechanisms. These non-thermal biological effects have been linked to several cancers, including brain tumors and colorectal cancer.

Beau Biden’s Brain Cancer and Wireless Radiation

Beau Biden, President Biden’s son, tragically died from glioblastoma, an aggressive brain tumor. While there are many risk factors for glioblastoma, one underexplored yet increasingly supported link is cell phone radiation. Beau Biden served as a military attorney and later the Attorney General of Delaware. His work exposed him to environments where high levels of radiation, both ionizing and non-ionizing, could have been prevalent. Like many of us, Beau likely used mobile phones extensively throughout his career—possibly for hours a day.

Research has shown a troubling link between prolonged cell phone use and the development of brain tumors. A 2011 classification by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) categorized RFR as a possible human carcinogen, specifically focusing on its link to brain cancer. Studies such as the 2018 National Toxicology Program (NTP) study provided more compelling evidence, revealing a clear connection between cell phone radiation and malignant gliomas in rats.

Glioblastoma, the type of brain cancer that claimed Beau Biden’s life, is often aggressive and has been shown in animal studies to be more likely to develop after long-term exposure to RFR. Many experts believe this is due to the proximity of cell phones to the head during use, which allows radiation to penetrate the brain and affect delicate tissue, potentially leading to cancerous growths over time.

Shyamala Gopalan’s Colon Cancer and RFR Exposure

Vice President Kamala Harris’ mother, Dr. Shyamala Gopalan, died of colon cancer, which disproportionately affects older individuals. Yet in recent years, we have seen a disturbing trend of colorectal cancer rising in younger populations—likely linked to new environmental risk factors, such as the increased exposure to RFR.

Dr. De-Kun Li, a senior epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente, has highlighted the growing body of evidence showing that carrying cell phones in pockets close to the body can increase the risk of colorectal cancer. His recent research on early-onset colorectal cancer (EOCRC) found a strong correlation between individuals who carried their cell phones below the waist for long periods and a significantly higher risk of developing tumors on the same side as their phone-carrying habit.

Colon and rectal cancer cells are among the most sensitive to radiation exposure, particularly non-ionizing radiation like RFR. Given the widespread practice of carrying cell phones in pants pockets, this could explain the rise in colorectal cancer among younger adults in affluent countries. While Harris’ mother may not have been a part of the early-onset group, the mechanisms by which RFR affects the cellular processes in the colon are the same, regardless of age. Colon cells exposed to non-thermal RFR may undergo oxidative stress and DNA damage, creating an environment where cancer is more likely to develop.

The Failure to Update FCC Guidelines and Restart NTP Research

Despite the mounting evidence, the U.S. government has failed to act. The FCC safety guidelines, created decades ago, are based on the assumption that wireless radiation only harms human health when it causes heating. Yet the scientific consensus has shifted—non-thermal biological effects are real and significant. The court-ordered re-evaluation of these guidelines has yet to be completed, leaving Americans vulnerable to the same risks that likely contributed to the deaths of both Harris’ mother and Biden’s son.

Even more alarming is the defunding of the National Toxicology Program’s wireless radiation research. This research had already found clear evidence linking RFR to cancer in rats. Yet, in a tragic misstep, resources were redirected to fund military efforts abroad rather than protecting American lives at home. If the NTP had been allowed to continue its work, we might already have stronger evidence to protect against the wireless radiation risks that plague modern life.

What Needs to Be Done

  1. Update FCC Guidelines: The current guidelines are woefully outdated and do not reflect the current understanding of RFR’s non-thermal effects. We call on President Biden and Vice President Harris to make it a priority to update these guidelines, ensuring that they reflect the most recent science and protect all Americans.
  2. Restart NTP Research: The NTP’s groundbreaking research was halted before it could fully explore the risks of wireless radiation. This research must be reinstated and expanded, with a focus on understanding how RFR contributes to cancers like glioblastoma and colorectal cancer.
  3. Public Education: People need to be informed about the risks of carrying cell phones close to their bodies. Public health campaigns should encourage safer practices, such as using speaker mode, keeping phones away from the body, and reducing the overall time spent near RF-emitting devices.

A Call to Action

Vice President Harris and President Biden have both experienced the personal tragedy of losing a loved one to cancer—cancers that growing evidence links to wireless radiation. Now, as the leaders of the United States, they have the opportunity to prevent further suffering by addressing the public health risks posed by RFR. Updating the FCC guidelines and restarting the NTP research are not just scientific necessities—they are moral imperatives.

Let us not wait for more lives to be lost. It’s time for action.

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