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FCC Capture: A Threat to Public Health

The influence of industry interests over the FCC has led to decisions that prioritize profits over the safety and well-being of the public. Here's a closer look at the issue.

What is FCC Capture?

FCC capture occurs when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the agency responsible for regulating communications in the U.S., becomes dominated by the very industries it is supposed to regulate. This can result in regulatory decisions that favor corporate profits over public health.

Historical Background

The roots of FCC capture can be traced back to the appointment of industry insiders to key positions within the agency. Over time, this has led to a revolving door between the FCC and the telecommunications industry, raising concerns about the impartiality of the Commission's decisions.

Impact on Public Health

As a result of FCC capture, outdated safety guidelines for wireless radiation have remained in place, despite mounting evidence of potential health risks. This failure to update guidelines in light of new scientific research puts the public, especially children, at risk.

Moving Forward

To protect public health, it is critical to address FCC capture by implementing reforms that ensure the agency serves the people, not special interests. This includes updating safety guidelines and holding industry accountable for their impact on health.

Take Action

We must stand together to demand that our leaders address FCC capture and prioritize public health. Here's how you can help: