@elonmusk @realDonaldTrump @RobertKennedyJr
Open Letter to Elon Musk
Dear Mr. Musk,
I hope this letter finds you well. My name is John Coates, and I am the founder of RF Safe, a website I started in the 1990s after experiencing a personal tragedy that changed my life forever. I lost my daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, to what I believe was exposure to RF radiation. This loss has driven my mission to educate the public on the potential dangers of wireless radiation and to advocate for safer technology.

I want to begin by expressing my admiration for the incredible work you are doing. Your vision and achievements in advancing technology, space exploration, and sustainable energy are truly inspiring. Your concerns about declining birth rates and the future of humanity are issues that resonate deeply with me as well.
However, I am concerned about your stance on the risks associated with cell phone radiation, particularly given your significant influence and involvement in the wireless industry through Starlink. While I understand that you may not believe in the dangers posed by cell phone radiation, there is a growing body of scientific evidence showing that non-thermal effects of RF radiation can have serious health consequences.
One area of concern is the impact on male fertility. Numerous studies have shown that exposure to cell phone radiation can damage sperm, leading to decreased motility and viability. As someone who is passionate about addressing the declining birth rate, I believe this is an issue that cannot be ignored.
Moreover, the field of bioelectricity, which is gaining increasing recognition in the academic community, highlights how subtle electromagnetic fields can influence cellular behavior. The potential effects of what I call “entropic waste”—the chaotic electromagnetic fields generated by our increasingly wireless world—on our bioelectrical systems are still not fully understood. This is why it is more important than ever to investigate these phenomena rigorously.

The U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) is set to host a pivotal conference on cancer bioelectricity on September 12th, where Michael Levin of Tufts University will be the keynote speaker. This conference underscores the growing acknowledgment that bioelectricity could hold the key to understanding and combating diseases like cancer. Levin’s work has shown how bioelectrical signals can influence cellular behavior, including regeneration and tumor growth, suggesting that subtle electromagnetic fields could have far-reaching implications for human health.
To draw a parallel from history, the shift from a geocentric model to a heliocentric one was not merely philosophical—it was driven by accumulating empirical evidence. Similarly, the growing body of research into the non-thermal effects of non-ionizing radiation challenges the outdated thermal-only paradigm that has long dominated regulatory approaches. Just as the realization that the Earth orbits the sun expanded our exploration of space, acknowledging and researching non-thermal effects could significantly enhance our ability to mitigate potential risks associated with non-ionizing radiation. This also opens doors to advancing medical technology, as Michael Levin’s research suggests.
We must also consider the effects on children’s development. Research has indicated that exposure to cell phone radiation can disrupt hormones, a factor that is especially concerning during the critical developmental stages of adolescence. Yet, there remains a significant gap in research focused on the long-term effects on teen health.
Unfortunately, progress in researching these effects has been slow, in part due to regulatory challenges and limited funding. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) cancer research on wireless radiation was a vital step in understanding these risks. I firmly believe that restarting this research and updating safety standards are crucial steps to protect public health.
It’s essential to consider the broader implications of this issue. President Donald J. Trump has pledged to empower Robert F. Kennedy Jr. with the full resources of the U.S. government to reform agencies tasked with protecting the public. RFK Jr. has successfully sued the FCC, proving that current safety standards do not adequately protect children. Trump's commitment to establishing a panel of top experts, including RFK Jr., to investigate the rise in chronic health problems and childhood diseases is a crucial step towards reclaiming regulatory agencies for the American people.
Mr. Musk, your position on this issue is significant, not only because of your influence but also because of your commitment to the future of humanity. I respectfully ask you to consider the evidence of non-thermal health effects and to support further research into the impact of RF radiation on bioelectricity and fertility. Your involvement could be a game-changer in advancing our understanding and in driving the adoption of safer technologies.
I would be honored to discuss this further with you or to provide any additional information that might be helpful. The risks are real, and the consequences can be devastating, as I have learned firsthand. With your leadership, we can ensure that the technology we create does not come at the cost of our health or our future.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
John Coates
Founder, RF Safe